03-07-1949 HUCM80 (70) Hutchinson Oil Co Snap -on Tools Corp Citizens Fank L L ?ipes Norwood Hcynnlds Earvey Schultz Don Rtismn,ssen Elmer `:white DUtlo.f `.I�iese1_oh Fred JurCblut.f John Fisher Postmaster, utcl- ,Anson, 17i�-n henry Zume ch rraTrhar Electric Co Inc Western Oil 8° Fuel Co Xlinn estern RAT Co '_�en D Jeral,ek Jo'r,r� Clark EZr� ctric `'o Sterling Electric Co °ink Si >r)ply Co McClain. Hed?rman Co The Sharples Corp Ruth - P3etker L L Ei. p es Norwood Re- 'Tnolds Harvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Elmer lchite Datlof 7,,Teseloh John: Fisher Hatch Oil Company Pete Nielsen Citizens Bank Plant Supplies 34.31' Plant Supplies 3.31' Eycl ia. r: {_ -e 11-06, Sa1^ry 84.11' Salary 95.02' Sa le ry 78-29' Salary 85.29' Salary 76-77, Salary 105.22' Salary 92.75 Salary 87.41' Off Supp Postage 312.80' Dist Inv 8.89' I'd s e Dist Inv. 929-84, Fuel Oil 6389-02' Dist Inv Frei -,ht on Fuel Oil 3112.62 ' Plant Supp Dist Inv Tri.iek Rep 762.24 ' Dist Inv 47.32' Dist Inv 28.76' Plant Sup>li,es 22.32 ' P18nt Sup;:)lies. 1.42 ' Other Equip 67.96` Petty Cash 14.42' Salary 95.49, S a 1 G r y 101.52' S a 1 e r y 76 .99 ' Salary 90.29' Salary 81.77 Salary 95.22' Sa la r7, 87.41' Lub Oil 1232.87' hlisc . 0 1 a n t- Exn. 6.25 Note Tr_t . 25270-80, There beinz no further Misinecs the meetinf- adioiarne,!. 6A C� R. dU. Dahl, Secre. ary. mT'Q f VeT) r esidentR. T. S . Ponthly I,eetinE Parch 7, 1949. Th'e re�,ular montr,_17T meet: nE of the Licht r,. Polraer Cor�:mission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppa.r.d's office at 7 :30 on �'arch 7, 1949. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Vou -n, -. T1,e m" "rites o t1-e last meet inE -, Fel)rluar- y 7, 1949, were read anti ahprov ed . Yoti on was urianirnou2-]_77 c^rried to ] -,ire _?ar-�,ey Daharsh, lineman, at tip1_.00 per hour, effective harcl- 21, 1949. The following hills -�° ere read an' all(— ed: Minn. ` :`.estern Ry Cc tiestern Oil & Fuel Co R. E Youn TvIrs Mlaurice K.litzke Duro Test Corp Line b'aterial Company Grf. har Electric Co Inc general Electric Co Sterli.n�Y• Electric Co �auade s. I'm Ble nn Hutch Sheet 114etal Nubs Buscl-i- Sulzer -)ros Mcld.aster -Carr Supply co Butch Tel Co John I Clark Electric Oo Hutcr Dr-; Cleaners 7V A Ostrom Breuer Electric b,fF- Co iiutch Oil Co ChicaF o Jr. of Commerce R Jorcenson Ad(9recsoFlreph- PAlIti ph Citie- Service St .tion �ilbrecht �)il Station Paciflc r'raln co Zila Ed.,le A 7 >;oe1 Corp Wollner PrtiF' Co Serr.ecll.er Ruth 'yet'- ,-er Troy Lzunderers F Clear. -s L L 13ines Norwood Reynolds Harvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Ei_rler ',11,te Datl( ,)f ' "lese1oh Johm Fi. sl er C i t i- e n. s 1?a n'r Automotive Surely Victor L. S.°ia_nson ��ili A:' Bur lg Stardeir! LFEf Lros., Tnc John L C1, -irk F':lectr. c (,o The ''an hdwe Cc-) Itiidwest Tool Service Tools Sales F3�zr ov -I is Ac' fir: Iv :acl :ine Co Sterlinc'Ll.ectrl.c Cr Snap -on Tools Corp Cr.3yl,ar E1ectr c Co c L L Sipes Norlraood Rejrnolcl s Harvey Sclultz Don t :.srmjs c en El-mer l`l ite �atlof �'�eselo'_;. l'isrer 11rai`-h.t on F -jet Oil r'�;e l Oil Mvisc Off Exp A 3,justment Plant Supplies Dist Inv Dist Inv Pla nt Su-op1j.es MV:dse, Plant S�,pplies Plaint s o Dist Tnv Yisc Off Exp R.ep R P, F,i. n Other equip ?Tni t 5 & 6 Tel N Tel Tools Dist In Uriforms 111ent Supolies 1 isc Off r.:p t�rE'r)ald T1"ls Sapp I'ruc l' rzepa i r s U Oil :,1�?nt . i,p )lies �r, ., ck 'eu , irs Prt; ^ Of- Slip in -'et l-Tr C:1sh ;) fl- her Laurdry Ljulary o) _ 5�31��r�T r '7 7 r r. c an e et.or Re° Int titer '?ef Int hiss T.., °pant ��o 11 S UU1S LI ip To -�1s EnUiu : �t'Tt ra'll" i�<C1Se Toc-ls v Equir; I..lse Dist Inv Tools Equip :; 1^ ry 3.1(,3ry l2 ry 5 .a a r, r Ss. J nry 31 (71) 735.71• 1522.68' 7.00 11.17' 52.72' 62.34' 774.07' 8.84' 10B .50- . 17.29' 9.40' 2.30 - 1200.00' 60.14' 226.01. 61.65• 5.41, '6.09' 25.54• 20.00' 11.90' 2.50' 3.00' 36.00 ' 5.75' 34.09' 7.05• 2`? .50 4.00' 20,16. 15.91• 84.11' 90.39 , 7P 9 85.29• 76.03 94 -?6 P7.41 16.93 6.18• 5.50, 20.55• 54.51 237.77' `. 13 35.00' 198.94 ' 7.25' 18.16' 18.14• 91.76' 82 .'72 - 89.41' 65.92' 78.32 71.59 33.37' 76.56' N 82 (72) Peter Wiser FZuth Snap -on Tools Corp Sterling Electric Co joly L Clark Electric Co CrLrhar Electric Cc Inc Lisc Plant Exp Petty Cash Tools & Equip Plant Suop, Dist inv Rdse Dist Inv Dist lr�T There VeInF no firther business the R. W. � R. I. Sheppa. d, Pre s1JrerT------- Yonthly beetinU. kyril 4, 1G49- 6.25, 21.37" 7.94' 123.2 7 - 3-47 17,57' The rn-lar w`:ntlly me t. Pf the Qjht P,: Fcvier Coirunission was held at Dr. R. 1. Sheppard's office at 7:30 or April 4, 1249. All comnlorinne-F Tpre present, also Sopt. YounE. T'-nc executive Trackk board of the McLeod Co-op. Power. Association also met with the commission, Main Other Equip at tie revuest of the eNecutive board, to discuss a nortract to be 5.51, efrective following the exuiratlon of the present contract, 1951. No vreic It Win. was taken. 607.51* Eptpr Re fins & lj hr. linter, of BucTl & Ginter EnFinncrinr Company, also met with the commission and w&s instructed to Jraw several temporary pluns for a yrBre-warehouse and hvatinE plart to he located East of the power plant. The followinE bills were read and allowed: Citizens hank Am. W o r Salem Inc. Telechron Inc Leeds A Torthrup Co SterlinF Electric Cc Unn Western Ry Co Drs. 7vrl 7-enn Ralph Vo"q-, a F 700 Futch Tel Cc Automotive SupulT,7- Hutchinson Oil Co Paterson Truck Service Fartwir 0 Schmidt Larson wnrw Equip tallner Printi, Co. Kennedy's Note k int. 27,144.25 - Trackk 3ep Gns 5 Oil 45-96' 7ep & Main Other Equip 50.00, Plant Sn- nlles 5.51, Finn Supp Ext Equip 17.14' vreic It on Fuel 011 607.51* Eptpr Re fins & lj 3-8e' Convention exp. Else UP Exy 26-60- Rep & main Ctl er Equip 5.5C 1 Tel 1 Tel 54-70, Flont SqYD S.661 Plant Sup,) 24-77' Truck aepwArs 5.20 , pinnt Supp 1.80' Autos R Trucks 25.00' Off Supp PrQ 18-00. &]nut Srpp Uniforms # 16.60, I