02-07-1949 HUCM1 1 .1 /9 (69) Monthly Deetir_L February 7, 1049 The re��ular monthl77 meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's of Pice at 7;50 on February 7, 1949. All Commissioners were present. Also Supt. �'ounF'. The mi notes of the last monthly meeting-,, JanuUr. -,, 3, 1949, were read and ao.p.roved. Motion was made and unani. ri,vsly c= grri.er-7 to r_ —e Daraliene K1inl;er a y�5.00 a month increase in salary, effective as of 1e? 1, 1949. Previous ^glary "1-25.0(1, per morith, present 150.00. The resi --nati.cn of T'elix Esx;inp, ,a=ss nreserrterj di,lv :acted upon. 14.otion was mide an:ll ca-red to -3c(''ept T.'s resl,"n ?tinny et "!active Yarch 1.St , an(J to -r2nt: r.im `ca S,IX mortht s le`lve of r3' -sence to �1. ^ -V '.'1.m his r;onus ,e arc ;r; Ju1_y 1st to T`arol) 1st, mounting- i o °04 —OC`. ?to_ion w s nn_ie artd c,-, , rle 3 to -° �; ] Esc -S,. ;l er Fros. 1,200.00 for four cyItivier heads, w;iich 1r' riot ;)rove s�+t Is 'acter-Y `1'h_ic amount is W of the on .inal rill_ _nr oC 0(>. Motion wrs made and carried to send hu,r-o 1,ran.cis. Ahrens to the Center For Continuation t,_,dv, rr* a.verS. it. cf i4 i ;r sota, Feb. 21 throe ^h Feb. 25, for riveter hr,-,sh -un work. All expenses to be Da1_d for 1 -;T! the L'ur- Iciroal. Flectric Plant. Motion made and una nimously, carried to place an ad in the Nutc>>inson Leader showint, our indebtedness and st?tin,_ than all o1h7_irrat1ons should ti ,,e on id in full by January 1, 1:15'. TT)e following- 'rills were re,Jd snd allowed: Br. aun' s Inc P Pl.,: r t S Supplies Leef Il_ros Inc O Other L L., , ;.zi: r�T Electric S> ,plpl-T Go D Dist Inv Leed & i�ort}irup Co P Plant S Supplies Square Cloth_in , Cc I ITniforms -Iuade i s D Dist I Inv Tools Ben D Jerabek P Plant S Suorli.es Woodwerd governor Co = = 'lent S Supplies Am. Loco Co U Unity i i , 2 5 Jo,n k Clark Electric Go D Dist I Iry VJestern Oil. R F -zel Co F Fuel a ail_ 1' inTl 7i iester Ry Co r r?'Ei` zit on Plant Supp 'Jr.it 1..75 ' 20.13 ' 12.07s 4-S3 1.90 y 77.92 .'70,* 177.11' 129-65, 3327.66 1608 -.?O 28 .31' 32.151 7.80/ 51.10 , 1.35 6.96 . 40.16 2 .50 15.03 ' 15.F_ >5 10.25 1.00 80 (70) Hutchinson Oil Co Snap -on Tools Corp Citizens Fank L L ?ipes Norwood Hcynnlds Earvey Schultz Don Rtismn,ssen Elmer `:white DUtlo.f `.I�iese1_oh Fred JurCblut.f John Fisher Postmaster, utcl- ,Anson, 17i�-n henry Zume ch rraTrhar Electric Co Inc Western Oil 8° Fuel Co Xlinn estern RAT Co '_�en D Jeral,ek Jo'r,r� Clark EZr� ctric `'o Sterling Electric Co °ink Si >r)ply Co McClain. Hed?rman Co The Sharples Corp Ruth - P3etker L L Ei. p es Norwood Re- 'Tnolds Harvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Elmer lchite Datlof 7,,Teseloh John: Fisher Hatch Oil Company Pete Nielsen Citizens Bank Plant Supplies 34.31' Plant Supplies 3.31' Eycl ia. r: {_ -e 11-06, Sa1^ry 84.11' Salary 95.02' Sa le ry 78-29' Salary 85.29' Salary 76-77, Salary 105.22' Salary 92.75 Salary 87.41' Off Supp Postage 312.80' Dist Inv 8.89' I'd s e Dist Inv. 929-84, Fuel Oil 6389-02' Dist Inv Frei -,ht on Fuel Oil 3112.62 ' Plant Supp Dist Inv Tri.iek Rep 762.24 ' Dist Inv 47.32' Dist Inv 28.76' Plant Sup>li,es 22.32 ' P18nt Sup;:)lies. 1.42 ' Other Equip 67.96` Petty Cash 14.42' Salary 95.49, S a 1 G r y 101.52' S a 1 e r y 76 .99 ' Salary 90.29' Salary 81.77 Salary 95.22' Sa la r7, 87.41' Lub Oil 1232.87' hlisc . 0 1 a n t- Exn. 6.25 Note Tr_t . 25270-80, There beinz no further Misinecs the meetinf- adioiarne,!. 6A C� R. dU. Dahl, Secre. ary. mT'Q f VeT) r esidentR. T. S . Ponthly I,eetinE Parch 7, 1949. Th'e re�,ular montr,_17T meet: nE of the Licht r,. Polraer Cor�:mission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppa.r.d's office at 7 :30 on �'arch 7, 1949. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Vou -n, -. T1,e m" "rites o t1-e last meet inE -, Fel)rluar- y 7, 1949, were read anti ahprov ed . Yoti on was urianirnou2-]_77 c^rried to ] -,ire _?ar-�,ey Daharsh, lineman, at tip1_.00 per hour, effective harcl- 21, 1949. The following hills -�° ere read an' all(— ed: