12-01-1947 HUCM48 (40 ) Postmaster, Hutchinson, Minn Peter Nielsen Postage Misc Plant Exp There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ITT s: .4 ep ar , Pres e (:::; - , 4W Dahl.,- ecre ary Monthly Meeting December 1, 1947 15.03 5.00 The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office at 7;30 p.m. on December 1, 1947. 411 Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly meeting, November 3, 1947, were read and approved as read. Motion was made and unanimously carried to increase the "cost of living" of every employee, expect Ralph Clasen and Philip Graf, $5.00 per month effective December 1, 1947. The resignation of Ralph Clasen was accepted. Resignation to be effective December 20, 1947. Motion was made and seconded to contribute $6,000 to the City of Hutchinson. Motion was made and seconded to give each employee a Christmas gift of $10-00. The following bills were read and allowed; Minn Western Ry Co Henry Zumach Citizens Bank Ruth Betker Cities Service Station Arvid A. Persian Automotive Supply Troy Launderers & Cleaners R. E. Young Sterling Electric Co Freight on Fuel Oil Ext Equip Exchange Petty Cash Gas & 011, Truck Rep & Main Misc Off Exp Plant Supp Other Laundry Misc Off Exp Dist Ext & Supp $,1,750.88 26.54 8.99 38.58 4.60 15.00 3.74 33.07 17.00 469.11 1 49 (41) H R Peterson cc Plant Supplies 47.76 •' Stearns Lumber Co Dist Ext 26.92 Thompson Yards, Inc Dist Ext 9.95 " Boulay, Anderson Waldo & Co Audit 365.00 - Allis-Chalmers Mfg Co Dist Ext 718-32. C Emery Nelson Inc Other Equip Ext Equip 650-00. Graybar Electric Co Inc Dist Ext 1,526.14' Breuer Electric T,�fg Co Other Equip 7.83 , W A Ostrom Co Plant Supp Tools 11.88 - Ideal Motor Co Plant Supp 3.75. Hutch Iron &Metal Co Dist Supp 1.50• Hutch Dry Cleaners Uniforms 53-15, Quadels Plant Supp & Dist Supp 28.82• Wallner Prtg Co Off Supp 29.15 Hutch Tele Co Tel & Tel 25.90. Mitchell Chevrolet Co Truck Rep & Main ' 4.75. Ben R Benjamin Plant Supp 4.00 - Wm D Viixcey Gas & Oil Truck Rep & Main 31-74. Minn Wisc Truck Line Unit ,#5 Equip Ext Dist Ext 125.45. Western Oil & Fuel Co Fuel Oil 3,486.69 L L Bipes Salary 91.40. Ralph Hakel Salary 92.42 Norwood Reynolds Salary 93-94- John Fisher Salary 83.01• Harvey Schultz Salary 70.88 . Don Rasmussen Salary 38.54. Datlof Weseloh Salary 73.19 Ralph Clasen Salary 65.10* Lyle Jensen Salary 70.00 Ruth Betker Petty Cash 28.26•, Pete Nielsen Misc Plant Exp 5.00 - L L Bipes Salary 80.22• Ralph Hakel Salary 77.61• Norwood Reynolds Salary 89.10 - John Fisher Salary 83.01 Harvey Schultz Salary 68.94 Don Rasmussen Salary 81.81 Datlof Weseloh Salary 68.44 - Ralbh Clasen Salary 46.90 Sterling Electric Co Plant & Dist Supp Dist Ext 427.16 Western Oil & Fuel Co Fuel Oil 2,799.13• Minn. Western Ry Co Freight on Fuel Oil 1,628.90• Busch - Sulzer Bros.- Unit #5 Ext Equip 811.28. Graybar Electric Co Inc Dist Supp 274.36 City of Hutchinson Disc Plant Exp 10.00• Crane Co. of Minn Ext Equip 68.54• B J Carney & Co Dist Ext 762.77 Addressograph -Mult Corp Off Supp 6.74 . Torrey Bros Truck Rep & Main 6.60• J I Holcomb Manf Co Plant Supp 27.53• M J Higgins Agency Prepaid. Ins 45.00, Bruce Motor Freight, Inc Unit #5 55.48 John A Clark Electric Co Dist Ext 162.24• General Mills , Inc Plant Supp 6.25 Schneider Electrical Wks Switchboard Ext 3,,530.00 • 50 (42) ' , J There being no further business the meeting adjourned. R. W. Da , eeretary AT'T'EST; R. I. Sheppard., Presiden January 2, 1948. Special Meeting. A special meeting; of the Light & Power Commission was held on January 2, 1948 at 8;00 p.m. at R. I. Sheppard's office. 1,1otion was made and seconded to purchase a turr_in lathe, with attac�Merts, from C. H. Stocking; of Hutch`nson, �Viinnesota, for the amount of X3,000.00. Motion was made and seconded that all mortuaries be billed on the commercial rate. In the past, they had been billed on residental rate. There being no further business the meetinm adjourned. C R. ',7. Dahl, Secretary ATTEST: I. eppard, President. January 5, 1948. TVIonthly Meeting. The regular m,�nthly meeting of the Light fie- Power Commission was held at R. I. Sheppards ►s office at 7;30 p.m. on January 5, 1948. All Com:°issioners were present, also Supt. Young. A request for release of 226 customers by the McLeod Co- operative Power Association was presented; Commissioner Dahl offered the attached Resolution and moved its adoption,,Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Motion was made to write a letter to Busch - Sulzer Bros. - Diesel Engine Co., St. Louis, 18, Prissouri, .regarding; re--placement of cracked cylinder heads. Motion was made to relieve Hugo Mlahs of all duties concerning collections. Supt. Youn €, will be assigned to collecting all delinquent accounts.