11-03-1947 HUCM46 ( 38 ) Special Meeting October 9, 1947 On notice duly given a special meeting Commission was held at the office of Dr. R. at 800 P. M. on October 9, 1947. All Commissioners were present. of the Light & Power I. Sheppard, President, Motion was made by R. W. Dahl and seconded by Dr. A. J. Thompson to hire Mr. Philip E. Graf of Elko, Nevada as Chief Engineer at a monthly salary of 500.00. Motion was unanimously carried. There being no further business the meeti g adjourned. R. W.-Dahl, Secretary AT TEST t 6;;?. R. I. eppard, r s en . Monthly Meeting November 3, 1947 The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard +s office at 7;30 p. m. on November 3, 1947., Commissioners Sheppard and Thompson were present, also Supt. Youn�. The minutes of the last monthly meeting, October 6, 1947, and Special Meeting, October 9, 1947, were read and approved as read. The following bills were read and allowed; Citizens Bank Exchange 8.71 Troy Launderers & Cleaners Other Laundry 31.67 ' Minn -Wisc Truck Line Plant Supp Unit #5 Mdse Dist Ext & Supp 30.91° Western Oil & Fuel Co Fuel Oil 2200.67° Minn Western Ry Co Freight on Fuel Oil 1296.53 Nordberg Manf Co Unit #4 510.00• Line Material Co Dist Ext 864.00, John A Clark Electric Co Dist Ext 135.36• Hutchinson Telephone Co Tel &. Tel 35.35 Ralph Hakel Salary 86.38, L L Bipes Salary 90-60- Norwood Reynolds Salary 93.09' John Fisher Salary 83.01 Harvey Schultz Salary 68.59, Don Rasmussen Salary 87.79° Ralph Clasen Salary 70.10 - Datlof Weseloh Salary 68.81 Schneider Electrical Works Switchboard Ext 4567.00• 1 47 (39) Minn Western Ry Co Freight on Fuel Oil 246.88, Sterling Electric Cc Plant Supp Dist Ext & Supp 275.03' Hutchinson Water Dept Water 49.68, R E Young Mise Office Exp 7.00• Minn Western Ry Co Freight on Fuel Oil 491.83, . Willmar Office Supply Co Office Supplies 1.85, Graybar Electric Co Inc Dist Ext Rep Supplies 857.17 Western Oil &. Fuel Co Fuel Oil 1256.49 Ruth Betker Petty Cash 45.89• Your Cities Service Station Gas & Oi1,Rep & Main 32.36. T E Lobeek Dist Rep 12.67• Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Div Dist Rep 4.95. The Hilliard Corporation Plant Supplies 80.00 Addressograph- Multigraph Corp Office Supplies 6.11, Thompson Yards I'�c Dist Ext 40.33, Stearns Lumber Co Dist Ext 26.88, B W Sams Lub Oil 23.85, Waiter Rippe Plant Su-_)p 4.60 Citizens Ins Agency Prepaid Ins 54.65 Reinhard Brothers Cc Unit #4 13.22 - Trusdon Laboratories Plant Supplies 36.40- Pacific Grain Co Plant Supplies 4.40_ Hutchinson Dry Cleaners Uniforms 35.75- Sterling Electric Company Plant Supp Mdse 30-22, L L Bipes Salary 102.17 Ralph Hakel Salary 95.11 Norwood Reynolds Salary 98.88 John Fisher Salary '87.84. Harvey Schultz Salary 73.92 - Don Rasmussen Salary 93.68 - Datlof Weselo Salary 73.19 - Philip E Graff Salary 211.00• Ralph Clasen Salary 78.80 Marjorie Emerson Sit Mist Off Exp 11.20. Minn Western Ry Co Freight on Fuel Oil X1768.29. Western Oil & Fuel Co Fuel Oil 1058.52• C. E Howe Equip Ext 747.18 - Minn Wise Truck Line Plant Supp Unit #5 Other Equip Dist Ext. 56.82. Woodward Governor Co Plant Supplies 1.42 - General Electric Supp Corp List Ext 137.18• Busch - Sulzer Bros - Diesel End; Co Units 5 & 6 669.55 - Graybar Electric Co Inc Dist Ext Supp 1104.83. H M Schmidt Ext Equip 4.74 - Citizens Ins Agency Prepaid Insurance 31.67. Leader Prtg Co Inc Off Supp tidv 355.70 - Arvid A. Persian ©ff..:.& pp Mis Off Exp 15.00 H I Dobberstein Lub Oil 66.23. The Sharples Corp Other Equip 394.55 - J Carl Sherer Rep & Main - Building 285.00. Sterling Electric Cc Dist. Supp 91.82 J H Julig Prepaid Insurance 38.05. John A Clark Electric Co Dist Ext 970.24. Line Material Co Dist Ext. & Supplies 441.83 Albert Christenson Meter Refund 2.22 48 (40 ) Postmaster, Hutchinson, Minn Peter Nielsen Postage Misc Plant Exp There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ITT s: .4 ep ar , Pres e (:::; - , 4W Dahl.,- ecre ary Monthly Meeting December 1, 1947 15.03 5.00 The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office at 7;30 p.m. on December 1, 1947. 411 Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly meeting, November 3, 1947, were read and approved as read. Motion was made and unanimously carried to increase the "cost of living" of every employee, expect Ralph Clasen and Philip Graf, $5.00 per month effective December 1, 1947. The resignation of Ralph Clasen was accepted. Resignation to be effective December 20, 1947. Motion was made and seconded to contribute $6,000 to the City of Hutchinson. Motion was made and seconded to give each employee a Christmas gift of $10-00. The following bills were read and allowed; Minn Western Ry Co Henry Zumach Citizens Bank Ruth Betker Cities Service Station Arvid A. Persian Automotive Supply Troy Launderers & Cleaners R. E. Young Sterling Electric Co Freight on Fuel Oil Ext Equip Exchange Petty Cash Gas & 011, Truck Rep & Main Misc Off Exp Plant Supp Other Laundry Misc Off Exp Dist Ext & Supp $,1,750.88 26.54 8.99 38.58 4.60 15.00 3.74 33.07 17.00 469.11 1