05-05-1947 HUCM4'uade I s Hutchinson `gel. Co. Busch- gul ;er giros . Standard Oil Company Peter Yielson Office Suoplies -Le1. s- let . U n i t 141. Plant Supnl.ies Yisc. Plant Exp. �- moist Supplies There heinr no further business the meetin,,- adjourned. 7(- R D97 , Secretary ATTEST : 66 - _ Y, Z Dr. R. I. Sheppard, PreS.. 5.551% 2,0.10 209.00 1.6.74 5.00 Monthly Meeting May 5, 1947 The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office at 7;30 p.m. on May 5, 1947. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly meeting, April 7, 1947, were read and approved as read. Motion was made, seconded and carried that in the Future, when meter changes are made, meters should be hooked up on the outside of the building. Motion was made, seconded and carried that each 8mployee be given a $10.00 raise per month, effective May 12 1947. Was Now Felix Esping - - - - 185.00 - 195.00 Ross Heilman - - - - 185.00 - 195.00 Edward Krantz - - - - 160.00 - 170.00 Leif Larson - - - - 200.00 - 210.00 Hugo Mahs - - - - 200.00 - 210.00 Francis Ahrens - - - - 160.00 - 170.00 L. L. Bipes - - - - .75 per hr. .798 per hr. Ralph Hakel - - - - .So,," 9 .848 " 1115-00 " Norwood Reynolds - - - .80 " " .848 " John Fisher - - - - .68 " i105.00 " .728 Harvey Schultz - - - - .70 " " .748 " " Don Rasmussen - - - - .70 " " .748 R. E. Young - - - - 325.00 - 335.00 Daraliene Klinger -: - Ruth Betker - - - - $135.00 - $145.00 28 BYO Motion was made, seconded and carried that Ralph Clasen be hired and at the hourly rate of .70 per hour. Motion was madd, seconded and carried that Donald.Rasmussen be given .Og per month - Cost of Living. yo .oe The following bills were read and alloweds Felix Esping Uniforms Troy Launderers & Cleaners Other Laundry Sterling Electric Company Dist Supplies Western Oil & I Vuel Company Fuel Oil Line Mater3A1 Company Dist Supplies Stearns Lumber Company Dist Supplies Busch - Sulzer Bros. - Diesel Engine Company Unit #5 Electric Supply Company Dist Supplies Minn. Western Ry. Company Freight on Fuel Oil Hutchinson Sheet Metal Wks. Other Equip. -Rep. & Main. Torrey Bros.-Direct Sery -St •Gas & Oil Cities Service Station Truck Repairs Ideal Motor Company Plant Supplies Citizens Bank Exchange Shell Oil Company PAint Supplies Hutchinson Dry Cleaners Uniforms Hennepin Hardware Company Other Equip. -Rep. & Main. Hutchinson Oil Company Lub Oil L L Bipes Salary Ralph Hakel Salary Norwood Reynolds Salary John fisher Salary Harvey Schultz Salary Donald Rasmussen Salary TIC -no 1 i sna 714 ttr,Ari nt7} } Minn Western RY Co. Western Oil & Fuel Co. Minn -Wise Truck Line Philip E Graf Western 0il & Fuel Co Minn. Western Ry Co Ruth Betker Lyle R Jensen L L Bipes Ralph Hakel Norwood Reynolds John Fisher Harvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Citizens Ins. Agency .A,ddre s s ograph -Mult igral Firestone Store Snap -On Tools Corp Crane Company John A. Clark Electric Am Loco Company Peter Nielsen Freight on Fuel 0 Fuel Oil Units #415,6. Misc Off Exp Fuel Oil Freight on Fuel Petty Cash Clerical Services Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Prepaid Ins h Prtg Off Supp Truck Rep & Main Plant Supplies Plant Supplies Comp-Dist Ext Units #1,2,3• Misc Plant Exp it Oil 11.47, 12.91, 86.12, 3085.92' 7.00 - 2.18- 199.64 210.05 - 1842.63- 8.35N 30.77, 4.95, 6.00, 9.33 7.37 - 10.00N .50- 2471.16- 88.00- 85.70- 87.10 78.72- 65.30- 72.80- 304.10, 509.03 5.21- 91.26- 1427.54 1709.21 - 49.92- 45.00- 88.00- 84.50" 89.20 74.28 - 64.30- 72.80. 208.00' 2.26- 7.95' 12.01 - 9.66' 33.00 95.40 5.00./ 1 29 /r 7) Sterling Electric Company Minn Western Railway Company Western Oil & Fuel Company Graybar Electric Co., Inc Plant Supplies 30.46 - Freight on Fuel Oil 489.44, Fuel Oil 2249.37, Dist Supplies 153.44\ There being no further business the meeting adjourned. 6 (so W�__ R. W. Dahlp Secretary ATTEST t ( 1 c W. R. I. Shoppards Pres. Special Meeting May 16, 1947 Minutes of Joint Meeting A joint meeting of the Light and Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson and the Executive Board of McLeod Cooperative Power Association was held at 9 :30 otclock p.m. on the evening of Frfiday, May 161 1947. Said meeting was called to order by R. W. Dahl, Secretary in the absence of R. I. Sheppard, President of the Light and Power Commission. The McLeod Cooperapive Power Association submitted a request for release$ of a certain territory known as the "southwest" area and as the "east" area and the area requested to be released was specifically defined and set forth in Exhibit A and.Exhibit B attached to said re- quest, and is described as follows, to -wits Exhibit A "insert description from Exhibit A ", Exhibit B "insert description from Exhibit B•" . The matter of releasing the area in question was discussed by both bodies and at the conclusion of the discussion it was moved by Commission- er Dahl and seconded by Commissioner Thompson that the area requested to be released be released and the McLeod Cooperative Power Association formerly advised of such release. Upon roll call both Commissioners voted "Aye.*. There were no contrary votes. ' W Dahl, Secretary ATTESTS . I. Shoppardp Pres.f