03-03-1947 HUCMSpecial Meeting February 21, 1947 On notice duly -iven, a special meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard, President, at 7;30 p.m. on February 21, 1947. All Commissioners were present. Also Supt. Young, Mr. Winter of Buell Az Winter Co. and Mr. Pedersen of Schneider Electrical ',works. Motion was made, seconded and carried to accept all extras to W. A. Kepp & So-s Co. contract price. The amount of the extras being 51,409.85. Puotion was made, seconded and carried to accept Schneider Elect- rical Works contract - for an addition to the present switchboard for the amount of �ti16,038.00. .175.00 allowed for extra cable. Y'rotion was made, seconded and carried to serve papers on owner of the house e-^st of the LIP-ht Plant, l r. Roy Steele, for the pi.irpose of informing him that same rouse should be moved within ninety days after March 1, 1947. There }rein- no further business the meeting° adjourned. ATTEST; i. ".'. ahl, Secretary. _.._ r. R. I. Sheppar , esi ent. 1'.'lonthly "eeti g It "arch 3, 1947 The reCular monthly meetin of the Light 9: Power Commission was held at the Ll.t --ht Plant office at 5;00 p.m. on lv�arch 3, 1947. Commissioners Dahl and Thompson were present, also Supt. Young. The minutes of the 7p st monthly meeting, February 10, 1947, and of the Special 1','eeting, re?- ,ruary 21, 1947, were read and approved as read . Tr.e following bills were read and a llo�oed Hutcr .nson. T>r.y Cleaners T ,itch Iron , Xetal Co Zj_Za TTa.rdwere Leonard M1. Lerberg :"dalter Kidde Co. Inc Stearns Lumber Co Mcillaster -Carr Supply Co T'niforms 43.15 ' Dist Ext Plant �- Dist Sup_ p 1.50 12.69' Plant Supp 8.31' Ext y,auip 36.00' Dist Ext 25.05• Plant Supp 1.22• C �l Graybar Electric Co, Inc Dist Supp 3.74 - Allis- Chalmers Manf Co Dist Supp 106.08, Peterson Truck Service Truck Rep ?,: Main 15-55, Thomnson Yards Inc Dist Supp Ruth '3etker Petty Cash 30.45• Hutchinson Telephone Co Tel. " Tel. 41.001 V„ A Luedtke Truck Gas &;. Oil 29.10. Ideal A:otor Co Plant SuDnlies 3.75 - .Hutchinson Sheet Yetal Wks Rep ?-. iMain- Other Equip 2.35- GeorCe Paeh. Truck ',as ?x, Oil 2.50• AddressoC,raph- l,ultirranr Corp Office Supplies 2.60• Busch.- Sulzer Bros. TTrnit #5 6.09 aterli_nc• Electric Co Plt Supp Dist Ext Switchboard Rep Nfdse 85.80, lNesterr. Oil ,9,• Fuel Co i''uel Oil ?191.85- Railway Express Af;ency Plant Supp 64.30 • Minn Western Ry Co 4reiFht on 'Fuel 1525.53 L L tripes Sglary 86.00' Ralph Hakel Sa l ^r -r 71.10• Norwood Revnolds Salary 73.70 r John Fisher Sg1nry 79.40• Hars.Tey Schultz S lary 65 .00 Donald Rasmussen Sa1^ry 73.50•, Lyle Jensen ('l_ericl:l Services 35.00' Citizens Pang Exc:h.^nme 9.18• Sterlinr Electric Co 7 ; Q Sur)n 4P -19' Line Nip terial Co. Dist Ext . 460.00' Albin E- Carlsen Drug- Store Plant Supp 4.50• Cravbar Flectri.c Co� Inc ?fist Ext & Supp 58.58• T'uell L 'Hinter, En�-ineers T?n7 Services 2000.00- Schneider. Elec. ':I;orks I':d�l Cost New Enfrine 1917.60' 1H A Keen ?- Sons Co �dv Cost New En -ine 2000.00• Ferry R Jensen, `T'reas . Series "I"i" '.onrls ?c Int 2,1056 .25• Hutchinson Oil Co Lub �)- 1 3.95* Craybp±r Electric Co Trc Di.st 7 x t 53.25 Busch - Super '='ros . Unit 5 11.88 C Emery Nelsen Inc yep c Main -Other Equip 37.20 ?'1r,•Ctuc115 Ifi'i n,- la2.chine Cc r: Sl' i j'.f Exn G. i^ ' Snap -On Tool Corp. r r t Supp X7.68 ?3ru,- --ist Plant Supp 3.40 Am Loco Co Units 1 2 3 48.10• Peter c ','! red 1.`1.11.er r:i st . rxt 50.99 ! estern Oil °. Fi,(-1 Co. -1'1zel 011 1824.63 • 1,, inn '.`,esterr. lilr Co Frei,­'rt on 1�uel 1234.96' L L �?i yes SE)lary 77.50- Ralph Hakel Sal?r7T 61.30- Norwood Reynolds Si Lary 71.30, John "usher Salary 69.56' uart,ey Schultz Salary 85.10• Donald Rasmussen S -n lgrt1- (31.60• Peter Yielsen T"'Isc P l ant rxp 5.00 Ruth ??eeter Petty C s'n 2,1.37 T!inn "Iestern Rv Co Fuel Oil 7rei­ht 492.78• ,'estern Oil .a- i''uel Co. 7 ue1 :'i1 728.69 R. E. Young- Iv- isc C)ff rxp 5.00• '�_ddressorrranh- 1'ulti.. rape Corn ice Su��pl.ies 1.34' general Electric Sia -)nly Corp 26.85 Plant a _,;o 26.85• Trot* I;aun lerers ? Cleaners Otr er Laundry 17.77' 7.1hite EnFle n1l Station Yeter Refund ?nt 20.84 `"eor e 73ach n It it 5.40 . Emma Fines ,► It it 6.08- Rudolph nlaehler 5.23 B. W. Dobrat z „ '► " 6.53- Joe Ehiem " " " 6.35• A. F. Noel " " " 26.80• Frank Kruer er 5.29- Irving Larson " " " 16.20• 1,1. C. Madsen, Jr. " " " 54.90• Dr. Yenreth Peterson " " " 5.21 CeorM1e C. Popp 5.21 Frenz Zieh (UO.•,I) " " " 5.26 Torrey Brothers " 1p " 37.00• Pat Patton " " " 43.56• Schneider Electrical Works Switchboard Ext 4009.50• There '­ ein<^. no further business the meetinc- adjourned. R. `7. Dahl, Secretary. PIT TEST T ,r. R. _ heppar , P esident. Monthly Meetinp April 7, 1947 The refrular monthly meetinp of the 1A.� ht s- Power Commission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office at 5;00 rm. on April 7, 1947. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Younp;. The minutes of the last monthly meeting, April 7, 1947, were read and approved as rend. Yotion was made, seconded and carried that Ralph Hakel and Nor- wood Reynolds ?-)e -iven a .10 nn hour raise (from ".70 to 'a.80 Der hr.) starting April 1, 1947. Flotion was made, seconded and carried to - purchase approximately 100' of land adjacent to the Fast side of the Li. -ht Plant property from the Rrinnesots `.�estern Rail,..ay Compansr for the sum of `"736.00. Motion was made, seconded and carried to purchase four fuel oil storg,--e tanks with a capacity each of 25,600 Callons. Motion was made, seconded and carried to increase the wind-