12-02-1946 HUCMAllis- Chalmers ''anufactur n:M Company Plant Supplies 5.83 Sterling; Electric Company J Plant Supplies Mdse 31.16 n, .nn . -Viise . Truck Lines Plant Supplies Y'ni t !�5 35.70 There bei.nF, no further business the rr.eetin; adjourned. C:�;17ta6). R. 'N. Dahl, Secretary. ATTEST.-_(-�?, � Dr. R. I. S eppard, President. Decem,-)er 2, 1946. Monthly T„ eeting The monthly meeting cf'the LiF,h.t p -. Power Commission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office at 7;30 P. M. on December 2, 1946. Minutes of the last monthly meeting, November 4, 1946, were read and approved as read. Motion was made, seconded, and carried to buy seven chrome liners for Unit #5. Motion was made, seconded, and carried to Company for bids on three new switchboards for Motion was made, seconded, and carried to Company and 0. T. our share of expenses incurr Motion was made, seconded, and carried to the Light Plant a '5.10.00 Christmas Ponus. Motion was made, seconded, and carried to and to pay him $.70 per hour. ask Commonwealth Electric distribution extension. write to Cooper Petroleum �d in legal case over freight, Eive each employee of hire Donald M. Rasmussen Motion was made, seconded, and carried to rent John Kennedy's garage for the Plymouth at the rate of ' 4.00 per month. The following• hills were read and allowed; Mitchell Chev. Co. Truck Repairs 5.35' G B Frederickson Rep Q- Main- Other Equip 31.50• "'alter B Peterson Zila Hardware Torrey 'giros- Direct Service Hutchinson Dry Cleaners J. F. RiesberE Leonard M1. Lerberp: Hartwig Schmidt Citizens Ins. P: -ency Ideal 117otor Company r"eneral. Electric Corp "'raybar Flectric Co Tnc Schneider Electrical Sterl.in" Flectr.ic Co jTonan -Crane Corr, Futchinson Telephone Co 'acl arach. In:? Tnst Co Line 111!aterial Co Am. Bosch Corporation John A. Clark Electric Co F • ?:Air Sams Ruth BetlT r R E Young Am. Locomoti -e Co 'Nestern 01,1 _'• Fuel Co Citizens dank i,,inn. 'Western Railway Co Am Locomotive Co L L Bipes Ralph Nnkel. Norwood Reynolds John Fisher Harvey Schultz Farmer's Coon. Flev. kss'n Sterlinn Electric Co Busch - Sulzer T?ros.- Diesel Elmer Jensen Kems'Te Paper Company Ernest T,'i sr. er ..'- ^llner Pri.ntinm Co nddresso- raz�h- A'ultir ^nh C, Leader Prt . Co Inc Rockite Silo Co Poulay Anderson 'Iialdo Co Minn Western Railway Co �A'estern Oil Rc Fuel Co. Sears, Roebuck Q-, co ?'srry Jensen, Treas,City o Lyle Jensen cI:eod C000 Power Ass - Emmert Jenneke Sears Roebuck and Co Steele Votor Co. R. J Miller Equip Co Schneider Electrical Arorks Ruth etker Crane Co. of Minnesota Sterlin{- Electric Co. Truck Repairs Plant Supplies Cas �,, Oil Uniforms Plant Supplies Plant Supplies Plant Supplies Prepaid Sns Plant Supplies Pla nt Supplies Dist Sur)nli.es Dist " _Inpli es Plant Sups) Dist Suno Pla? nt Supplies Tel 9. Tel Plant Supplies Dist Supplies Units 1 R 4 Dist Sunolies Taub Oil� Petty Cash T T n i t ;_5 ?1ni is -4, -1 2 3 Puel Oil EXc h•`,, n r•e 'Fuel Oil Units 4'1 2 3 Salary Salary S";lary Salary Sn 1'�ry Plant Sunpli.es Plant Re Dist Sur)-)lies EnC.Unit Dist EXt Office Supplies , Unit #5 Prt,- Office Sun_ plies orp Office Sunnl.i.es Office Supp Adv Pist P: "a in 4udit Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Truck 11a in f .Contri,hutior Clerical Services PrtC Iveter Refund Tools' and Other Foui-o Dist Mlain Dist Supplies Adv Cost New Enmine Petty Cash Plant Supplies Plant Supplies 9.00 14.49 10.30 37.35 3.37 • 6.96 9.58 6.07 x.75 •78.62 277.50 •126.90 • 105.73 9.34 ?5.00 10.12 167.52 •78.09 ' 11? .12 41.34 23 .9? 3.60 •6.66 730.03 7.18 498.53 145-00 105.13 71.10 80.75 78.72 65.00 • 4.00 19.54 57.46 4.25 12.78 32.35 '2.3.75 • 1.70 287.10 6.75 '335.00 551.35 807.82 37.72 10,000.00 • 35.00 84.00 4.37 6.06 • 1.00 2.95 4,113.54 33.62 8.50 17.88 r �J The Hilliard Corporation Plant Supplies 1 19—C Diesel Service Company Equip Vxt 168.75 Y. J. TIit mi ns Ins. h ency Pre-on, d Ins 33-06 The Sharpies Corporation Plant Supplies 1.04 Electric Supply Co. Dist Sup�ali_es • 67.31 Nordherg Yanf • Co. Unit #4 77.83 Pusch- Sulzer Pros . ?Tnit #5 • 706.78 'Nestern Oil 9' Fuel_ Cc -P1aeT Oi.l. ' 658.R7 T'ir_n estern Railway Co Fuel ( it 449.84 i� Pete Nielsen Y,isc Plant Lxp 5.00 Postmaster, Hutchinson T, "inn Office Supplies 30.00 Ralph Nakel Salary 65.80 Norwood Reynolds an?_ary -71.90 John r'isher Salary 78.72 Harvey Schultz Salary •59.70 L L Bipes Salary 93.50 Runde ►s Plant Dist Supplies Ydse 19.20 Prlinn °estern Railway Co. Fuel Oil Dist Rep &; Main •1,270.02 Henry Zumach Dist Supplies 13.53 t 1.1iestern Oil Fuel Co. Duel Oil 1,943.11 Pusch- Sulzer ',ros- Diesel Lnr 45- TTn1.t 155.35 Allis-Chalmers Yanf Co Dist Supplies 230.52 Crane Co of Minn I'xt Equip 3.47 Chemical Sales &- Safety Co Plant Supplies 9.50 Ruth Meeker Petty Cash 17.18 =' Line Material Co. gist. Supplies 59.36 There hemp; no further '-usiness the meeting adjourned. W. R • IN • Dahl, Secretary. T _.TFST,� _ Dr. R. I• heppar., Presi.den�. January 6, 1947. Monthly Tvleettnz • The re -ular monthly meetint of the I;i °ht �- Power Commission was held at Dr. R. T. Sheprnrdls office at 7t30 p.m. on January 6, 1947. The minutes of the last rrnrtT ly meeting_-., Decemrer 2, 1946, were read and approz,7ed as read. The motion was made, secon T "innesota T,-inin` Company on the the re7ular posnler rate. NTotion was made, seconded, ;10.00 for unused vacation. led, and carried that we meter the -ori_mary side of t'�e transformer on and carried t}i.nt Hup.o Mahs '�e riven /S