11-04-1946 HUCMNovember 41 1946. Monthly Meeting. The monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office at 7;30 P. M. on November 4, 1946. Minutes of the last monthly meeting, October 7, 1946, and of the Special Meeting held on October 28, 1946, were read and approved as read. Motion was made, seconded, and carried that a portable light plant be purchased for emergency lighting. Motion was made, seconded, and carried that a recommendation be submitted to the Civic & Commerce Association to dispense with the Christmas street lighting decorations this year due to a shortage of electricity. Motion was made, seconded, and carried that all outlying street lights be left off until after the peak load is over. Motion was made, seconded, and carried that a large overhead door be installed in the new addition to the plant to replace the door which was removed for installation of the new engine. Motion was made, seconded, and carried that the following credits and additions be accepted on the contract price of the new engine; Cancellationof a duplex line strainer for fuel oil. $150.00 Test pump for fuel injectors with pressure tauge. 50.00 Elimination of special tools and wrenches(which we have) . 450.00 650.00 Addition of special tools. The following bills were read and allowed; Hutchinson Oil Company Citizens Bank Western Oil & Fuel Company Minnesota 'Ptestern Railway Company Sterling Electric Company Lodes Hardware & Appliance Herman Schmidt Quade's Ideal Motor Company Graybar Electric Co., Inc. 58.00_ 592.00 Lub Oil $1,635.22 - Exchange 6.98 - Fuel Oil 323.41 - Freight on Fuel Oil 222.04' Mdse Plant g� Dist Supp 12.97, Plant Supp Tools 20.98 - Eng #1 2 3 Dist Rep Dist Supplies 8.85' Dist Rep Mdse 39.45 Plant Supplies 1.75, Dist Supplies 696.91' C. Emery Nelson, Inc. Plant Supplies 240.00 Busch - Sulzer Bros.- Diesel End•. Co. Unit #5 -1.14 Zila Hardware Plant Supplies - 3.96 Central Supply Company Plant Supplies 2.59 Vo'estern Oil & Fuel Company Fuel Oil -405-57 Minnesota Western Railway Company Freight on Fuel Oil - 276.97 Joe Julig Prepaid Insurance 32,.28 L. L. Bipes Salary 94.00 Ralph Hakel Salary • 70,.40 Norwood Reynolds Salary - 76.50 John Fisher Salary 78.72 Harvey Schultz Salary .64.30 Lyle R. Jensen Clerical Services .50.00 Kemske Paper Company Office Supplies 2.18 The Hilliard Corporation Plant Supplies •'56.00 General Electric Company Switchboard ,5.18 Nordberg Manufacturing Company Unit #4 25.50 American Locomotive Company Units #1 2 3 -200-00 Minn. -W'isc • Truck Lines Unit #5 9.78 Automotive Supply Plant Supplies -4.38 Graybar Electric Co., Inc. Dist. Supplies 11.28 Kennedy's 7nif orms 14.90 Burrou - -h's Adding T,Tachine Co. Office Supplies .54 Helwig Company Unit #5 •11.77 Central Supply Company Plant Supplies 20.45 Schneider Electrical ':'orks Dist. Rep Main 365.04 Western Oil &- Fuel Company Fuel Oil 1,857.02 Allis- Chalmers Mf`-•. Co. Plant Supplies 5.83 Sterling- Electric Company Dist Supplies 18.35 R. E. Yount, Ad77 . Cost of New Eng 8.40 Yinnesota 'Nestern Railway Company Freight on Fuel Oil -1,267.78 L. L. Pipes Salary - 98.00 Ralph Hakel Salary -75.30 Norwood Reynolds Salary 84.90 John Fisher Salary X3.16 Harvey Schultz Salary 68.80 T. rT. dueller Misc Plant Exp 5.00 R. E. Young Misc Off Exp Bldg Ext Adv Cost New Engine -6.30 Ruth ?etker Petty Cash 26.55 Minnesota ,estern Railway Company Freight on Fuel Oil 225.06 T. E. Lobeck Dist Rep 8.30 Citizens Insurance Agency Prepaid Insurance 31.67 Ceorge Bach Truck Vain 8.08 A.T. J. Higgins Aency Prepaid Insurance 26.25 AddressoE-raph- , "iultigraph Corporation Office Supplies 2.43 American Locomotive Company T,nits #1 2 3 6.90 'Nestern Oil n,,_ Fuel Company Fuel Oil 324.09 Diesel Publications, Inc. T'isc Off Fxp 3.00 TT'ordberg Tfanufacturin�- Compgnv TTnit #4 66.98 r�ra�T r Electric Conpery ?fist Sl)nnlies 38.12 Allis- Chalmers ''anufactur n:M Company Plant Supplies 5.83 Sterling; Electric Company J Plant Supplies Mdse 31.16 n, .nn . -Viise . Truck Lines Plant Supplies Y'ni t !�5 35.70 There bei.nF, no further business the rr.eetin; adjourned. C:�;17ta6). R. 'N. Dahl, Secretary. ATTEST.-_(-�?, � Dr. R. I. S eppard, President. Decem,-)er 2, 1946. Monthly T„ eeting The monthly meeting cf'the LiF,h.t p -. Power Commission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office at 7;30 P. M. on December 2, 1946. Minutes of the last monthly meeting, November 4, 1946, were read and approved as read. Motion was made, seconded, and carried to buy seven chrome liners for Unit #5. Motion was made, seconded, and carried to Company for bids on three new switchboards for Motion was made, seconded, and carried to Company and 0. T. our share of expenses incurr Motion was made, seconded, and carried to the Light Plant a '5.10.00 Christmas Ponus. Motion was made, seconded, and carried to and to pay him $.70 per hour. ask Commonwealth Electric distribution extension. write to Cooper Petroleum �d in legal case over freight, Eive each employee of hire Donald M. Rasmussen Motion was made, seconded, and carried to rent John Kennedy's garage for the Plymouth at the rate of ' 4.00 per month. The following• hills were read and allowed; Mitchell Chev. Co. Truck Repairs 5.35' G B Frederickson Rep Q- Main- Other Equip 31.50•