08-06-1962 HUCM28. Regular Meeting. August 6, 1962. The regular monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held at the office of R. I. Sheppard, President, on August 6, 19620 All Commissioners were present. The following bids were received for the printing of our 25th anniversary booklet; The Hutchinson Leader 4,000 copies, including cover, $950.00 Standard Printing Company 4,000 copies, including cover, $881.25 Motion was made by Commissioner Kurth and seconded by Commissioner Thompson to accept the bid submitted by Standard Printing Company. The motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made and seconded to employ the following; Vern Oliver -- Lineman -- 325.00 per month Ruth Nelson -- Billing Clerk $200.00 per month. The following bi lls were allowed-. Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 73.41 Fred Briggs 803 10.00 W. S. Clay 803 30.00 Zila Hardware 730.3 24.84 B. M. Stolpman 730.4 14.50 Esther's 734.4 4.65 Schneider Electric Company 730.3 170.00 Standard Oil 729 1,817.73 Industrial Supply Company 734.1 #2 28.44 Hugo C. Pri eve 771 12.00 Municipal Water Department 730.1 27.15 Standard Printing Company 781.3 793.4 55085 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 4.62.57 Natural Gas Division 729.1 5,059.47 Popp's Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 143.70 Chicago & Northwestern Railway Void Viking Instruments Inc. 734.4 15.62 Simonson Lumber 735 19.16 Sterner Industries 734.1 #5 143.94 Eagle Iron Works Company 734.1 #5 90.00 Duncan Company 734.4 1.25 General. Ele;ctrie Supply Co. 113.2 771 104.70 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 730.3 734.4 23.20 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 54.50 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 730.3 771 Power Supply Company 734.4 98.94 15.00 Hutchinson Jaycees 787.2 125.00 A. L. Hepner 730.3 51.60 Buell & Winter 211 1,200.00 Melvin Zum Hofe 203A 6,402.40 E. A. Pedersen Company 203A 25,000.00 29 . R. E. Torgerson & Company 730.5 Texaco, Inc. 730.2 Quade's Inc. 734.4 G. F. Nemitzf Sons 730.3 Standard Oil 729 Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 Moehring Motors 759.1 Northern States Supply Company 730.4 Leef Bros. Inc • 730.5 R. & 0. Elevator Company Inc . 734.4 .American Linen Supply Company 730.5 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 Standard Oil 730.3 Ruth Hakel -, Petty Hepner 1.13 *2 Standard Oil 739.1 Jack Powers 801 Standard Oil 729 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 Sterling Electric 771 Nordberg ''Ianufacturing Company 113.1 9.80 734• Addressagraph -Mult igraph 78-15 Sterner Industries 734.1 Burmeister Ele ctric 113.2 Diesel "arts & Service 113.1 Commercial Filters Inc 730.3 Telelect Products 759.2 Sterner Industries 734.1 Boulay, Anderson and Waldo 795 Miller & Miller 735 McLeod Co -op Power .Association 113.2 Texaco Inc 730.2 Melvin Hegdahl 402 Bankers Service Company 781.5 Addressograph- Multigraph 781.4 Williams Hardware 734.4 Municipal. Electric Plant Petty Buell & Winter 211 Westinghouse Electric 113.2 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 Snap -on Tools Car porati on 734.4 Biirmeister Electric Company 113.2 'John Portele 1134 .2 Diesel Parts & Service 113.1 Vincent Bvass and Aluminum Company 734.4 Sterner Industries 203.1 Standard Oil 729 E. A. Pedersen Company 203•x. Sigma Instruments 775 787.2 771 205 Cash 734.1 #2 771 801 759.2 #1 #2 #1 #2 #1 772 #3 #3 #5 #6 5.63 Cash 771 205 #3 734.1 #5 #6 53.35 69.79 2.65 9.90 1,813.90 66.00 1.80 2.48 103.12 175.00 11.60 155.32 28.84 87.19 42.67 46.99 4.00 5,426.28 86.50 23.31 1,616.10 13.25 20.97 63.85 97.69 108.90 244.70 471.39 760.00 9.00 109.02 175.67 11.40 23.00 4.90 42 .54 41.26 4,305.53 372.00 39-12 4.45 1,276.00 9.80 97.69 7.03 28.50 1,796.08 5,622.95 6.16 0 U x w A 0 F a N W_ H U W N Z W F N W Z O --� Z 3 O 0 m m W n z W 0.4 Z 0 O f � N w W p nom Wnnn Z;W; =vae IL W WWWtl 1.: x UUU J Q a ZQO a. 2 J W Q UU) Egh� L' , u :4•q'•a. U m u QUUq ti .a;oow El �n �y�47 8 �W u a [�g�u nya� op="., v U � 0 V-OR1 0.. N t9 rn r-1 M r-I 41 to O by O Q z O .H rn N 0 U td O O r i to Q) r-t A % N M O O U v xx N Z O p Q Z_ f O Z W p N It W m f 7 t \ d) M O d) bA N E m m 0 4 -4 Z H � r' •r�i 0 � Q cn v N �1 •• x+J�s :D -I cd xwQ 0 0 0 0 O �r O O O O O O O rNI O O O cd aU O O 0 O O d' Ff3- r-4 .-1 to cd co to 0 0 V N O I r-1 1 tb 0 N to 1 el+ O w t� "e H Yb� Z n J w rc m O rc 10 t w 'O W ? p Q 2 p U Ft?pf' w=QQ F O W W Of- tra Zbi:3w h 0 i Z 1 Philip White Homan G. Zins Roman G. tins Philip White Metal Finishers Inc. Graybar Electric Company Snap -on Tools Minnesota Electric Supply Simonson Lumber Company Salary 104.80 Salary 120.35 Salary 120.39 Salary 114.52 734.1 #2 372.51 113.2 205 771 182.20 734.4 4.80 113.2 72.50 735 2.86 Refer to motion made July 3, 1961, page 251.( Re employee using his own car for plant business. -- include Cliff Smith and Milton Studeman.) There being no further business, the meeting, was ad j urned. DR. W. Dahl, S cretary. ATTEST � �`.. R. I. Uheppard, President. August 14, 1962. Special Meeting. A special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on August 14th, 1962 at 11:30 A. Y. at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. Motion was made by Commissioner Kurth and seconded by Commissioner Thompson to purchase two Treasury Bills, both in the amount of 0100,000.00, date of maturity of one being October 4, 1962 and the other being November 29, 1962. There bein` no further business, the meeting was adjourned. A- -nTrST C/J R. I. Sheppard, President. R. W. Dahl, 7ecretary.