09-04-1962 HUCM1 31. September 4, 1962. Regular Y . eet : i.ng. The regular monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held at the office of R. I. Sheppard, President, on September 4, 19620 All Commissioners were present. Motion was made by Commissioner Thompson and seconded by Commissioner Kurth to set up a sinking fund for the bond issue on Unit #7 - -- payments to be deposited at the First National Bank of Hutchinson, Minnesota in the amount of $12,000.00 per month. The motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Kurth and seconded by Commissioner Thompson to transfer the present sinking fund to the General Fund. The motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Kurth and seconded by Commissioner Thompson to purchase $100,000.00 in U. S. Treasury Bills, date of maturity December 13, 1962. The following bids were received on lub. oil for unit #7; Socony Mobil Texaco Standard Oil $.61 per gallon (for 2500 gallons) $.56 per gallon $.53 per gallon Motion was made by Comx,-.,issione.r Thompson and seconded by Commissioner Kurth to purchase l_ati;. oil from Standard Oil Company for Unit #7. The motion was unanimously carried. The resignation of Clifford Smith was received and read by the Secretary. Motion was made and seconded to accept his resignation. The motion was unanimously carried. The following bills were allowed. Fred Briggs 803 W. S. Clay 803 Hutchinson Wholesale 730.3 Graybar Electric 133.2 T6 ±aco Inc 730.2 Standard Printing Company 793.4 Rutz Plumbing &: Heating 735 W. 0. Nott Com_oany 730.3 Gerneral Electric Supply 113.2 Vicent Brass & Aluminum Co 734.4 Texaco Inc 730.2 Natural Gas Division 729.1 Hutchinson Telephone Co. 793.3 Peterson Truck Service 759.2 734.4 759.2 205 10.00 30.00 39.36 485.73 1819.36 37.70 212.63 129.32 92.74 19.82 126.32 4,785.69 67.60 64.00 32 ` Estherts Popp Drug Store Popp Hutchinson Cleaners Hutchinson Sheet Metal 9retz:ke & Son Zila Hardware Ted 1s Pure Service Station Moehring Xl'otors ioells Inc. Leef Brothers Inc Terminal Electric Corp. B. Y. Stolpman Citizens Bank American i4leter Company Arnold Hepner: Metal Finishers Burmeister Electric Nordberg Manufacturing Co. American Linen Supply Luxor Lighting Municipal Electric Plant Melvin Hegdahl Dori Vdhitcomb Stearnswood Barbeau Chemical Sterling Electric Corapany Graybar Electric Company Nordberg, Manufacturing Co Westinghouse Electric �o. Miller & Miller Skarshaug Testing Lab. Standard Oil Municipal Electric Plant Graybar Electric Company Standard Oil Company Williams Hardware Metal Finishers Holger Olson & Son Donnor Communications Nalco Chemical Edwin L. Wiegand Company Power Supply Company Paul B. Mueller Company Terminal Electric Corporation Sterling Electric Compan.yn Burmeister Electric Company Westinghouse Electric Nordberg Manufacturing Co Dick 4hi.te Lighting Inc Texaco Inc A. L. Hepner John C. Eide Company Roman G. Zins Philip White Roman G. Z,ins Philip White 793.4 793.4 730.5 734.4 734.4 730.3 759.2 759.1 759.2 730.5 113.2 '730.4 793.2 2 03 r 113.2 759.2 730.3 734.1 #2 113.2 203 X 730.5 - Mdse Petty Cash 5.1 5.1 803 730.3 205 734.4 113.2 113.1 #1 #2 113.2 732 771 729 Petty Cash 113.2 205 729 734.4 734.1 #2 202.5A 802.3 730.3 734.4 734.1 #1 734.4 113.2 113.2 113.2 113.2 113.1 Mdse 730.3 730.3 734.1 Sall ry Salary Salary Salary 202.5. 772 #1 #2 #5 #6 734.4 5 #6 5.57 5.00 141.35 11.84 3.50 16.29 2.25 14.85 18.00 137.38 29.33 14.50 1.15 247.50 159.38 356.40 639-38 1,082.79 13.60 61.53 85.71 10.15 4.54 15.00 216.71 77.24 150.98 1,804.15 132.00 102.92 3.70 3,587.70 49.51 647.98 3,629.04 46.33 534.60 109.00 13.10 66.80 244.95 172.15 4.52 12.09 330.86 1,242..16 32.00 243.78 93.18 15.55 154.77 11.17 125.90 136.66 116.71 130.60 1 FADLL W'- i, !. TELETYPE NO. D. M. 194 TELEPHONES 4 -8156 CHERRY 4-8157 4 -8158 Hutchinson Utilities Commission Hutchinson, Minnesota. INVESTMENT SECURITIES DES MOINES BUILDING DEs Momms,IOWA August 14, 1962 DR Carleton D. Beh Co. Des Moines Building Des Moines_, Iowa INVOIC& DM SERVICE In connection with the financing .of_ the Electric Light Plant improvements and extensions under the terms of our agree - ments, dated March 23, 1962. Fee in- cludes bond attorney's fee for legal pro - ceedings and final approving opinion, as well as cost of preparing and distributing brochure for bond sale, publication costs and the cost of lithographing bonds and coupons. (1/2 of 1% of the amount of bonds issued - $700,000) 3,500 1 33. Motion was made by Commissioner Thompson and seconded by Commissioner Kurth to make a temporary transfer of $4,000.00 to the Natural Gas Division account. Motion was unanimously carried. Postmaster 781.2 81.00 Fisher Governor Company 203 #7 493.75 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 31.64 Paul B. Mueller Company 734.4 75.17 Metal Fins ihers 734.1 #12 178.20 Graybar Electric 113.2 771 123.69 Nordberg Manufacturing 113.1 #1 #2 290.40 Sterling Electric Company 771 23.32 H. A. Holder. & Company 734.2 3.76 Phoell Manufacturing Company 730.3 52.10 Premier Fastener Company 734.4 10.81 Standard Oil 729 1,803.57 Williaips Hardware 206 36.99 Norman Jensen 206 13.54 The Satterless Company 206 55.00 Standard Oil Company 729 1,815.14 Terminal Ele c t ri. c Company 113.2 87.85 Helwig Carbon Products 734.2 18.17 Burmeister Electric 113.2 205 560.78 There being no further Business, the meeting was adjourned. C:)Q/Ua- R, ahl, Secretary. AT TEST �1 R. I. Sheppard, President. Special Meeting September 20, 1962. A special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on September 20, 1962 at 11;30 A. R7. at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. Motion was made by Commissioner Kurth and seconded by Commissioner Thompson to purchase a Treasury Bill in the amount of $100,000.00- - date of maturity 12- 27 -62. The motion was unanimously carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST C. I . I R . I . Pres id ent . cxiv�3 4�4�- - R. W. Dahl, Secretary.