11-02-1962 HUCM39. November 2, 1962. Special Meeting. Motion was made by Commissioner Thompson and seconded by Commissioner Kurth to hire Webster Exum, as chief engineer, at a monthly salary of $500.00 Effective date, November 26, 1962. The motion was unanimously carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. R. W. Dahl, Secretary. Attest_ R. I• h President November 5, 1962. Monthly Meeting. A monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on November 5, 1962 at five Otclock P. M. at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commisssioners were present. The following bills were allowed:- Fred Briggs 803 10.00 W. S. Clay 803 30.00 ;(tearnswood 803 15.00 Municipal Water Department 730.1 36.60 Crankshaft Supply 734.1 1, #2 45.00 Herb Christianson 771 6.90 Popp's Cleaners 730.5 118.70 Therman Corrapny, Inc 730.3 28.96 Metal Finishers, Inc 734.1 #1 381.74 Natural Gas Division 729.1 5,736.51 Itsthers's 781.3 793.4 23.11 Ben Jerabek 734.1 2,4 759.2 138.40 Zila Hardware 730.3 51.75 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 771 29.10 Nordb erg Manufacturing Company 734.1 #2 113.1 #4 445.43 Addressograph- Multigraph 781.4 781.5 21.96 Hell & Doulglas 730.3 1.60 Sears, Roebuck & Company 759.2 41.00 General Electric Company 113.2 771 54.15 Texaco C Inc 730.3 15.39 Westinghouse Electric "upply Company 113.2 226.00 Simonson Lumber Company 734.4 1036 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 203A 19,680.00 Postmaster, Hutchinson 781.2 99.00 Hutchinson Wh®lesale Supply Co. 730.3 759.1 24.65 Sterling Electric Company 202.5A 730.3 81.55 40. t i Graybar Electric Company Plowman Motors Swanson +s Truck Stop Ben Jerabek , American Meter Company Bretzke & Sons Robert Burt B. M. Stolpman Klitzke Auto Company Hutchinson Telephone Company G. F. Nemitz & Son Le of Bros., Inc Texaco Inc., Carr Flowers Nordberg '"anufacturi ng Company Viking Instrument Inc. Metal Finishers Inc. BVincent Brass & Aluminum Company Williams Hutchinson Leader A. L. Heipner Sterling Electric Company Standard Oil Company Nordbergg Manufacturing Company Quade's Inc Moehring Motors Standard Printing Company Kemske gaper Company Northersn States Supply Company Municipal Electric Plant Great Stuff Products American Linen Supply Company Cliff -getker Frank Barge n Frank Bargen Standard Oil Company Graybar Electric Company Northern States Supply Company McLeod Co -op. Power Association Municipal Water Department Northwestern Railway Company Reinhard Bbothers Nordberg Manufacturing Company Sterling Electric Company Pheoll Manuf. Company Graybar Electric Company Municipal Electric Plant George A. Clark & Son Eagle Iron Works Edward Stoeckman Power Supply Company 113.2 735 759.2 759.1 759.2 #3 203 #7 734.4 1.20 402 5.58 730.4 14.50 759.2 20.85 793.3 60.00 732 44.10 730.5 115.40 730.2 5,930.25 412.7 4.00 113.1 #2 734.4 29.91 734.1 #1 730.3 206 793.4 160.71 -36.68 78.74 653.03 1,225.00 1.20 5.58 14.50 20.85 60.00 44.10 115.40 5,930.25 4.00 30.71 29.91 534.60 734.1 #1 #2 72.35 202.5A 203A 771 113.2 729 203A 202.5A 730.3 759.2 781.3 781.3 730.3 402 5.63 730.3 730.5 202.5A 795 795 759.1 759.2 113.2 730.3 113.2 -V69 5.1 205 730.3 113.1 #1 #2 113.2 730.3 113.2 205 petty Cash 202.5A 734.1 #6 205 734.1 #1 #2 159.23 a.sd 29 133.85 85.83 5,435.46 124o751-47 52.51 6.50 9.90 7.74 11.90 51.41 17.82 15.60 14,180 .82 400.00 400.00 110.26 74.18 6.90 223.25 5.14 25.00 13.95 9 9 04 78.76 12.00 150.72 34.50 780.67 104.00 2.00 59.37 1 1 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. C�� 4", R. W. Dahl-.. Secretary. ATTEST t!.4..�. • I • eppard, President . 41 Marcia Fruck Salary 80.78 Roman G. Zins Salary 110.55 Frank Lamp Salary 139.50 Roman G. Zins Salary 100.20 Metal Finishers Inc 734.1 #1 17840 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 861.00 Modern Bin Equipment Company 801 98.00 Texaco Inc 730.2 8 9 72 Citizens Bank 793.2 1.15 Westinghouse E &ectric 113.2 59.75 R. B• Whitacre & Company 734.1 #1 #2 29.78 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 732 68.48 Standard Oil Company 729 7,158.32 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 202.5A 139.64 Eagle Iron Works 734.1 #6 898.65 Williams 206 35•lB Sterling Electric Company 113.2 202.5A 356.98 Municipal EWater Department 5.1 4.73 Peterson- Madson Agency 114 76.27 The Paymaster Corp. 802 54.50 Hutchinson Insurance Agency 114 911.04 Standard Oil 729 3,628.15 General Electric Supply Co. 113.2 185.47 Harold Grams Agency 114 3,080.64 Texaco Inc. 730.3 15.39 Postmaster, Hutchinson, Minn. 781.2 198000 Wigan Chev. 759.1 5.25 Natural Gas Division Nathan Christianson 729.1 402 69752.07 3.93 A. L. Hei pner 113.2 202.5A 85.12 Popp's Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 152.25 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 202.5A 294.64 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 205 475.83 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 771 681.29 Miller Supply Company 730.3 121.92 Addressograph- Multigraph 781.4 5.04 Simonson Lumber Company 730.3 775 4.22 Zila Hardware Company 730.3 7.40 0. A. Bretzke & Son 771 1.44 Kemske Paper Company 793.4 2.50 Co H. Stocking 203.2 42.50 Betker Construction Company 202.5A 3,512.00 Cliff Betker 202.5A 22,472.80 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 86.14 Shurway Building Center 202.5A 48.28 Eagle Iron Works 734.1 #6 232.38 Citizens Insurance Agency 801 35.00 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. C�� 4", R. W. Dahl-.. Secretary. ATTEST t!.4..�. • I • eppard, President .