04-09-1964 HUCM102 . Monthly Meeting March 9, 1964. A monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on March 9, 1964 in the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. Young, Supt. Kuiken and Webb, Exum, Chief Engineer. Motion was made by Commissioner Quade and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to consider the afternoon before Christmas a holiday; also one half day on Good Friday and no time off for the McLeod County Fair. Motion was unanimously passeds Motion was made by Commissioner Quade arr' seconded by Commissioner Tracy to hire two more lineman. Motion was unanimously passed. The f ollowing bills were a flowed : Robert McLain Salary 128.40 Louis ^raids Salary 107.04 Louis Francis Salary 123.02 Robert McLain Salary 157.80 Fred Briggs 803 10.00 Nord berg Manufacturing Co. 113.1 #1 #2 #7 83.95 Modern Bin Equipment Company 734.4 29.70 Williams 730.3 58.68 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 27.40 Northwestern Supply Company 730.3 44.15 Ac?dressograph. -P uultigraph 781..4 4.02 Power Supply C ompany 734.1 #1 45.41 Northern States Supply Company 734.4 1.76 Tool Crib Inc 734.4 206 131.16 Simonson Lumi;er Company 734.4 30.99 Stardard Oil Company 729 19867.13 Hutcbins on Insurance Agency 114 112.50 Sterling Electric Companym 113.2 730.3 624.13 Postmaster, Hutchinson, Minn 781.2 400.00 Burroughs Corporation 781.5 398.90 Natural. "as Div is ion 729.1 9,060.12 Hepner, A,. L. 734.4 771 29.67 Myron Wige n Chev 759.1 759.2 36.20 Esther's 793.4 27.36 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 734.4 759.2 20.52 Central Supply 734.4 90.74 Standar,� Oil 730.2 130635.88 The Satterlee Company 734.4 17.84 Popp's Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 148.14 7ila Hardware 734.4 771 28.73 Hutchinson Telephone Companym 793.3 69.41 Nalco Chemical Company 734.4 60.00 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 735 129.56 103. Graybar Electric 113-02 734.4 207.21 Burme is ter Electric Company 113.2 6,302.66 Nord berg Manufacturing 113.1 #7 11035.79 Home Gas Company 730.3 2.16 American Linen Company 730.5 23.40 Northern States Supply Company 730.3 9.00 Leef Bros. Inc. 73095 97.56 Standard Oil 729 7,2.52.30 Standarl Printings Company 781.3 793.4 123.75 Citizens Bank 793.2 1.85 'ranzeens Hard *are 734.4 8.28 Premier F as tner Company 734.4 347.67 Moehring Motors 759.2 49.04 Culligan S'of't 'Water 730.4 6.50 Shurway Ruildin� Center 730.3 7.20 Dooley's Greenhouse 412.7 4.00 Hoel ' s Inc 759.1 69.77 Municipal Electr .c Plant Petty Cash 35.63 Harold r.f ms Ins. Are no 114 298.55 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 196.56 Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 330.16 Addresso raph- Multi^raph 802 - 76.00 Snap -on Tools Corporation 734.4 35.80 McLeod County Treasurer 801 7.50 National Tea Company 801 20.50 Sterling Elec tr Ic Company 730.3 735 771 38.46 The Sat terlee Company 734.4 45.01 Texaco Inc 730.3 - 35.00 WiIIiams 734.4 62.98 Gray�ar Electric 11.3.2 4.60 Sterners Industries 735 54.70 Hutchinson Body Shop 802 7.50 Texaco Inc 739.2 8.71 Donnor C ommunicat ions 802.3 200.10 Miller & Miller 735 17.50 Graybar Electric 113.2 196.40 Fire Safety Inc 730.3 190.95 Wallace & Tiernan 730.3 3 .3 0 Kemske Paper Company 781.3 6.75 Nalco Chemical C ompany 730.3 13.00 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 32.79 Nordberg Manufacturinf; Company 113.1 #'1 #'3 206 19125.20 A. L. Hepner 730731.4 37.58 Premier Fastner Company 734.4 17.04 A!'dresso ,-;raph. Mu1tigraph 781.4 2.70 Williams -730.3 31.90 R. E. Young; 792 53.7 Howard wade -792.1 61.75 Mobile Oi`!_ Company 730.2 29344.07 Ben Piehl 402 5.63 36.37 Joe Trumble Municipal Electric Plant 801 Petty Cash 25.00 °8.46 Standard Oil 759.1 759.2 15.62 Gra7l-,ar Elect, -is C orn;,m ny 734.4 13.54 104. Marshalltown Manufacturing 730.3 46.64 Natural Gas Division Barc o Bearing Company 730.3 9,931.54 9.00 730.3 Leeds & Northrup Company 730.3 Westinghouse Electric 73.20 Sunlite Dairy 734.1 #1 10.00 30.19 The Bristol Company 734.4 24.34 Nordber§ Manufacturing Williams 734.1 #1 #`2 7.60 801 Nordbe.rg Manufacturing Company 113.1 #1 #6 56.67 LaVern Billiard 402 5.53 10.98 133.90 There '� ink; no further 'hus Ines -, the meeting was adjourned. R. W. Dahl, Secretary. AT",',',,', ST R. I. herpard, Presiders Monthly Meeting. April 13, 1964. A monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was , held on April 13, 1964 in the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Offico. All Commissioners were present; also D. 0. Comer, Attorney. The following bills were allowed: Fred Briggs 803 10.00 Natural Gas Division 729.1 777 9,931.54 Home Gas Company 730.3 2.56 Westinghouse Electric 113.2 910.55 Sterling Electric Company 734.4 30.19 0. A. Bretzke & Son 206 265.00 Nordber§ Manufacturing 734.1 #1 394.80 Triple D" Cafe 801 66.75 Rutz Plumbing &Heating 735 1.70 Popp Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 133.90 Northern States Supply 730.3 30.74 Zila Hardware 734.4 771 8.10 A. L. He pner 734.1 #1 279.40 Hugo C. Prieve 734. 1 #1 6.50 Rockite Silo 734.1 #2 124.24 The Satterlee Dompany 734.4 14.50 Miller Davis Company 793.4 5.88 Central Supply Company 734.4 37.74 Simonson Lumber Company 730/4 735 35.29 A. A. Jorgenson Welding 734.1 #2 25.00 Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 71.75 Brock White Company 734.1 #1 14.85