04-13-1964 HUCM104. Marshalltown Manufacturing 730.3 46.64 Natural Gas Division Barc o Bearing Company 730.3 9,931.54 9.00 730.3 Leeds & Northrup Company 730.3 Westinghouse Electric 73.20 Sunlite Dairy 734.1 #1 10.00 30.19 The Bristol Company 734.4 24.34 Nordber§ Manufacturing Williams 734.1 #1 #`2 7.60 801 Nordbe.rg Manufacturing Company 113.1 #1 #6 56.67 LaVern Billiard 402 5.53 10.98 133.90 There '� ink; no further 'hus Ines -, the meeting was adjourned. R. W. Dahl, Secretary. AT",',',,', ST R. I. herpard, Presiders Monthly Meeting. April 13, 1964. A monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was , held on April 13, 1964 in the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Offico. All Commissioners were present; also D. 0. Comer, Attorney. The following bills were allowed: Fred Briggs 803 10.00 Natural Gas Division 729.1 777 9,931.54 Home Gas Company 730.3 2.56 Westinghouse Electric 113.2 910.55 Sterling Electric Company 734.4 30.19 0. A. Bretzke & Son 206 265.00 Nordber§ Manufacturing 734.1 #1 394.80 Triple D" Cafe 801 66.75 Rutz Plumbing &Heating 735 1.70 Popp Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 133.90 Northern States Supply 730.3 30.74 Zila Hardware 734.4 771 8.10 A. L. He pner 734.1 #1 279.40 Hugo C. Prieve 734. 1 #1 6.50 Rockite Silo 734.1 #2 124.24 The Satterlee Dompany 734.4 14.50 Miller Davis Company 793.4 5.88 Central Supply Company 734.4 37.74 Simonson Lumber Company 730/4 735 35.29 A. A. Jorgenson Welding 734.1 #2 25.00 Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 71.75 Brock White Company 734.1 #1 14.85 1 1 Downtown Standard 759.1 Hutchinson Iron & metal Sterling Electric Company 113.2 771 Modern Bin Equipment 734.4 Natibonal Tea Company United Building Center 797 801 Hutchinson Wholesale 734.4 Graybar Electric Graybar Electric 206 771 Inland Supply Company 734.1 #'1 Franzen's Hardware 777 205 734.1 Hutchins on Telephone 793.3 Fisher Governor Company Myron Wigen Chevrolet 759.2 113.1 #1 Moehring Motors 759.2 Graybar. Electric Company Esther's 793.4 734.4 Miller & Miller 734.1 #1 National Bushing & Parts 734.1 #2 Citizens Bank 793.2 Standard Printing Company 781.3 Donner Communications 802.3 R. B. Whitacre & Company 734.4 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 Texaco Inc 730.2 Leef Bros. 730.5 American Linen Supply 730.5 Langford Company 734.1 #'1 Minneapolis Star & Tribune- 801 E. A. Pedersen Company 734.4 A. L. Hejbner 734.1 #1 E. L. Murphy Trucking Co. 734.1 #1 Nord berg Manufacturing Co. 734.1 #'1 Culligan Soft Water Service730.4 F ischer ' s Bakery 801 Ross Heilman 734.4 734.4 Nordberg Manufacturing Co. 113.1 #1 #2 Burmesiter Electric 113.2 Hutchinson Iron & metal 205 Sterling Electric Company 775 Duncan Company 734.4 Natibonal Tea Company 801 Northwest Publications 801 Red Owl Food Stores 801 Graybar Electric 113.2 George Dean 5.63 McLeod Co-op Power Assn. 205 J. C. Penney Company 202.1 E. A. Pederson Company 205 734.1 Northern Supply Company 730.3 Fisher Governor Company 734.1 #1 Nord berg Manufacturing 113.1 #1 Standard Oil 729 Graybar. Electric Company 113.2 771 Williams 734.4 #,2 #2 #2 69.42 897.38 9.90 17.59 31.34 210.05 222.75 4.72 72.23 25.15 47.85 2.98 29.92 70.75 2.50 120.25 71.90 16.86 101.92 51.18 106.24 24.40 450.00 40.95 36.25 142.56 575.75 100318.00 6.50 78.00 200.00 52.75 769.00 13.00 3.80 57.28 40.00 29.40 11.82 37.82 1.48 522.44 99.35 6..685.50 64.15 35.23 86.44 51111.13 171.79 24 .19 105 . 106. Louis Francis Salary 107.04 Robert McLain Salary 128.40 LbVis Francis Salary 123.02 Robert McLain Salary 157.80 Sterling Electric Company 730.3 803.2 165.59 Central Supply Company 734.4 28.38 Thermofax Sales Inc 793.4 28.24 _Thermal Company Inc 730.3 9055 Juul Contracting Company 205 734.1 #1 187.50 Texac o Inc 730.3 15.39 Pheoll Manufacturing Company 730.3 734.4 40.69 Duro -Test Corporation 730.3 195.53 General Electric Supply 770 18.17 ,,Burmeister Electric Company 772 34.98 .Westinghouse Electric Supply 11392 415.42 -Addressograph Multigraph 781.4 3.60 E. L. Murphy Trucking Company 734.1 #1 1,064.13 C. H. Stocking 734.1 #'1 #2 6.00 Minnesota Electric Supply 113.2 203.04 Standard Oil 730.2 19764.18 Burmeister Electric Company 205 95.10 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 113.2 #1 #2 5.17 Sterling Electric Company 771 775 51.48 Texaco Inc 730.3 15.39 Pederson Company 205 1,200.00 Be tker Construction Company 730.4 10900 Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 8.96 Premier Fastener Company 734.4 191.55 The DeLaval Separator C omnany 734.4 24.99 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 538.56 Bterling Electric Company 113.2 40.91 Terminal Electric Corporation . 205 36.76 Municipal Electric Plant .,Petty Cash 73.41 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: W eppar , res den R , W. a , ecretary. 1 �L