06-08-1964 HUCMIll. Regular Meeting June 8, 1964. A monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on June 8, 1964 in the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. R. E. Young, Supt. Kuiken and D. 0. Comer, attorney. The following bids were received and opened: 1. Myron Wige n Chevrolet C ompary Mon pick -up $lp560.00 With Automatic Trans - mission. 1,693.00 4 ton pick -up 11960.00 2. Moehring Motors ton pick -up 1,745.00 4 ton pick -up 29065.00 3. Plowman Motors ton pick -up 3,582.44 4 ton pick -up 2,065.00 4. Frark Motors 2 ton pick -up 1,595.00 With Automatic Trans- mission. 11770.00 ton pick -up 1,995.00 After due consideration, motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by C onzniss inner Quade to accept the two Chevrolet bids (1 ton pick -up to have automatic transmission) from Marron Wigen Chevrolet Company. The motion was unanitaausly carried. Motion was made by C onnissi oner Quade and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to purchase a Treasury Bill in the amount of $75,000.00 to mature in 3 -1 -65. The motion was unanimously carried. RESOLUTION FRINGE BENEFIT TO EMPI.,OYEFS Ii NCH AND LUNCHEON FACILITIES "RESOLVED, That, whereas, it has been' the praci - ice of the employees of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission to be allowed to take fifteen (15) minutes for a lunch break in the morning and a fifteen (15) minute lunch break in the afternoon arid for employees working other shif is to take a f if teen (15) minute lunch break in each half of the shift, and, Resolution 82 As per resolution #1000 adopted 11 -29 -06 Numbering resolutions from 1936 — 2006 For search purposes only 112 . WI?FRT:AS, the per iod of time to prepare for the lunch break, to take. the lunch period an-1 to resumn working particularly where it required leaving the premises was causing a considerable delay and loss of work times NOW, TPFRErCRF, TT IS HEREBY RES +OT,77D, that the Hutchinson Utilities Commission furnish as a fringe benefit to all employees the lunch space, equipment necessary <.uid f,-,,:.(f.s for providing coffee, rods, donuts and similar items at the Hutchinson Utilities' prer-nises at the expense of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission and that the employees be permitted the f1 f teen (15) minute lunch period on condition that ti-e lunch be taken at the place and with the facilities and lunch ptovided by the Corm,ission." Adoption of the f ore-going Resolution was moved by Corrxaission Clinton Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Howard P. Quade and unanimously carried by the mem',"ers of the Comlissi on at a meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Corrur!ission held at the billing office in the City of Hutchinson on Monday.. June 8.. 1964, at 5 P. M. , (R. W. ah _) peretary. ATTEST: D �t res dent , Sheppard Resolution 83 Asper resolution #1000 adopted 11 -29 -06 RESOLUTION Numbering resolutions from 1936 — 2006 NO SERVICE DELINQUENT For search purposes only C' TSTOMERS THAT HAVE MOVED. "RESOLVED, That, whereas, a problem has presented itself in case of users of either electric energy, or natural gas, or both are delinquent in their bills and :Hove from one location to another and request service at the new location as to the furnishing of such service, and, 1 1130 WHEREAS, as a part of the problem, where service has been provided at the new location, several customers have refused to pay the old delirquencies ar:1-sing out of ser-vlce furnished at the prior location, ITOWt T.ITREPOPF, IT IS HER71BY RFSOLITED, That any customer or user of either electric energy., or natural gas, or both must be paid in full and rr.,,)st Tna!4-e a new deposit for each ser-vice requested 'hefore t1liat service is connected for such customer's uso." Adoption of the forerrC� oing, Resolution was moved by Cortmissioner Howard P. Quarle., seconded by Coma issioner Clinton Trac-y and unanimously carried by the members of the CoraAsslon at a meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission held at the billing office in the City of Hutch-inson on Monday,, June 8,, 1964, at 5 P. M. A T T S T vresidert. ppardp The following,, hills were allc,vjeO,: • 71. Dahl, Secretary. Fred Briggs 903 10.00 29.40 ,-Traybar Flectr1t, Company 113.2 423.37 electric Company E3 012 .3 4.65 Hutchinson Telepnone Cornro--tny 793.3 86.19 Leer Fros. Inc 730.5 99-48 Hone, Gas Company 739.3 1.29 A. L. He- , pner 730.3 771 22*47 Northern "3taIL-1,>s Supply Co-pil- Ily 730-3 20-93 i1 Zq, 734.4 771 61-28 Carr F16wers 412.7 4.00 Nal(-o Chemical Company 11D" 730.3 237.60 Tripp Ca- r e, 801 71.86 Nat-,.irai -Tas Division 729.1 777 797 11 07-33.45 Standard Print in., Company 793.4 58-15 114. Texaco Inc rs'� }gyres Burmelster Electric Company Gambles R'. A . Pedersen C om2any Culllc7an Sort 74"ter Chicago, Northwestern Ry. Tu;cr�3.nson `Xho1es9, e Supnl.;y Myron Wifren Che- vrolet Company Kemska Paper Comp `,nj Paramount Tool & Machine Company Popp's Hutch ir?son Cleaners Hutchinson Sheet Mehl Yorks Dlpsel Ser Ice Company Williams Stanley Iron Works Inc Nord be -ro Manufac t-ar:i rah C oxnpan y Nat16mi Tea C ompa.ny Nordbcrg Man yifacturi.-n�Y Corn: n Sterl'' ,ag "Electric C oml>a riy Graybar Electric Coa °apa.ny Northern States Supply Central We' -Ldinb Supply Comnxtny Americar Linen Supply Citizens Bank Coast- toCoast Store Leeds & NczT thrup Company Minneapolis Ind .,strial C oinf:any RurAl ^ oop . Power As s oc at i on Muni.cips.1 Electric Plant Continental Equipment Safety F ar nhams Tool Crib Inc Crankshalf t Supply C orE <1sny Westin6houan Electric Supp1 -'-nq M,an1,cipa1. E?ectrio PI.int Northern?. States Supply C ompan y Graybar Electric Company Northern v es 11-erra au-p�p r y v o-tnpany Rallwa, Express A,: e'nc.T No-Valk Inc . Dornaor Conmuni; at:l ons Inc. Eagle Iron Works Minnesota Eli!�ctric 3,upply Allis-Chalmers Manufacturi.na Co. Midwest Oil. C on. pgny Nord berg Manuf ac t uri. -" Company Hoel's Body Shop Hutchinson Oil Company St-rand Rad Service Steerling Electric Company NordberS Mara ofacturin Coarpany Address ograph- Multlgr9aplh Corp., Burmeister Electric Company Inl.0 r0 Supply C omlm ny Power Supply C ompariy 730.2 46.98 793.4 3.97 771 9.60 730.:5 1.25 204.5 165.6f) 778 25.00 730.3 734:.4: 31.9.1 759.1 759.2 6.55 793.4 6.04 734.1 #? 90.00 730.5 131.80 734.4 1.60 730.3 260.24 732 23.50 7.35 133.00 113.1 #7 734.1 #1 51.96 801 42.00 734.1 #1 #'2 170.56 730.3 772 39.01 771 34.99 730.3 12.1? 730.3 8025 730.5 27.40 793 .9, 2.70 730.3735 12.57 734.4 10.22 729 1 ?.00 petty Case 72.67 771 33.1? 793.4 6.44 734.4 29.25 734.1 #1- 235.00 ll.j .2 771 675.89 Petty Cash 57.65 730.3 34.75 113.2 771 48.85 730.1' 45.00 7-04.1 #7 4 .?8 772 73.90 802.3 435.00 734.1 #1 647.13 2 05 771 26.93 730.3 84.13 73 ^.3 76.15 113.1 #1 #'2 85.39 759.2 30.37 730.3 4.25 734.4 240.00 730.3 802.3 118.27 7.34.x. #1 15.27 781.4 12.10 113.2 772 59.32 734.1 #1 74.25 734.4 60.00 1 1 115 . Central Supply Company Sterner Industries Williams MunIc ipa1 Electric ? lant Louis Francis Robert McLain Louis Francis Robert McLain 734.4 156.25 734.4 32.55 730.3 734.4 60.90 Petty Cash 23.54 Salary 121.03 Salary 135.40 Salary 103.57 Salary 141.70 There be -inc no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Dahl., .3 acre ary. _ ATT$ ; . eppa.L I., _Presiilenre July 130 1964 Monthly Meeting A monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on July 13, 1964 in the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. R. E. Young and Supt. 0. Kuiken. Commissioner Tracy made a motion to grant the following raises, effective July 1, 1964: Hugo Mahs 25.00 per month. D. Rubed or 25.00 per month. M. Studeman 15.00 per month. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Quade and unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Quade, seconded by Commissioner Tracy, to install a mercury vapor night light for any interested customer. The Municipal Electric Plant to install this light on your yard pole for a $2.00 per month rental. This rental includes installation, replacement and maintenance. Any consumption will be metered thru eustomer!s meter. If a utility pole is on customer's premises, same can be used for installation provided the pole is clear of other attachments. The motion was unanimously carried. The Utilities Commission met with Mr. Charles Swenson, union represent - ative. No action was taken on his proposals. Motion was made by Commissioner Quade, seconded by Commissioner Tracy, to allow equal monthly payments to be made by customers so desiring to do so. Suitable agreements to be signed by customer. (This applies to gas customers as well as electric customers) Motion was unimously carried.