07-13-1964 HUCM115 . Central Supply Company Sterner Industries Williams MunIc ipa1 Electric ? lant Louis Francis Robert McLain Louis Francis Robert McLain 734.4 156.25 734.4 32.55 730.3 734.4 60.90 Petty Cash 23.54 Salary 121.03 Salary 135.40 Salary 103.57 Salary 141.70 There be -inc no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Dahl., .3 acre ary. _ ATT$ ; . eppa.L I., _Presiilenre July 130 1964 Monthly Meeting A monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on July 13, 1964 in the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. R. E. Young and Supt. 0. Kuiken. Commissioner Tracy made a motion to grant the following raises, effective July 1, 1964: Hugo Mahs 25.00 per month. D. Rubed or 25.00 per month. M. Studeman 15.00 per month. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Quade and unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Quade, seconded by Commissioner Tracy, to install a mercury vapor night light for any interested customer. The Municipal Electric Plant to install this light on your yard pole for a $2.00 per month rental. This rental includes installation, replacement and maintenance. Any consumption will be metered thru eustomer!s meter. If a utility pole is on customer's premises, same can be used for installation provided the pole is clear of other attachments. The motion was unanimously carried. The Utilities Commission met with Mr. Charles Swenson, union represent - ative. No action was taken on his proposals. Motion was made by Commissioner Quade, seconded by Commissioner Tracy, to allow equal monthly payments to be made by customers so desiring to do so. Suitable agreements to be signed by customer. (This applies to gas customers as well as electric customers) Motion was unimously carried. 116. The following bills were allowed: Louis Franc is Sala Robert McLain Salar Louis Francis Salar Robert McLain Salar Fred Briggs 803 Graybar Electric 771 Fischer ' s Bakery 801 Sterling Electric 730.3 Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 Railway Express Agency 113.1 Premier Fastener Company 734.4 Nord berg Manufacturing Company 113.1 Simonson Lumber Company 734.4 Earl Danielson 734.1 Texaco Inc 73.0.2 Peters on -toads on Agency 114 Nalco Chemical Company 73003 Barco Bearing Company 734.4 Zila Hardware Company 734.4 Triangle Chemical Products 730.3 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 Rutz Plumbing and Heating 734.4 Popp's Hutchinson C3waners 730.5 Natural Gas Division 729.1 Chicago and NW Railway 778 R. B. Whitacre & dompany 734.4 Rockite Silo 734.1 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 730.3 Myron Wigen Chevrolet 759.1 Hutchinson Leader 793.4 Kemske Paper ComIR ny .793.4 Albrecht Oil Company 759.1 Franzens 730.3 Moehring Motors 759.1 0. A. Bretke and son 771 McLeod County Welfare 108 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Postmaster 781.2 St olpman 730.4 Electronic Center Inc 802.3 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines730.3 Riverside Cafe 7 71 Es ther l s 793.4 Leef Brothers 730.3 American Linen Supply, 730.5 Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 Popp Rexall Drug 730.3 L_J Y"9 112.42 y 134.00 y 113.38 134.00 10.00 71.56 64.42 21.01 139.90 #1 #2 3.72 605.98 #7 10141.30 7.37 #1 175.00 15.39 196.64 186.16 96.62 771 49.43 5.95 86.22 #1 8.25 136.25 732 11,931.25 25.00 32.22 #1 40.08 7.28 759.2 49.20 801 100.00 15.24 66.93 1.95 759.2 13.35 1.10 2.31 Gash 45.68 400.00 29.00 4.35 771 66.70 5.15 5.20 98.58 6.40 10.00 3.43 Hoffman Plumbing and Heating 734.1 #1 38.19 Standard Printing Company 781.3 793.4 154.75 Westinghouse Electric Supply 734.1 #7 771 95.74 Northwestern Supply Company 730.3 85.00 Minn. Mining, & Manf. 113.2 43.29 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 62.13 Graybar Electric 113.2 127.69 Nordberg Manufacturing Co 113.1 #1 #'2 178.19 Premier Fastener Company 734.4 385.19 McLeod Coop Power Assn Mdse 66.64 Es ther t s 208 72.50 Jack Powers 205 6.00 Pedersen Company 205 10344.00 National Tea Company 801 40.50 Williams 730.3 23.94 Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 299.80 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 '*:ii-b 6.30 Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 47910 Rube n San ken 730.4 15000 Standard Oil 729 730.2 4,965.12 Duane Engleman. 108 6.40 Nancy C laybough 402 4.04 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 91.66 Burmeister Electric 113.2 358.14 Luxor Lighting Products 797 74.48 Postmaster 801 4.80 Ruby Solting 402 .51 John Henry Foster Company 734.1 #1 21.55 Nordberg Manufacturing 734.1 #1 658.00 Continental Safety Equipment 771 3.66 Central Supply, Company 734.4 134.51 Freiden Inc 781.5 47.00 C. H. Stocking 734.1 #1 771 21.95 Hoe 1 t s 759.2 2.46 American Linen Supply 730.5 19.00 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST eppa , Pre e 1 • W. Dahl, Secretary. 117.