12-14-1964 HUCMI 1 1 129. December 14, 1964. Monthly Meeting. monthly meetinT of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on December 14, 1964. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. Young. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy to increase the monthly salary of Robert McLain to $300.00 effective December 1, 1964. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Quade and unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Quade and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to give all employees a forty hour week, effective January 1, 1965. Motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Quade ard seconded by Commissioner Tracy to contribute $25,000.00 to the General Fund of the City of Hutchinson. Motion was unanimously carried. The following bills were allowed: Fred ,Briggs 803 R. E0 Young 792.2 Natural Gas Division 5.1A Triple "D" Care 801 Standard Printing Company 793.4 Rockite Silo Company 735 Esther1s 793.4 Zila Hardware 734.4 Standard Oil. 730.2 Burmeister Electric 771 0. A. Bretzke & Son 771 Northern States Supply Co. 730.3 Peterson Truck Service _ 763 Popp Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 Texaco Inc 730.2 LeRoy, Westerberg 402 Natural Gas Division 729.1 Sears Roebuck & Company 734.1 Donnor Communications 802.3 Rochester Germicide Company730.3 Myron Wigen Chevrolet 759.1 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 730.3 Fire & Safety Inc. 801 Home Gas Company 730.3 Hutchinson Telephone , C o. 793.3 B. TV. Stolpman 730.4 Popp Rexall Drug 793.4 Miller & Miller 732 Moehring Motors 759.1 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Nordberg Manufacturing 113.1 Texaco Inc 730.2 Leef Bros. 730.5 Culligan Water Conditioning730.4 771 729.2 #7 759.2 Cash #'7 734.1 #7 20.00 -12.40 8.40 95.62 11.40 5.14 7.26 7.07 1,764.18 82.17 3.24 14.55 10.30 127.00 94.74 3.29 9,186.15 37.94 49.45 31.65 11.45 21.39 41.86 1.28 66.96 43.50 3.35 60.41 11.12 53.68 53.97 1,908.47 143.30 7.50 130. August Leuthner 804 Martyfs Roofing , Service 732 Barbara Knuth 402 National Tea Company 801 Standard Oil 729 Duro Test Corporatinn 730.3 Ruben Marohn 402 Dover Corporation 113.1 Sterling Electric 113.2 Railway Express Agency 734.1 Imperial Supply 793*4 Donald Gorr 402 Hutchinson Insurance Agency 1.14 Harold Grains Ins. 114 Westinghouse Electric Supplyll3.2 General Electric 734.1 Graybar Electric 113.2 American Linen Supply 730.5 A. L. Hepner 113.2 Klawitter's Mobile Station 759.1 Nordberg Manufacturing Co. 734.1 George, H. Laible 801 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Postmaster 793.1 Texaco, Inc. 730.3 Premier Fastener Company 734.4 Miller, Supply Company 730.3 Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 Wallace & Tiernan Inc 734.4 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 Kemske Paper Company 793.4 Miller Davis Company 793.4 Nordberg Manufacturing 113.1 Twin City Testing Lab. 734.4 Westinghouse Electric Supplyll3.2 The Garden 402 Louis Francis Salary Louis Francis Salary #1 #2 771 #7 759.2 #7 206 734.4 #7 Cash #1#2 734.1 #2 7*01 190.00 9.01 50.00 1,658.42 152-38 2.40 346-04- 56.50 5.00 29.75 5.04 906.00 144.00 351.26 54-00 162.00 26-40 22.87 76*09 1.9242.00 14.00 85.68 117.90 30.79 261.98 85*00 12075 2.65 38-54 6.55 2.61 -370.00 34.00 12.40 135999 112.02 112.68 There being no further business., the meeting was adjourned. R. W Bahl, Secretary. ATTEST; I S-he fp-pa rd., �r e s id e nt I 1