01-11-1965 HUCM1 1 1 131. Monthly Meeting January 11, 1965. A monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on January 11, 1965. 759.2 113.2 771 Petty All Commissioners were present; also Supt. Young and D. 0. Comer. Motion was made by Commissioner Quade to allow the following salary changes: 113.1 #1 #2 73093 Robert Porath -- increase of $50.00 per month,effective 1 -1 -65. Ruth Hake 1 " 10.00 797 759.2 Ruth Schoettmer " 10.00 730.3 Bea Pollard " 10.00 734.4 C ord is Rippe " 10.00 801 Harriet Smutka 10.00 730.5 Motion was seconded by Commissioner Tracy and unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Quads to request the City Council to lower the electric rates. Notion was unanimously carried. The following bills were allowed: Fred Briggs M.oehr ing Motors Sterling Electric Company Municipal Electric Plant Westinghouse-Electric Supply W- illiams Graybar Electric C ompa ny Sterner Industries Burmeister Electric Nordberg Manufacturing Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Standard Printing Empire Clock Inc Natural Gas Division Culligan Soft Water Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works E. A. Pedersen Company Home Gas Company Hutchinson Telephone Company Hutchinson Leader Duncan Company Myron Wigen Chevrolet Fischer Bakery Ed Koneitzko Simer.Pump Company Popp Hutchinson Cleaners Zila Hardware 803 759.1 759.2 113.2 771 Petty Cash 113.2 734.1 #1 734.4 113.2 734.1 #7 113.2 113.1 #1 #2 73093 759.2 781.3 734.3 729.1 729.2 777 730.4 797 759.2 734.3 730.3 793.3 801 734.4 759.1 759.2 801 402 734.4 730.5 734.4 771 20.00 20.60 80.39 97.85 265.93 57.16 86.85 22.53 288.70 147.80 23.24 14.15 70.00 120884.92 18.25 2.00 178.28 1.28 88.33 6.00 18.89 58.95 65.32 3.70 10.68 99.25 14.95 132 1 1 Phoell Manuf. Company 734.4 #1 #2 2.60 Boulay, Anderson Waldo & CompazU 795 890000 Simonson Lumber Company 735 88960 Addressograph Multigraph 781.4 6.30 George T. Walker & Company 730.3 15077 William Zing 402 8057 The Sat terslee Company 734.4 39.20 General Electric Supply 113.2 96 .77 Leef Bros 730.5 128.08 Northside "66" Station 759.1 78.18 Standard Oil 729 39302.38 A. L. He pner 113.2 734.1 #4 77.42 Northern States Supply 730.3 6.96 American Linen Supply 730.5 25.40 Sharon Precht 402 4.98 Al. Patrias 801 28.75 Williams 734.4 12.00 Phoe l l Ma nuf . Company 734.1 #1 #2 1.55 State Treasurer 778 1.00 Esther ►s 793.4 6.79 Carr Folowers 412.7 5000 Hutchinson Leader 801 83.75 Citizens Ins. Agency 114 164.50 Twin City Testing Lab. 734.4 127.50 Zeleny ►s Ben Franklin 801 25.65 Hyydralic Jack & Equip. Service 734.1 #1 #2 16.10 Power Process Equip 734.1 #1 #2 66.91 Address ograph MuliAraph 781.4 3.50 Wallace & Tiernan 730.3 16963 McLeod Coop. Power Association 113.2 29.12 NoOd berg Manf. . 113.1 #1 #2 734.1 #4 248.62 Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 205 187.60 Graybar Electric 113.2 263932 Sterling Electric Mdse. 113.2 152.84 ,Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 63.01 ,Eagle Iron Works 734.1 #'4 #5 639.25 Railway Express Ageacy 734.4 7.70 Duncan Company 734.4 47.78 The Satterlee Company 734.4 12.25 Sterling Electric Company 771 9.73 National Tea Company 801 47.76 Northwest T.1- a -lect 759.2 58.00 Wylie Texaco Service 759.2 20 -.80 Sidney E. Marks & Assoc. 113.2 364.32 Thermal Company 730.3 14.85 Texaco Inc 730.3 50.39 C. H. Stocking 771 9.65 Jack Powers 'Eagle 205 24.00 Iron Works 734.1 #4 112.13 Chicago & Northwestern Railway 778 65.00 'Standard Oil 729 50476.21 Simonson Lumber 771 5921 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 730.3 73491 #'2 379.65 1 1 International Union of Operating Engineers LOCAL UNION NO. 49, 49A, 496, 49C, 49D and 49E MEMSOTA AND NORTH DAKOTA LAWRENCE J. GOUGH, President ?�o� OF a10�e Affiliated with A.F.L.- C.I.O. JOE BERGMAN, Vice- President i 5 LARKIN McLELLAN, Z. Recording - Corresponding Secretary _ FRANK PENDZIMAS, Treasurer Yti r`o DALE L. BURCHETT, Business Manager 2580 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL, MINN. 55114 Phone: 848 -2881 February 8, 1965 Dr. Ross I. Sheppard, President Hutchinson Utilities Commission Hutchinson, Minnesota Dear Sir: For 1965 Local No. 49, which is the representative of the Power Plant employees of the City of Hutchinson, submits the follow- ing demands to the Utilities Commission: 1. That a formal agreement covering wages and working conditions be adopted. 2. That a severance pay plan be adopted based on years of service payable at retirement age or permanent disability prior to nor- mal retirement age, or the abolishment of a position. 3. That a uniform wage be adopted for classifications covered by Local No. 49, and that they be more closely aligned to the wages that are currently being paid in other municipal and privately owned power plants. Very truly yours, Charles E. Swenson, Area Business Representative, Int'1 Union of Operating CES /rg Engineers, Local No. 49 f LAW OFFICES OF D. "O. COMER .0. q:, ODM ER OITIZENS BANK BUILDINCW TELEPHONE 896 -1355 - O. W. HASBENBTAB - r HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ?ebruafry 108 1965 ' Mr. Charles E. Swenson Area Business Representative . . U0 ' 0. B. s 14ca l #49 2580 University Avenue St. Paul 14, Minnesota Rat a:h aalslan Util s Commission , Aewarne Mi Dear Mr. Swenson: Your better of February 8, 196 acted to Dr. R. 1. Sh®ppard, President of the Hutahinan as scion, has been turaied over to me for reply. I was sorry that was not We for me to get to the `msetistg in time to hear your di ssion, f As to th a a in your letter of February S, 19680 those nds are dec As Commission s previously informed the Union, it is the intention- plan of t Hutchinson Utilities Comission to provide its ; employ* with the at favorable working conditions possible in line with th nc position of the Utilities Commission and the type of work p and the manner in which the work is performed. This policy will continue. Yours veiny truly,_ D. 0. Cosset ibb as ;H. -I. Sheppard, Chairman ✓ 133. Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 205.26 Sterling Electric 730.3 734.3 58.08 Burmeister Electric 113.2 1,141.04 Standard Oil 759.1 27.94 Noel's Distributing Company 759.2 311.74 Louis Francis Salary 127.00 Louis Francis Salary 107.16 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. R. W. NMI.,, ecretary. ATTEST: R. I. Sheppard., re s e . Monthly Meeting. February 8, 1965. A monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on February B. 1965. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. Young and Hugo Mahs. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission listened to Mr. Charles Swenson, representative for the union; then requested our attorney, D. 0. Comer, to prepare a reply to his demands. The following bills were allowed: #5 759.2 759.2 730.3 797 3.92 22.00 333.86 92.83 9.55 74.30 61.30 19.56 20.04 43.44 18.80 22.18 101.50 1,836.58 5.00 7.74 29.00 75.40 49.32 3.60 6.05 Esthers 793.4 Standard Print ing 793.4 Eagle Iron Works 734.1 #4 Triple "D" Cafe 801 Northern Supply 730.3 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash Ben Jerabek 734.1 #1 Vincent Brass & Aluminum 734.4 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 Myron Wigen Chevrolet 759.1 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 730.3 KDUZ 787.2 Standard Oil 729 Hutchinson Iron & Metal Co. 734.4 Zila Hardware 771 B. M. Stopman 730.4 A. L. Hepner 113.2 Municipal Water Department 730.2 0. A. Bretzke & Sond 771 Lloyd Oftedahl 402 #5 759.2 759.2 730.3 797 3.92 22.00 333.86 92.83 9.55 74.30 61.30 19.56 20.04 43.44 18.80 22.18 101.50 1,836.58 5.00 7.74 29.00 75.40 49.32 3.60 6.05