02-08-1965 HUCM133. Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 205.26 Sterling Electric 730.3 734.3 58.08 Burmeister Electric 113.2 1,141.04 Standard Oil 759.1 27.94 Noel's Distributing Company 759.2 311.74 Louis Francis Salary 127.00 Louis Francis Salary 107.16 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. R. W. NMI.,, ecretary. ATTEST: R. I. Sheppard., re s e . Monthly Meeting. February 8, 1965. A monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on February B. 1965. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. Young and Hugo Mahs. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission listened to Mr. Charles Swenson, representative for the union; then requested our attorney, D. 0. Comer, to prepare a reply to his demands. The following bills were allowed: #5 759.2 759.2 730.3 797 3.92 22.00 333.86 92.83 9.55 74.30 61.30 19.56 20.04 43.44 18.80 22.18 101.50 1,836.58 5.00 7.74 29.00 75.40 49.32 3.60 6.05 Esthers 793.4 Standard Print ing 793.4 Eagle Iron Works 734.1 #4 Triple "D" Cafe 801 Northern Supply 730.3 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash Ben Jerabek 734.1 #1 Vincent Brass & Aluminum 734.4 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 Myron Wigen Chevrolet 759.1 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 730.3 KDUZ 787.2 Standard Oil 729 Hutchinson Iron & Metal Co. 734.4 Zila Hardware 771 B. M. Stopman 730.4 A. L. Hepner 113.2 Municipal Water Department 730.2 0. A. Bretzke & Sond 771 Lloyd Oftedahl 402 #5 759.2 759.2 730.3 797 3.92 22.00 333.86 92.83 9.55 74.30 61.30 19.56 20.04 43.44 18.80 22.18 101.50 1,836.58 5.00 7.74 29.00 75.40 49.32 3.60 6.05 i 134. Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 Hutchins on Leader 787.2 Carr Flowers 412.7 Home Gas Company 730.3 Central Supply Company 734.4 Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 133.75 42.34 22.50 2.56 49.80 241.98 Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 216.42 Natural Gas Division 729.1 777 120305.68 Fred Briggs 803 20.00 Hammer Hardware 734.4 2,9 Hoffman Plumbing & Heating 734.4 3090 Klitzke Auto Body 759.2 82.50 Premier Fastener Company 734.4 53.25 Erickson Oil Products 759.1 88.23 Leef Bros. Inc. 730.5 113.68 The Satterlee Company 734.4 29.72 American Linen Supply- 730.5 25.40 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 331.58 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 85.01 Standar&- Oil 729 5,502.62 Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 52.43 Burmeister Electric Company 772 61.20 Kems ke Paper C ompa ny 793.4 19.43 Dallas E. Hanson 402 2.18 Midwest Oil Company 730.3 62.28 Robinson Rubber Products 734.1 #4 13.90 Crane & Ordway Company 734.1 #4 194.28 Central Supply Company 734.4 72.64 Brauns 734.4 7.46 Fischer - Governor Company 734.1 #1 #2 3.32 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 771 41.91 Northwestern Supply 730.3 324.22 Goodin C ompa ny 734.4 10.00 Power Supply Company 730.3 12.66 Advance Sales & Eng . C ompany 734.4 21.17 Hutchinson Oil Company 730.3 4.25 Del Chemical Corporation 730.3 18.16 Acne Metal Spinning Corp. 734.1 #4 117.31 Duncan Company 734.4 71.19 Westinghouse Electric Supply Mdse. 11392 123.38 Graybar Electric Mdse 17.60 Sterling Electric 113.2 278.89 Nordberg Manufacturing Companyl13.1. #4 99.60 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 771 136.80 E. A. Pedersen Company 734.1 #1 #2 1,424.20 Nalco Chemical Company 734.4 60.00 The Satterlee Company 734.4 9.80 Postmaster 781.2 400.00 McLeod County Treasurer 801 9.44 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 730.3 127.72 Williams 730.3 734.4 58.12 The John C. Eide Company 7341 #4 11.17 Hutchins on Agency 114 112.50 Natc)nal Tea Company 801 72.00 Nordberg Manufacturing Co. 113.1 #7 1,619.00 1 1 O 6 L 0 im �W r � U C W J W I W Q t 0 .i O _S m s V a a c 4 0- 0 Z F t7 r Q LU W i 0 u •xssxsxs= o sxssxx — o 3333333: YYYYYY a YYYYYYY w+ � ° � '� mmmmmmm *' Z mmmmmm aim •. . o.aaaaaa. a= o.0.aan.aa 3 3 °r : CL M 0 0 X.V : C9ll MN r �O�eTMMN w L 0} .. L 0 d O O s s m 0 p. 0 c 1.- 0 N 0 S 0 C c o sss ass S� 9 ssssss I`> } } } } -} a`� c c c c c c o c o x E cac a Z 00000000Y= 0 W EEEEEEuw°.�YC 0 E E E E E E E 0. L L L L L L L ms mm0o00m CL O m m m m m m Wst. aaaao_a.Zcc -D-C Qa.CL0 -QQ.O_ m y= 0 m d O O xS222S S E E 0 w !+ m m SSxsx2s -2 m 333333 �.- YYYYYYYO_0 W L L YYYYYY �_ m m W 01- Z Z CL 0- �. Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O c �= 000000 00000 0- 00 N Cl) h 0 00 p 0 M O O N O , am cv LO > ::E : : : : i x x x x x 0 m ao �� M W L y x x x x m m _Z L m m m m m> s {LZZZZZO !- < m L m m m 0> I.LZZZZO _Z r H < 3333 ° 0 Z QQ_aQ cac a Z 8.0. O MAY h LAMN�- �= W OC I- : : : : i 3 a Y ao m s oz C Z c 0. o ., Z Q . . � = Z 0 0 0 0 L 0 = 0^ W L 0 ..a c c O O O 1!J L m E E E E °' a = sn a EE �x o H L L L L 0Q0app J v �. o 2 c J �. m m aQV .1 LU V 3 Q Em W m xxsS W UA W W a W YYY Z O LW QZ V 3 YY LU Z Z se ^ to o0o0 ::E x� o00 I et -ONM = 3� C L6 Y NN �� _ Z _ ID Z Z 4mm> ._ ZZO u : -Z Q� L> U. Louis Francis Louis Francis Sa la ry Sala ry 0 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST :l%/ . J 1� . ��r�esT��denf�,. 0 Fe ear , Spe cial Meeting February 22, 1965. 135 . 97.95 95.2 0 A special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on February 22, 1965. All Commissioners were present; also S?,pt. Young. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Quade to authorize the President of the Commission to reinvest the Federal Security maturing on March 1, 1965. The motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Quade and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to contribute$25,000.00 to the General Fund of the City cf Hutchinson before March 1, 1965. The motion. was unanimously carried. The following is a copy of Resolution #'2355 passed by the City Council. Resolution #'2355 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Hutchinson did receive a letter from Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, dated January 25, 1965, whereby said Hutchinson Utilities Commission has requested the City Council's approval of a change in the electrical power rates; and, WHEREAS, the City Council. has given due consideration and study to said change in electrical 13ower rates suggested by the Hutchinson Utilities Commission; and, NOW THEFET-ORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Hutch.i.nson that; they do hereby accept and approve + the lowering of electrical power rates as recommended by the Hutchinson Utilities Commission in their above referred to letter cf January 25, 1965. (Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of February.