09-13-1965 HUCM157. Regular Meeting September 13, 1965. A monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on September 13, 1965 in the Hutchinson Utilities Pilling Office. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. Young. Moticn was made by Conariissioner Tracy and seccnded by Commissioner Quade that all officers who have serz,ed f or the past year be re- elected. Motion was unanimously carried, where upon President Sheppard declared the f ollowing to `e the officers of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission for the cominE year: R. I. Sheppard President H. P. Quade Vice President R. W. Dahl Secretary Motion was made by Commissioner Trac- aim seconded by Commissioner Quade to increase the monthly salary of Harriet Smutka $10.00 per month. Motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Quade and seconded by Commissioner Trace to contribute $20,000.00 to the General Fund of the City of IIutchinson. Motion was unanimously carried. RESOL "RD THAT, in accordance with the ree orimenda tions of the Superintendent, and after investigation and consideration, the following accounts owing; by customers of the Utilities Commission be charged off as uncollectatle and as had debts and that the same be written off as of September 30, 1061, out of the current earnings of the Hatchins on Utilities C ommiss ion : Fred Nagel 1 -10 $40.64 Hilmar Reno 1 -3 16 15.68 John Peterson. 3 -372 65.02 Richard Gabert4 -140 2.33 Janl.ce Peterson 4 -444 7.92 Len Peterson 4 -446 6.43 Janice Peterson. 4 -463 4.70 Douglas Doering 5-216 10.39 Carey Erickson - 8 -370 4.97 Roger Williams 14 -17 27.08 Lane Jensen 16 -98 51.86 Charles BucYihe it 19 -100 .F7 David May 19 -122 21.58 IJi The following bills were allowed: Louis Francis Louis Francis `25 Salary Sals ry 99.11 113 .66 158. Fred Briggs 803 20*00 National Food Stores 801 42.96 Notpthern States Supply 734.4 20.65 Roc kite Silo 205 30*50 Esther's 793.4 11-81 o- Soft Water Service Culligan 730.4 777 23.25 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 98-73 Fre,,'rl,cksonls Inc. 771 1.55 Thompson- Hayward Chemical Company 730.3 118.50 Poppts Hutchinson Clearers 730*5 129.90 Zila Ha-dware 734.4 771 6.65 estirrhouse Electric Supply 113.2 162.e8 ordberg Manufacturing 734.1 #7 13.25 Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works 734.1 #1 57.40 Olin Conductors 113 .2 135.30 Texaco Inc. 730.2 730.3 85.24 Farnhans 793.4 5.97 Natural Gas Division 729.1 729.2 13,950.80 American Linen 730.5 30-12 Carr Folowers 412.7 4.00 Myron Wigen Che.,,- 759.1 759.2 6.50 Garribles 730.3 1.25 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 730.3 759.2 22.70 Moehrl.nS Motors 759.1 759.2 40-83 0. A. Fretazke &- Son 771 5.25 Skil Corporation 7.7�4.4 6.52 Power SuPP17 Company 734.4 102-e4 "urmeister Electric Conpany 113.2 205 501-71 Sterling, Electric 113.2 771 244-21 Leef Brothers 730.5 118.78 Graybar Electric 205 771 27.50 Fischer's Bakery 801 64-04 Standard Printing 793.4 89-10 Hobart Welders 730.3 6.75 Addressogra ph -Mu ltigraph. 781.4 8.20 Standard Oil 730.2 1,,764.16 Williams 7134-4 140.71 Fitzloff Brothers 5.63 402 35.58 J - C - Water Carnival 7R7*2 150.00 Central Supply 734.4 14-90 W. U. Nott Company 774.4 4.88 The T7 . peviriter ST-op 208 257.50 C . H. Stockirr 205 734.4 47.00 Popp Rexall Drug 793.4 2.07 Helwig Carbon Products 734.2 28.41 Riverview Press 793.4 22.50 Ten War Coripany 759.2 10.00 Hi)tch-'Lnson Medical Center 801 22.50 Joselyn Manufacturing 1137.2 119.94 Texaco Inc 730.2 64-72 Burmeister Electric 771 4.95 Russell Dunning 5.63 402 14.28 Automotive Supply 5.63 402 35-56 159. Graybar Electric 113.2 8.96 Burroughs Corporation 781.5 27.50 W. S. Nott Company 730.3 3.63 Alr is k 1 s 730.5 787.2 44.75 Postmaster 793.1 115.20 Sterling Electric Corlpany 734.4 802.3 28.66 Rutz Plubing and Heating 797 3.75 Natural Gas Company 412-30 27.85 Fire Extingusiher Sale 734.4 8.25 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 65.50 The Satterlee Company 734.4 19.18 Brown- Boveri Company 113.1 #7 218.30 Thermal Company 730.3 14.85 McLeod Electric Company 113.2 7.00 Sterlin,; Electric Company 771 183.83 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 135.50 Continental Safety Equip. 771 10.23 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 113.1 #7 734.1 #7 23,049.85 Mrs. Leon Sampson 5.63 402 55.40 Marla Haller 402 5.60 Nordberg Manufactring Company 734.1 #1 12.52 Northwestern Supply Company 730.3 59.00 Duluth Filter Company 734.4 360.36 Ut ilc o Company 113.2 771 248.00 Burmesster Electric Company 771 18.21 City of Hut cr ins on 113.2 61.80 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 730.3 41.18 Graybar Electric. Company 113.2 59.78 Standard Oil 729 1,725.27 Ams tan Supply Company 734.4 7.07 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 466.92 The DeLaval Separator Company 734.4 37.86 The Satterlee Company 734.4 8.91 The Medical Center 801 2.00 The Satterlee Company 734.4 2.97 Williams 734.4 24.92 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 90.64 Bare o Bearing Company 730.3 26.67 Nordberg Manus ac turf n Company 734.1 #2 170.58 Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 31.75 Sangamo Electric Comr-any 775 19.56 Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 4,691.73 Gra71,ar Electric 113.2 68.79 Texaco Inc 730.2 129.94 There being no further business, the meeting was-ad journed. n ff. Dah , ec�te any. ATTEST : H. e ppard , reside Ft.