05-17-1966 HUCMv Richard Perry Salary Louis F, -r,%-:Lr.c is a I a. r-,; Richarl merry Sa Iar y Louis Frai.-icis r! Sa 7,,n- Nordberg Marufacturin, Corn pary 111.171 .2 #7 Municipal Electric Plant Petty rash Pover Supply Coraparly 734.4 Addre7solgraph-Multigrraph Corp. 781.4 Dover Corporatilcn 113 .1. #"1 Anderson, 11. e'lgeson, Lieser T1)orse,,,-, '733 Northern; States Supply 730.3 Texaco Inc 730.2 730.3 Great NortYlern Railway 771 R. E. Yo,.i ng 7 C-12. 2 Sterling Electric 730.7 Sinicnson Lurn'her Company 732 Gray�Iar Electric 111".2 771, Yc��-,t"'X,rn States Suz ply- 730.3 L Y,.-s Rul-y Engelkirg 402 Natic,mal Chems each. Cori) . 730.3 Durrou�,hs Corporation 793.4 Holder_ Ire Municipal Electric Plw,,t Petty Cash _,raybar 41c Westinghouse Electric Su ; ply. 713.2 772 P os t na s t E, r 781.2 781.3 NrtLral Gas Dl vision icle 734.4 " 4-he meet'nt� was adjourned. Thel,e no fl-,rther t,u­,_Iness! R. 111. A7 q7 e, rt I , Pre s T1 R _,ar_d_,—_P s i(I e nt . SpF-c"L.1 Yeet.Ing Ila Y ?.7, 1966. A special Meeting of the Utilitl-es Commissicn was hoId on fT 1"lay 17s 1',MC In the Hutc)-,incon Utilities Bijlir.g Office. All Co.r.,missiorers ivpre prpsert; also nup'c. ". 7. YourC. Harold SCY1017 of F. A. Pedersen Cormpary met with tY)e Commis,-,.4.cn a rx-1 d J. s - u s s e r! the d I s t r rq) There I-elng, no fLjrtl-ler was 2-' lourner"'. ATT'F.ST e c r e t ar 7T s i,-1p, nt,