06-13-1966 HUCM16. Harold H. Scholz was also present and being sucessful bidder, dis- cussed his bid with the Commissioners. Associated Consultants and Pfeifer & Schultz both presented proposals for engineering services for expansion of plant facilities. The proposals were referred to Attorney Comer for study. The meeting was adjourned until June 13,1966, this being the date of the regular meeting. Yr.-Dahl, secrtary. ATTEST June 13, 1966 Regular Meeting. The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on June 13th, 1966 at the Utilities Office. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. R. E. Young and Attorney D. 0. Comer. On motion of Commissioner Howard Quade, seconded by Commissioner Clinton Tracy, and unanimously adopted, it was decided that bids for all insurance coverages, except Workmen's Compensation, should be request- ed from the agents in Hutchinson, with such coverage to be set f orth in policies to be submitted with, and as bids, and with such coverage to be effective at the end of the fiscal year, March 31, 1967, at the ex- piration of the present policies. Motion was made by Commissioner Quade and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to sponser the St. Laurence Cathedral Band from St. Cloud for the Hutchinson Water Carnival. Motion was unanimously passed. Upon motion made by Commissioner Howard Quade, seconded by Commissioner Clinton Tracy and unanimously carried, the request of the City of Hutchinson to return the old cement intake at the North end of the dam across Crow River, to the City of Hutchinson, to be used for park pur- poses is granted. The attorney for the Ut ilt ies Commission shall be requested to inform the City of the transfer of this intake to the City. Motion was made by Commissioner Quade and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to allow the following monthly increases in payroll - -to be effective as of June 1, 1966: Richard Webb Exum $25.00 ft. Berry. $35.00 Fred Mayer $10.00 Henry Boller10.00 R.Heilman 25.00 R. Sanken L. Larson 10.00 10.00 R. Zins H. Daharsh 10.00 10.00 W.Marquardt 10.00 K.Krantz 10.00 G.Luthens 15.00 A.Nass 10.00 H. Koch 10.00 F. Murphy 10.00 L .Ziegler 15.00 D.Broten 10.00 J.Clouse 20.00 77'7 771 759.2 797 #7 734.1 #1 #2 113.2 772 734.4 #7 734.4 759.2 Cash 20.00 15,239.26 43.19 20.00 91.28 15.00 95.10 11.27 64.80 9.85 4.90 64.59 28.25 13.20 30.92 23.72 8.00 2,366.10 15.66 29.75 2.56 121.28 15.51 80.79 31.10 1,700.88 440.04 50.11 29.00 419.74 125.98 103.04 1.84 337.82 6.25 1.72 25.00 1.23 106.27 4.33 60.00 17.60 72.04 11.00 49.20 3.70 165.00 76.34 32.50 29.90 17. The- following bills were allowed: Mrs-. Fred Briggs 803 Natural Gas Division 729.1 Zila Hardware 734.4 Hager Jewelry 412.7 Sterling Electric 113.2 Rutz Plubing & Heating 203.2 Popp's Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 Carr Flowers 412.7 Central Supply Company 206 0. A. Bretzke & son 763 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 771 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 Myron Wigen Chevrolet Company 759.1 Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works 203.2 G. F. Nemitz Sons 730.3 Graybar Electric 771 Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 J ose lyn Maf . Supply Company 113.2 Phoe ll Ma of . Company 730.3 A. L. Hepner 113.1 Home Gas Company 730.3 Leef Bros Inc 730.5 Northern States Supply 730.3 Wylie Texaco Service 759.1 Texaco Inc 730.3 Graybar Electric 205 Burmeister Electric 113.2 Snap -on Tools Corporation 734.4 B. M. Stolpman 730.4 Williams 206 National Bushing & Parts Company734.4 Power Supply Company 203.2 Phoe ll Ma of Company 734.4 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 113.1 Standard Printing Company 793.4 Hobart Welders & Sales 730.3 Chicago & Northwestern R7 778 Donld Mlaustermeier 402 Hoel Dist. C omnany 759.2 Imperial Supply 793.4 Nalco Chemical Company 734.4 Hoffman Plumbing & Heating 203.2 Home Bakery 801 Culligan Soft WaternService 730.4 Moehring Motors 759.1 Addressograph- Multigraph 781.4 Westinhouse Electric Supply 113.2 Municipal Electric Plant Myrtle Stegmeier Petty 781.1 Gertrude Keisler 78101 77'7 771 759.2 797 #7 734.1 #1 #2 113.2 772 734.4 #7 734.4 759.2 Cash 20.00 15,239.26 43.19 20.00 91.28 15.00 95.10 11.27 64.80 9.85 4.90 64.59 28.25 13.20 30.92 23.72 8.00 2,366.10 15.66 29.75 2.56 121.28 15.51 80.79 31.10 1,700.88 440.04 50.11 29.00 419.74 125.98 103.04 1.84 337.82 6.25 1.72 25.00 1.23 106.27 4.33 60.00 17.60 72.04 11.00 49.20 3.70 165.00 76.34 32.50 29.90 17. 18. Westinghouse Electric Supply Graybar Electric Company Sterling Electric Company Burmeister Electric Company Nalco Chemical Company Phoenix Chemical Lab Leeds & Northrup Company Williams National Tea Company Municipal Electric Plant Standard Oil Myrtle Stegmeier Gertrude Keisler Railway Express Agency Westinghouse Electric Supply Anderson Chemical Company A. J. Kull Charles Olson & Sons Northern States Supply Sterling Electric Company Power Supply Company American Linen Supply Williams JoselMn Manf & Supply Nelson Furniture North Central Airlines Burroughs Corporation Duluth Filter Cora ki<rf Robert Weisner Municipal Electric Plant Richard Berry Motion was made by Commissioner Quade and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to adjourn and hold a meeting again on June 15, 1966 f or the purpose of discussing the engirwerst proposals. Motion unanimously carried. Q ah , ecretary. ATTEST : ./• eppard, res ent. Special Meeting June 15, 1966. A special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held at the billing office of the Commission on June 15, 1966. All Commissioners were present; also attorney D. O. Comer. Engineers' proposals were considered and no action taken. Meeting was adjourned until June 24, 1966. ai ,- secretary. ATTEST R. I. heppard, President. 1 113.2 771 72.84 113.2 82.90 113.2 777 74.78 113.2 11040 730.3 484.05 730.2 13.50 730.3 56.47 732 32.14 801 47.76 Petty Cash 34.80 730.2 2,020.09 781.1 45.50 781.1 45.50 771 4.40 113.2 20.31 730.3 730.4 343.93 402 3.20 207 388.25 730.3 6.90 113.2 206 49.06 734.4 178.01 730.5 31.01 732 32.34 113.2 163.94 732 4.50 734.1 #7 15.10 793.4 36.00 734.1 #2 364.00 402 7.03 Petty Cash 41.73 Motion was made by Commissioner Quade and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to adjourn and hold a meeting again on June 15, 1966 f or the purpose of discussing the engirwerst proposals. Motion unanimously carried. Q ah , ecretary. ATTEST : ./• eppard, res ent. Special Meeting June 15, 1966. A special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held at the billing office of the Commission on June 15, 1966. All Commissioners were present; also attorney D. O. Comer. Engineers' proposals were considered and no action taken. Meeting was adjourned until June 24, 1966. ai ,- secretary. ATTEST R. I. heppard, President. 1