09-28-1966 HUCMSpecial Meeting S'eptem&r 28, 1966. The City Council, acting in Special Session on September 21 1966, appointed Herbert Filk as a member of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, effective September 22, 1966, to replace R. I. Sheppard, whose term expired on September 22, 1966. A reorganization meeting was held on September 28, 1966 at two ofelock in the Hutchinson Utilities Office. All members of the Commission were present; also Supt. R. E. Young. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Filk to appoint Commissioner Quade as President of the Utilities Commission. The motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by President Quade to Appoint Commissioner Tracy mice President. The motion Was unanimously carried. Resignation of Secretary Dahl was received and read. Resignation to be effective immediately. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Filk to accept the resignation. The motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Filk to appoint R. E. Young as Secretary of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. Motion was unanimously carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. . ng, lao&c re ary• ATTES ' H. P. Qmade,, PresiAlent. Special Meeting October 6, 1966. As most of the Commissioners will be out of town on the regular meeting date of October 10,. 1966, a special meeting was held on October 6, 1966 in the Hutchinson Utilities Office. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. Kuiken and Supt. Young. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Filk thatSupt. Young be accompanied by two Oommissioners to fly to the states of Kansas and Missouri so as to better check on three different types, of engines. The motion was unanimously carried. Supt. Ktiken discussed, the future gas contract with Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company. It was decided to have a special meeting in the very near future after further study has been made relative to the contract. - 31• Motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner _ Tracy to have Supt, Young 0, K. all purchases_ made in the future. Motion was unanimously carried. Notion•vas made by Commissioner .Tracy and seconded-by Commissioner Filk to increase the - salary of Supt. Young in the amount of $150.00 per month, this increase to include the Secretary's salary. Motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made and seconded to hire Paul Ravn as a lineman at a monthly .salary of $425.00. Motion was unanimously carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. The following bills were allowed: Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash -84.88 Mrs. Fred Briggs 803 X20.00 Standard Oil 729 7,368.36 Standard Printing 781.3 793.4 -162.35 Nordberg Manufacturing 113.1 #7 734.1 #7 -91-95 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 -77-03 Westinghouse Electric Company 113.2 - 141.37 Graybar Electric 113.2 - 117.93 Sterling Electric 113.2 - 155.87 Paul Christin 402 -3.71 Mrs. Martin Lervald 402 -2.16 Missouri - Kansas Company 730.3 -- 151.25 Zila Hardware 734.4 771 -14.30 0..A. Bretzke & Son 771 801 -9.75 Addressograph- Multigraph 781.4 -9.35 Citizens Bank 801 -10.00 Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works 206 -10-40 GTG Auto Parts 734.4 -10.25 Myron Wigan Chevrolet Company 759.2 - 52.60 A. L. Hepner 113.2 - 734.1 ° #1 #2 -38.13 Carr Flowers 412.7 -8-00 Graybar Electric 113.2 734.3 10074.28 Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 -52.75 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 113.1 #1 #2 734.1 #2 •266.00 Ben Jerabek 205 759.2 - 229.63 Powers Regulator Company 734.1 #1° #2 °10.00 Northwest Service Station Equip. 206 730.3 -27.45 Leef Bros. . 730.5 -168.04 Marshalltown Manufacturing Company 734.4 -37.44 Home Bakery 801 -17.45 B. M. Stolpman 730.4 -29.00 G. F. �Nemitz Sons 730.3 797 •10.75 Rockite Silo 202.5 =88.50 Texaco Inc 730.3 .30.79 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 730.3 759.1 22.63 Hutchinson Leader 787.2 `60.50 Culligan Water Conditioning 730.4 ^ 7.50 Triple D Cafe Klawitter Mobilts Station Poppts Hutchinson Cleaners Moshri ng Motors Fredrickson's Inc Natural Gas Division Sterling Electric Company Myrtle Stegmeier Mrs. Elmer Saurer Premier Fastener Company H. A. Holden Inc Sterling Electric Company Mrs. Charles Knott Guy P MeG ilt on Dr. D. S. Chernausek Graybar Electric Erick Fratzke Natural Gas Division Allis- Chalmers Manufacturing Ross Heilman Nordberg Manufacturing Company Burmeister Electric Company Municipal Electric Plant Burmeister Electric Graybar Electric Company Sterling Electric Company Westinghouse Electric Company Addres s ograph -Mu It igraph Garlands Inc The Typewriter Shop Cassidy Brothers Thompson - Hayward Chemical Co. Nalco Chemical Company American Linen Supply Company John W. Lipke Bush Steel Company Central Supply Company Phil Graf Municipal Electric Plant Sterling Electric Company Graybar Electric Company Ted Jaskoviak AT TES 801 759.1 730.5 759.1 734.4 729.1 113.2 781.1 402 734.4 730.3 113.2 402 205 205 113.2 206 108 113.2 206 759.2 729.2 730.3 113.1 #1 #2 113.2 7'�2 "Petty Cash 113.2 113.2 205 113.2 113.2 781.4 734.4 793.4 206 730.3 730.3 730.5 402 206 734.4 734.1 #2 Petty Cash 113.2 771 113.2 771 Salary = �/ /iG 32. -70.87K 95.54,- 122.60, 47.23 3,252.14• - 17,428.84- 37.04- 57.20 2.63" 490.37 - 5.25- 399.00 1.48' 25.00' 25.00- 102.93 60.00- 2.97 . 675.00- 18.3 6- 142.47- 334.75 - 94.26- 54.76„ 99.97, 30.54- 111.02 - 3.50- 7.13 -- 28.40e 24.96 68.70 340.14 26.40- 8-15- 9.63- 97.W 240.00- 47-94- 42-2 2 21.77- 107.18 I Hr If A a Cost *r Kkt .59 llesail. 1.89 .?7; 148.38 Ls4, 132.4 14 081 r' 'Am sHCnEsz,xc. soon a Bid _ lam , S t 57 450. -KW gAll !ISO 7000 2 Addendum Receipt 1 and 2 _" .rt.� } 1 and 2 1 and 2 Drawings, weed 8 842 6-12 4 8 -12 Deliverp, weeks *40 40 40 36 30 Completion, weeks *46 52 52 48 _36 Remarks *24 week delivery and 30 week completion with Electric Products I Hr If A a Cost *r Kkt .59 llesail. 1.89 .?7; 148.38 Ls4, 132.4 14 081 r' 'Am sHCnEsz,xc. Mivmlsspolis Chicago. t --.. .. F• '...v yF .�.Y.e.' . +. .., ,.. :.y�t *c.,,+,s i. ,.. W. .'H.:: ; 7Y,F•. �.. It 'j, _" .rt.� } 330 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION HELD ON OCTOBER 13, 19664 AT 4 P. M. IN THE BILLING OFFICE BUILDING. Present Commissioners, H. P. Quade, President, Clint Tracy, Herb Vilk and also present were Secretary and Superintendent, Ralph Young, Mayor Don Kost and Phil Fuller and Merle Giving of Pfeifer and Schultz, Inc., Engineers, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Upon reading of the minutes of the meeting of September 21, 1966, it was noted-that the amounts and details of the bids were not included. Upon motion by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy and unanimously carried, it was determined that a copy of the tabulation of bids dated September 21, 1966 and prepared by Pfeifer and Schultz, Inc., Engineers for the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, be made part of the minutes of said meeting and the Secretary is directed to obtain a copy of said tabulation and attach the same to the minutes and identify the same as Exhibit "A ". After considerable discussion and review of the bids with the Engineers, motion was made by Commissioner Herb -Filk, seconded by Commissioner Clint Tracy to table the bids and the tabulation thereof for further study. The motion was unanimously adopted. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned. Secretary Attest: 34. MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION ON OCTOBER 18, 19665% AT THE BILLING OFFICE AT 7 P. M. Present H. P. Quade, President, Commissioners Herb Filk and Clint Tracy, Mayor Don Kost, Secretary Ralph Young and employee, Webb Exum. After considerable discussion and careful consideration of the recommendations made by Pfeifer and Schultz, Inc., Engineers for the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, and after reports regarding observation of operation of engines, Commissioner Clint Tracy moved and Commissioner Herb Filk seconded a motion to remove the old Macintosh - Seymore engine known as Unit No. 3 and the Nordberg engine known as Unit No. 4 from the existing generating plant building and to replace these engines with two (2) larger dual -fuel diesel engines thereby leaving further expansion possibilities open for any new building that might be constructed in the future. The motion was unanimously adopted. After considerable discussion and review of the recommendations of the Engineers, Commissioner Herb Filk moved and Commissioner Clint Tracy seconded a motion to purchase two (2) 4000 KW Worthington generating units to be installed in place of the old units in the present generating plant building and to let the contracts therefor subject to approval at a subsequent meeting to be held on October 21, 1966, at which time this determination would be reviewed with the Engineers. The motion was unanimously adopted. Upon motion made by Commissioner Herb Filk, seconded by Commissioner Clint Tracy and unanimously adopted, it was determined that the next regular meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission would be held on November 7, 1966, at 4 P. M. in the billing office building instead of on November Al, 1966. Upon motion made by Commissioner Herb Filk, seconded by Commissioner Clint Tracy and unanimously adopted, it was moved to adjourn the meeting. Secretary Attest: � A_= ' •ice -�--- - - --= Chairman ., Hutchinson Utilities At ten, fir. Ralph A. Young Hutchinson, Minn, 55350 Dear Sir: V Area Code 612 Phone 543 -2296 Nov. g, 1966 We propose to construct your Switch Gear Building, according to marked up drawings one through five, dated November 2, 19669 as laved out by your equipment supplier, furnishing all labor, materials and equipment,, for the sun of Seven Thousand,Eight Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($ 7,800.00). Excluded are painting and exterior grading. If this proposal is aeoepted, we would be ready to start work upon notice, and complete as conditions permit. Respectfully submitted, LUHMAN CONSTRUCTION, INGO wn' t1ropainPage No. 1 of Pages BETKLER CUtdbTiiUCTIO N COMPANY HUTC il6jull, ivalki. PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: DATE: NAME: JOB NAME: t� � yr v 1 !XiiICIPAL LliCTRIC PiAA.L 2 SERVICE, 'T'lliii4Sr'URTAER BLDG. STREET: STREET: MAIN STREET CITY: CITY: STATE: HV ZHINSW , III Iy LjOTA STATE: ARCHITECT: DATE OF PLANS: We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: Concrete Block building 18' 8" X 4S' 0" Ceiling height same as building next to it -- Construction- same as building next to it and Plan submitted Building complete as per plans Plate steel not included -- - - - - -- We hereby propose to furnish labor and materials — complete in accordance with the above specifications, for the sum of 51x- thousand -nine hundred -ei botwrs ($ q 0980.00 ) with payment to be made as follows: isionthly percentage of completion billing- balance oi completion i All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs, will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. Our workers are fully covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. Authorized Signature 5 : : :2 Arreplanre of 11xnpntittl The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Arrrptrb: Date Signature Signature NOTE: This Proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within days. Form I IS — Copyright ) 960 New England Business Service, Inc., Townsend, Mass. 350 Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission on October 21, 1966, at the Billing Office. Present Commissioners, H. P. wade, !President, Clint Tracy, Herb Filk: and also present were Secretary and Superintendent, Ralph Young, Phil Fuller and Merle Giving of Pfeifer & Schultz, Inc., Engineers, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissl4ww Tracy to select the Allis- Chalmers top discharge generator. Mote was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was unanimously carried. ATTE r�w' if � No M , , M,. .m Sped ial Meeting November 7, 1966. As most of the Commissioners will be out of town on the regular meeting date of November 14, 1966 a special meeting was held on November 7, 1966 in the Hutchinson Utilities Office. All Commissioners were present; also Secretary R. L. Young and Attorney Comer. Two bids were received for a new switch -gear building. Betker Construction Company $69980.00 Luhman Construction, Inc. $7,800.00 Motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to award the contract to - Betker Construction Company. Motion was unanimously carried. 1