12-29-1966 HUCM40. - Graybar Electric Company Walter R. Hammond Company Standard Oil 113.2 259.25 734.4 28.50 729 1,899.92 There being no further business, motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy that the meeting be ad jo- nrned. Motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST )er 29, 1966. Spec lal Meeting . A special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on December 29, 1966 in the Hutchinson Utilities Billing office at 3:30 P. M. All Commissioners were present; also Secretary R. R. Young. Secretary Young was instructed to obtain reservations for the Electrical Convention to be held Feb. 5, 6, and 7th. A future convention to be held during the month of May in Denver was also discussed. It was noted that two Commissioners would not be in Hutchinson on the regular meeting date of January 9th; motion was made by Commissioner Filk and .seconded by Commissioner Tracy to schedule the regular meeting on January 12, 1967 at 3 :00 P. M. Motion was unanimously carried., ATTEST, H. wade, President* 1 U 1 41• REGULAR MEETING OF THE HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION HELD AT THE BILLING OFFICE ON JANUARY 12, 1967, AT 2 O'CLOCK P. M. The following members were present: H. P. Quade, Herb Filk, Clint Tracy, R; E. Young and D. 0. Comer. H. P. Quade, President of the Commission, called the meeting.to order and called for reading of the minutes of the last previous meeting. The minutes were read by the Secretary, R. E. Young, and approved. P. E. Fuller and Merle Giving of the firm of Pfeifer and Schultz, Inc., Engineers employed by the Utilities Commission in the expansion program, met-with the Commission and went over the provisions of the Specifications for Diesel Engine Generators, Electrical Installation and Wiring. After discussion, Commissioner Tracy moved and Commissioner Filk seconded a motion to accept, approve and authorize the use of the Specifications with certain minor changes. The motion was unanimously carried. President Quade opened the meeting for discussion of the method to be used for obtaining bids or letting a Contract for the Diesel Engine Generators, Electrical Installation and Wiring complete including all necessary changes in the plant and switch gear equipment. The discussion brought out the fact that much of.the material and equipment needed for -this work was in extremely short supply, and in many cases delivery dates were 38 to 42 weeks behind. It was also pointed out that the information necessary to work out the detailed plans would not be available until March of 1967, and that if the Commission were to wait until then to call for bids, completion of the expansion project would be in serious jeopardy and could not be accomplished by the dates set and committed to large customers of the Commission. It was also recognized that since a war was going on in Viet Nam and appeared to be escalating, much of the equipment and material could be frozen and not available at any time. The discussion was developed that the firm of E. A. Pedersen Company of Omaha, Nebraska, were willing to commit themselves and did in fact present .a proposal whereby they would undertake the furnishing of the material and equipment and com- pletion of the work that would be required in carrying,out these Specifications for Diesel Engine Generators,.Electrical Installation and Wiring for a specified sum, that sum being $89,200.00 which was based on plant inspection and general understanding as to the work to be accomplished and mat�or:kitls .and equipment furnished. After lengthy discussion, careful consideration-and reports of the investigations made by Commission members and the Engineers employed by the Commission, they being present at the conclusion of this matter,, adoption of the following Resolution was moved by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy and unanimously adopted: Resolution 102�� As per resolution #1000 adopted 11 -29 -06 £° Numbering resolutions from 1936 — 2006 . t For search purposes only R E S o L U T 1 o N t, _ "RESOLVED, That an emergency situation exists in th obtaining of material and equipment to complete and provide the Diesel Engine Generators, Electrical Installation and Wiring necessary to get into opera ion the new engines being purchased by.the Commission -.w thin Alt the time limit committed by the Commission for furn shing R additional power. The emergency exists by reason'o the x - short supply.of critcal materials and equipment nee ed to accomplish;the completion of this undertaking due t the - war in Viet Nam and other factors and the limitation of time available within which the Commission must hav more ' power available to its users. Because of the presence of the emergency, a the Comaission , further resolves that the proposal of E. A..Pederse Company to furnish the labor, material and equipmen necessary to complete the installation and placingn operation of Diesel.Engine_Generators, Electrical' Installation and Wiring without first making a public call for bids which could not be made until late inlApril of 1961, following receipt of final plans and info r tion from the furnishers of engines and other equipment eing installed. It is further resolved, that the Fresid t and • Secretary of the Commission execute a Contract with &.-At 4> Pedersen Company based on the proposal - dated - Decegib r 362 1966,,from -E. A. Pedersen Company binding them to f rnish the labor, material and equipment as set forth therlein, a ; copy of which is attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof., Mr.: Joe Casey representing Carleton D. Beh Co. of Dies Maw, Iowa,, appeared before the Commission and submitted 0 p IMl,,:. to represent the Commission as fiscal agent,in the ,sale of ti =- revenue bonds that will be required to finance thetxrchase4 engines and installation of all equipment required lin the expansion of`the plant and productive ability. After Mr. Joe Casey had submitted his proposal, hejwas asked to leave the meeting room and the Commission then considered all proposals for furnishing fiscal agent services in."- nation with the sale of the Bonds. The following propose aY Vtar+e received by the Commission:`' 1. Allison_.and Williams Company (fee of.Bond Attorney not included) -Total fee - $ 4 375.90 ' " 2. Duran and Moody, Inc. (Bond Attorney's fee included) - Total fee -: 4,# ti 3- Shaugha ne s s y and Company (Bond Attorney's fee included) -Total fee 4,250.00 4. T. G. Evanston and Associates (Bond Attorney fee not included )Total fee 4,950.00 5. Robert D. Milne and Associates ( Bond At torney ' f ee not included )Total fee 4,000.00 6. Carleton D. Beh Co. (Bond Attorney fee included) "Total fee (based on one -half (i) of one per cent (1%) of Bonds sold) 32500.00 43. After discussion of the merits of the bids and proposals sub- mitted, Commissioner Tracy moved, Commissioner Filk seconded and the Commission unanimously approved the motion to employ Carleton D. Beh Co. as fiscal agents in handling the sale of the revenue bonds required by the expansion program of the electrical operation of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. Discussion was had regarding the salary of employees of the Hutchinson Utilities'Commission. President Quads appointed Commissioner Filk and Superintendent Young to review salaries and wages of employees and present recommendations to the Commission at4a special meeting to be called for that purpose. The following bills were allowed: Mrs. Fred Briggs 803 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 Curtis Industrial Supply Div. 734.4 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 Westinghouse Electric Supply 771 The Hutchinson Leader 801 GTC Auto Parts 730.3 Al Patrias 801 Triple "D" Cafe 801 Texaco Inc 730.2 Margaret Hanson 402 Zila Hardware 734.4 Popp's Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 Arlen Lade 402 Selen's Floral Art Shop 801 imons on Lumber Company, 732 Myron Wigen Chevrolet Company 759.2 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Co. 734.4 Graybar Electric Company Inc 113.2 771 759.1 759.2 20.00 69.81 56.70 407.52 15.85 106.80 10.95 28.75 61.58 94.74 6.76 21.69 115.15 1.38 30.00 15.80 41.85 38 :70 31.30 44 . American Linen Supply Company State Treasurer Natural Gas Division Municipal Electric Plant Bob ' s- Shell Service Home Bakery Standard Printing Company Gamble Store Hoel Distributing Company National Tea Company Nordberg Manufacturing Company Riverview Press Be tke r Construction Company Art B jerken & Don Comer D*on Hansen Eagle Iron Works Reef Bros Inc Texaco Inc Hutch ins on Ceader Pfeiffer & Schultz Dale Miller Standard Oil Natural Gas Division Cleveland Produas Company Charles Olson & Sons Inc Natural Gas Division Sterling Electric Company Municipal Electric Plant Weston 9chneck and Ruth Schneck Postmaster Nordberg Manufacturing Company Standard oil Pfeiffer & Schultz Inc Allis-Chalmers There being no further bus i nes q , Filk and seconded by Commissioner journed. Motion was unanimously 730.5 778 729.1 729.2 Petty Cash 759.1 801 781.3 793.4 771 759.2 801 113.1 #7 793.4 202.5 412.10 108 734.1 #'7 730.5 730.2 801 211 759.2 729 108 730.3 759.1 108 113.2 205 Petty Cash 412.10 781.2 113.1 #5 #6 729 211 113.2 734.1 #7 25.08 1.00 15,475.52 98.11 97.90 15.65 132.45 1.79 1.00 50.16 327.74 70.00 2,214.25 65.76 15.41 140.63 127.94 1,886.15 7.00 2,369.68 68.90 5,664.37 46.08 161.70 7.53 17.84 79.59 85.89 50.00 400.00 275.32 5,836.82 2,908.97 3o024.00 motion was made by Commissioner Tracy that the meeting be ad- carried. . E - -Yr, �� ec ary. Attest. �� I-L H. F. Wtuade, Fresident. - C E R T F_ I C A T I a N I hereby cgrtify that ah a is a true and c orrect copy of a Resolution duly passed, adopted and approved by the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson.. Minnesota, on the 12th day of January, 1967. ecreta utchgAoh t t es Commiss on of tWe City of Hutchinson, Minnesota. 1 a.� %.S• ,: .... OLi3x. !. Oa3x - � Oa3x , r ,. I , "Hutchinson, Minnesota January 12, 1967 BOND SERVICE AND FISCAL AGENCY SERVICE AGREEMENT TO: THE HONORABLE PRESIDENT AND HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA Gentlemen: F. In connection with the proposed issue of approximately $700,000 municipal Electric Light Plant and System Revenue Bonds proposed to be issued by your Commission, we make you the following proposal: 1/ t e7d "dnn For and in consideration of the sum equal to $ty aiuD SS 02, we will secure certified statements of indebtedness, ope ations, etc., and property valuations of your municipality from the proper officials. We will make a detailed survey of your present financial condition and advise you as to the best method of financing the above improvement in such a way that the general debt incurring power of your municipality shall be least affected. We will analyze engineer's report on estimated annual earnings and operating expenses and recommend maturities for the proposed bond issue which can be paid, plus interest, from the future net earnings, which shall be most advantageous to the municipality and the Commission and result in ready marketability, having due regard to probable future needed expansion of plant facilities and future financial requirements, optional feature of the bond schedule, etc. We agree to make a survey of local conditions and make such recommendation, based upon our many years of experience in municipal revenue projects, as we may deem advantageous in the successful operation of the plant and the successful issu- ance and sale of securities.; We will furnish the lithographed printed bonds ready for signatures of proper officials, and if requested by you, prepare and have used facsimile signature of'proper official on the coupons when the bonds are printed, under the terms of this agreement. This contract does not contemplate the furnishing of legal services by the undersigned company nor by any of its officers, agents or employees, because' I bond attorneys, mutually agreed upon, will furnish all minutes, instructions and legal proceedings. You agree that you will proceed with the preparation and adoption of all neces- sary resolutions, forms of notice and other legal proceedings to complete the legal issuance of the municipal securities contemplated herein, as soon as is reasonably practicable. You will furnish us, prior to the delivery of the securities contemplated herein, certified copies of records of all..proceedings had preliminary to and authorizing the issuance of said securities necessary to satisfactorily evi- dence their legality to our counsel. The undersigned company agrees to pay your bond attorney firm,employed for this purpose, for their services in preparing the proceedings had preliminary to and authorizing the issuance of said securities, as well as the costs of all official publications, local and otherwise, required for the legal issuance of the above described bond issue.: s r r r `"r P i`3, z y� , °ras �. . + � a: u � a � ^,; tmr ..+sa ,ir r t ao•, «x r. � rr � t . ";"t.S ar ,a a -2_ The undersigned company further agrees to furnish the following additional services to the Hutchinson Utility Commission: a. To advise and consult with you on all financial and business f details of your bond issue, so that the final arrangements will be most advantageous to your Municipality. b. We will1repare a prospectus for the information of prospective purchasers on the obligations to be offered by the Municipality for the purpose of financing the purchase and installation of additional generating capacity in the Municipal Power Plant. We will reproduce said prospectus in sufficient numbers so that they can be distributed to all prospective bond buyers in sufficient time before the contemplated public sale. Such prospectus will cover: 1. Compilation of detailed operating and fiscal information over the last operating period to substantiate the earnings record and reveal the future earnings potential of the Municipal Electric Utility. 2. A comprehensive, concise view of the Municipality, its financial status and practices, and its economic and other background. 3. All details and specifications of the obligations to be issued, including all authorizing resolutions to provide for the issuance of the obligations, and the official notice of sale. 4. A description of the improvements or extensions for which the obligations are being issued, and an analysis of the need for such improvements to be supported by an opinion as feasibility of the proposed financing. Feasibility study to include cost estimates, proposed amortization schedule and means of retirement of contemplated obligations. It is understood and agreed that you will reserve the right to reject any and all bids at the bond sale. The Carleton D. Beh Co. will furnish adequate assurances to the Hutchinson Commission that they will receive the best possible bid that the market has to offer at the time the bonds are sold. Respectfully submitted, CARLETON D. BEH CO. BY JOSEP . C,ASVL resident The above and foregoing proposal accepted this day of January, 1967. FOR THE HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION President S etary :t t:sY- .,rc ,+�' nr±.. �; ♦ rrc" ..yo-. ,a+,p('<<r si¢ 1 wq to i r 4%. V Hutchinson, Minnesota January 12, 1967 MOTION ON A- RESOLUTION TO EMPLOY THE CARLETON y' D. BEH CO., INVESTMENT SECURITIES, DES MOINES ` BUILDING„ DES MOINES, IOWA, TO ACT AS .FISCAL r, , AGENTS FOR THE UTILITIES COMMISSION, HUTCHIN- SON, MINNESOTA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ASSISTING s ` THE COMMISSION IN FINANCING THE EXTENSIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO THE MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC PLANT, HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, NOW UNDER CONTRACT. WHEREAS, the Utilities Commission, Hutchinson, Minnesota, has entered into contracts for the purchase of an additional generating unit and auxiliaries to increase the firm 'generating capacity of the Municipal Electric Light and Power Plant and System to meet the demands of increased firm light and power require- ments of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the current financial status of funds on hand and .available to the Commission for said purchase of electric plant extensions and improvements, makes it mandatory to anticipate future plant earnings and borrow approximately $700,000 at this time, and to issue and sell, at public sale, revenue bonds secured by the future net operating revenues of said plant; and system; and WHEREAS, THE President and the Commissioners of the Utilities Commission have met in regular and special sessions on several occasion's to consider this problem of financing, and have surveyed the municipal revenue financing market, checked x with other municipal officials and other authorized sources to determine the market conditions for utility borrowings of this type and have entertained pro -' posals from other fiscal agents; and WHEREAS, Mr. Joseph E. Casey, Vice President of the Carleton D. Beh Co., In- v'estment Securities, Des Moines Building, Des Moines, Iowa, was invited to attend a special meeting called by the President of the Commission.at P.M. on the 12th day of January, 1967, at the regular meeting place of the Commission to' consult with the Commission on the best ways and means available to the Commission to finance the estimated $700,000 needed to pay suppliers of equipment, supplies and services and to firm up certain specifics of a proposal previously submitted; and WHEREAS, the financing requirements were discussed at said time and place with ' members of the Utilities Commission, and the Commission reached its decision on the method to proceed. , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE UTILITIES COMMISSION, CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, that the firm of the Carleton D. Beh Co., Des Moines, Iowa, be and the same is hereby employed as fiscal agents for and on behalf of the Utilities Com- mission to make and conduct all necessary studies and efforts, and to do all things necessary to prepare for the necessary issue and sale of electric revenue bonds at , the time decided upon by the Commission, and that the details of fiscal agency service and terms of financing be and hereby are more specifically set out in i written agreement, dated this date and attached hereto; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the President and the Secretary, be and are hereby authorized and directed to enter into and sign formal agreements with the Carleton D. Beh Co. as approved by the Utilities Commission. This Resolution read and offered by Commissioner Tracy who moved its adoption. It was seconded by Commissioner F i lk and adopted this l� today of January, 1967. The President called for a vote and the Commissioners voted as follows: Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 The President declared the motion duly adopted. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the President declared the meeting closed. FOR THE UTILITI SION' - Commission Preside i • - `', Commies o Ssara ary • 4i itF?W S.t aer+ ;s- �rSi-Y,4+, ra r „t..... i „'�.', W � , : q t .l.•1 +. ^,I:• ,TM• � x ^ flcfE ID u c' ,� '�j"g.i.�"mt2*r t .' .r v } FIRST NATIONAL 13ANK OF MINNEAPOLIS N0. 269 69 M INN I t A P O LID, M INN tD0TA n JJ��/� 1OLLOWINO Ot5CR18110 81scUAItIEBs r p �7oa1"J �,.. 9 fRANMC�ION b CD NUM L11 44 9633 U 31 5' CCO Nt Mt - " tl06N NUM tN 7z '7I 1 �uTCH Ivsaly M i NN GUST �o X03480 YtNON12 t SIGNAtUht tACt At-A tlNAMttl- 00,74$,230 NC 063067.: 75 Op Si05 0 NI00` 11' IT 5A�TREASURY DILLS 3837�G27, 3837659 31A837544 5MA • 15422725/30 IOM EA r 1 I VV DEPT UTCN I N50N U T I L I T I E S COMM E L E C' N. • N+N�uN t.0 AN INT. AMOUNT INt All Dttttl D t b NtCKIYkC WITMIN DDDYMII'ItD /3p bA ?R C>IELIGl1lWTlb'N Of Il l r Will CMtblt MOtllt VALUN' ,,, rtivrTABLE SAFEKEEPING RECEIPT AND SECURITY LEDGER FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS M I N N E A P O L I S . M I N N E S O T A RFC VF1) TWF• Fnl 1 nwimr nFCrmjmrrm CFr11pITIFC' No. 266409 4OUN7 NO. TRANSACTION CO NUMBER CD DATE 1�494 9 44 6409 02 09 67• ACCOUNT NAME C l TZ BK HUTCH I NSON MINN CUST" BD BOOK NUMBER 6034801 Q K[_R FE p Q a a p �URITY NO. ... CALL RATE MAT. OR PAR NORIZEO SIGNATURE PACE AMT /NO 9NARE3 BR CD INTEREST PA 0 7.4031 NC 05150 1 10167 S 00 90 . ONVO I 04 SECURITY DESCRIPTION °FEIER'AL INTER CREDIT BANKS DEB REC FROM CHASE MANHATTAN BK REC ;GS87123 INT AT MAT $1931.25 _ TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION INV DEPT A/C HUTCHINS N UTILITY COMMI.SSION 1- ST'INTEREST OATS ST INT. AMOUNT gEGU LAR INT. AMOUNT INTEREST DATES DATED RECEIVED WITHIN Him m P• AUD A 12/ 1/67 1 [ERAWDY 06 ` DATE DESCRIPTION OF ENTRY DEBIT CREDIT BOOK. Vq LEIE, jII} jII-T }I -}IIr- IIT} TT j]jJ_H,41 L I I 17 4.17 A` 1. "O NON - NEGOTIABLE SAFEKEFFJING RECEIPT AND SECURITY LEDGER