08-07-1967 HUCM83. The Satterlee Company- 734.4 4.20 Imperial Supply Company 793.4 17-26 Sangamo Electric Company 775 30.78 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 61.48 Roger Wallace Payholl 163.18 There being no further business, motion was made by Commission Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to adjourn the meeting. Motion was unanimously carried. ng, retary. ATTEST = H. P. Qua de, -resident Regular Meeting. August 7, 1967. As all Commissioners would not be able to attend the meeting on August 14th, the President called for a meeting on August 7, 1967 at the Billing Office at 4:00 P. M. All Commissioners were present; also Sut)f t. R. E. Young. The meeting was called to or,�er by the President and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. A discussion re ;ardin'- rates and the possibility of hirinc, a rate consultant was Meld " tl�e Commission. No action was taken and the issue was tailed for the present ti-me. The f ollowin, bills s,ve oe allowed: Sterlinu Electric Company Mrs. Fred Briggs Graybar Electric Nalco Chemical Company Burmeister Electric Com�ny J . C . Water. C a r n i v a 1 Citizens rya nk Hutc}.inson Telephone Company Pheifer & Schultz E. A. Pederson Company Grams Insurance Agency Citizens Insurance Agency Schenk's Super Service Westinghouse Electric; Texaco Inc Joseph E. Dahl Surgical Company Myron Wigen Chevrolet 251 259 124 729.98 799.4 20.00 124 771 154.16 734.4 18.63 124 4,658.20 799.6 125.00 797.4 40.80 79,_) .3 92.23 262 4,438.46 258 45,000.00 130 445.94 130 86.t� � 759.1 85.75 212 734.4 654.84 730.2 1,981.96 730.3 4.59 759.2 3.25 1 1 Hoffman Plumbing & Heating 7'4.4 _ R-.65 Standard Oil 729.1 2,055.82 Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works 771 25.00 Cul-ligan Aster Conditioning 730.4 20.50 Zile. hardware 732 17.15 Home Bakery 799.6 18.92 Fischer I s Bakery 799.6 67.03 Municipal Water Department 7'0.2 57.20 0. A. rretzke & 'ion 775 4.10 V1. S . Nott Company 734.4 10.14 Popp' s Hute gins on Cleaners 730.5 92-85 Rockite Silo Ince 211 48.77 Hutchinson Refuse Service 730.4 39.00 Red Owl Food Stores 730.3 15.43 Esther I s 793.4 12.60 Natural Gas Division 729.2 777 14,479.32 Fire Extenguisher Fire Sales 734.4 7.50 Crankshaft Supply C (,mpan- y 734.1 #1 10.60 Simonson Lumber Company 732 12.05 Tem -trot Corporation 734.4 18.04 0. Zernickow Company 734.4 27.72 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 64.72 Carlton E. Beh Company 263 3,500.00 Northwest Service Station E:a,.)ip. 734.4 26.04 Northern States Supply Company 730.3 19.58 R. E. Whitacre & Company Void C he me o Company Inc 730.3 67.16 Standard Oil 729.1 1,022.11 American Linen Company 730.5 36.49 Corby Serivice Plan 799.6 25.80 Power Supply Company 730.3 612.29 Standa »d Printing Company 793.4 59.65 DeZiel Fastener Inc 734.4 17.94 Wortbin -ton Corporation 257 317,933.10 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 79.76 Texaco Inc 730.3 30.79 Standard Oil 729.1 2,038.54 National Chemseach Company 730.3 173.58 Addressograph- T+ultigraph 781.4 8.00 Nordl:,erg Manu -'ac, turing Company 123 #1 #2 39.80 Edwin L . Wiegand C ompany 25 9 211.95 Leef Bros 730.5 108.64 Burme is ter Electric Company 124 206.52 Black Sivalls & Byrson 257 841.00 Sterling Electric Company 3.1 124 665.40 City of Hutchinson 730.2 9.00 Standard Oil 729.1 53,123.13 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 123 #1 #'2 #7 7,032.50 ?some Gas Company 730.3 2.72 Westin ';house Electric Supply 212 13.92 Burmeister Electric 124 592.61 Graybar Electric Company 124 107.17 Corey Service Plan 799.6 51.60 Sterlin Electric Company 124 183.85 85 . Snap -on Tools Corporation Anderson Chemical Company United Bu'i_ldin Center H. A. Dobratz Sons Lester Roberts Phoell Manufacturing Company Mac Arthur Company W. S. Nott Company Municipal Electric Plant H. & S. Engineering Inc H. & S. Enginnering Inc 734.4 20.35 730.3 26.85 797 3.59 797 13.20 415 •1.00 734.4 10.54 732 184.73 732 80.58 Petty Cash 56.45 257 2,742.10 257 7,902.02 There beinu no further business, motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded b;y Commissioner Tracy to adjourn the meeting. Motion was unanimously carried. E . i'9 fig., S� retary. ATTrST 777. Quade., President/,**' 1 1 n