11-11-1967 HUCM1 1 Regular Meeting. September 11, 1.967. The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held at the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office on the 11th day of September, 1967 at four o'clock P. M. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. R. E. Young. The meeting was called to order by the President and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Filk that all officers who have served for the past year be re- elected. Motion was unanimously carried, where upon President Quade declared the following to be the officers of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission for the coming year: H. P. Quade Clinton Tracy H. W. Filk R. E. Young President Vice President Commissioner Secretary AM Motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy that an estimated total of $120,000.00 be contributed to the City of Hutchinson by March 31, 1969. Motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to place Roger Wallace on the monthly payroll at $365.00, effective September 1, 1967. Motion was unanimously carried. A discussion was held relative to a contract with. the Hutchinson Telephone Company regarding joint use of poles. The matter was tabled for later consideration. Motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to increase the salary of Supt. Young and Webb Exum $50.00 per month, effective September 1, 1967. Motion was unanimously carried. Resolved that, in accordance with the recommendations of th-e Superintendent, and after investigation and consideration, the following accounts owing by customers of the Utilities Commission be charged off as unc ollectable and as bad debts and that th.e same be written off as of September 30, 1967, out of the current earnings of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission: 3-180 Richard Revier 5-240 Wm. F. Rylel 5-250 Wm. F . Rylel Ray Diamond 6 -212 Albin Kreuger 7 -146 Mrs. Leland Fraker 7 -252 Dale Blake 3-180 13.20 5-240 4.46 5-250 42.12 6 -212 4.20 7 -146 12.16 7 -252 3.31 11 -270 42.90 122.35 87. The following bills were allowed: Mrs. Fred Brigrrs 799.4 20.00 Mrs. Charles Maag 112(Omit) 11.00 Lyle Block (Omit) Standard Printing Company 793.4 28.55 American Linen Supply 730.5 31.89 Williams 734.4 42.68 Pheiffer & Schultz 262 3,135.58 Joe Peterson 415 6.65 Myron Wigen Chevrolet 759.1 759.2 8.70 Moehring Motors 759.2 2.50 Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 724.77 Standard Oil 729.1 4,088.85 Joselyn Manufacturing & Supply 124 20348.50 Citizens Bank 793.4 118.00 Miller & Miller 257 89.93 Natural Gas Division 729.2 777 14,111.72 Zila Hardware 734.4 771 20.75 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 75.27 H. A. Dobratz & Sons 255 517.30 Popp's Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 104.55 Simonson Lumber Company 734.4 48.29 Carr Flowers 405 15.00 E s the r' s 793.4 9.50 Hersey Sparling Meter Company 734.4 30.53 Ed Davis Typewriter Company 793.4 799.2 50.70 Herlin Nordin 415 1.20 Hutchinson Leader 265 58.50 R. B. Whitacre & Company 734.4 443.70 John Henry Foster Company 734.4 133.70 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 96,87 Graybar Electric Company 124 211 63.12 Burmeister Electric Company 124 64.89 Sterling Electric Company 259 15.40 John Mi7_ler 799.6 35.00 Minnesota Mining; & Manf. . 124 970.50 Alrich's 730.5 17.96 Atandard Oil 730.1 4,079.00 A. L. Hepner 123 #7 259 58.45 Leef Bros 730.5 165.80 The Satterlee Company 212 48.75 Burmeister Electric 772 61.20 Westinghouse Electric Supply 124 102.18 Power Valve 734.1 #1 223.88 Kems ke Paper Company 793.4 33.17 Riverview Press 793.4 15.00 Erickson Oil Products 759.1 73.12 Northern States Supply Company 730.3 13-2.9 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 25.19 Mary E. Bohn 415 1.89 1 1 1 Following taken from the Regular Counci? Proceedings dated August 28, 1967. .. ft. 88. Alderman Linder made a motion that salaries for the - Utilities Commission be set at $30.00 each per month, effective October 1, 1967. Alderman Johnson seconded the motion of Alderman Linder, and upon vote being taken, all members present voted "aye" and the motion was declared carried . Home Bakery 799.6 Wendall's 793.4 Burroughs C or por at ion 781.3 Kato Tool & Equipment 771 The Powers Regulator Company 734.4 Natural Gas Division 102 American Public Power Assn. 799.6 Corey Service Plan 799.6 Anderson; Helgeson, Leiser 795 National Tea Company 799.6 The Garden Suppler Club 415 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash Texaco Inc 730.1 730.3 Edwin C. Spethmann 799.6 Standard Oil 729.1 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash Nordberg Manufacturing Company 123 #7 734.1. #7 Graybar Electric 124 771 Sterlin Electric 124 771 Kemske Paper Company 793.4 W. S. Nott Company 730.4 Burroughs Corporation 781.5 Premeier Fastener 734.4 Central Supp7.7 Company 734.4 Westinghouse Electric Corporation 124 Charles Olson & sons 759.2 Rotanium Products 730.3 Nalco Chemical Company 734.4 Inland Supply C ompan�T 732 Black S ivalls & Bryson C ompa.ny 257 Duncan Company 212 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Pheiffer & Schultz 262 Burmeister Electric Company 124 771 Cash EREA Express Agency 123 #7 734.1 #7 E. A. Pedersen Company 258 H. & S. Engineering Inc 257 76.19 26.70 95.40 6.44 12.80 3.54 175.86 25 .80 309.58 63.30 25-05 194.20 102.95 54.45 10,242.44 89.58 742.95 564.70 122.28 2.18 112.19 9.87 186.66 147.68 353.90 6.48 64-55 60.00 37.12 33.10 64.35 89.86 2,891.46 46.84 14.96 930.00 7,123.00 There being no further business, motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to adjourn the meeting. Motion was unanimously carried. oung, SeVetary. ATTEST - H. H. P. wade, resident