01-08-1968 HUCM1 L Burmeister Electric Company 124 135.84 Joyce Burgstaler 415 4.45 Northwest Station Equipment 734.4 33.04 3 M Business Products Inc 799.2 22.08 Beverly Popp Salary 88.25 Beverly Popp Salary 72.'6'7 Darrel Hedlund Salary 170.30 Darrel Hedlund Salary 149.68 There being no further business, motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to adjourn the meeting. Motion was unanimously carried. ATTFST uade, Presid nt. --R-.-Ed1Youn6a Regular Meeting January B..'1968. The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held at the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office on the _Lfth day of January, 1968 at three o'clock P. M. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. R. E. Young. The meeting was called to order by the President and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The voltage change of 4160 to 13800 for the High School area was discussed. Regarding the 21(00 KVA transformer needed, it was decided to advertise for bids. As the spare cubicals are built for the GE breaker, the GE circuit breaker will have to be ordered without taking bids. , A motion by Commissioner Filk was made and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to advertise for a 2500 KVA transformer and to order the GE circuit breaker. Motion was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Filk to contribute to the . General Fund of the City of Hutchinson $620000.00. Motion was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to invest any surplus funds in Federal Securities. Motion was unamimous 1y carried. M 1 L Burmeister Electric Company 124 135.84 Joyce Burgstaler 415 4.45 Northwest Station Equipment 734.4 33.04 3 M Business Products Inc 799.2 22.08 Beverly Popp Salary 88.25 Beverly Popp Salary 72.'6'7 Darrel Hedlund Salary 170.30 Darrel Hedlund Salary 149.68 There being no further business, motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to adjourn the meeting. Motion was unanimously carried. ATTFST uade, Presid nt. --R-.-Ed1Youn6a Regular Meeting January B..'1968. The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held at the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office on the _Lfth day of January, 1968 at three o'clock P. M. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. R. E. Young. The meeting was called to order by the President and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The voltage change of 4160 to 13800 for the High School area was discussed. Regarding the 21(00 KVA transformer needed, it was decided to advertise for bids. As the spare cubicals are built for the GE breaker, the GE circuit breaker will have to be ordered without taking bids. , A motion by Commissioner Filk was made and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to advertise for a 2500 KVA transformer and to order the GE circuit breaker. Motion was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Filk to contribute to the . General Fund of the City of Hutchinson $620000.00. Motion was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to invest any surplus funds in Federal Securities. Motion was unamimous 1y carried. M M1NNt A POL1t, �1NN6!OTA f', TH FOLLOWING DESC DIED SECURITIkS: �r rit>��. ,111A1ItVINAL >IS�N OF MINNEAPOIAS ACCOUNT NO. iiU • bATR -. $ 90494 9 44 7929 01 17 68 ACCOUNT N MS LOOK 14UOtII CITZ BK HUTCHINSON MINN COST BD; 2 M4801 CALL NA t • PA AUTNOAI t0 t1tNATUNt FAtt AMT /NO AN NCO J,0007_0$0,4_ NC 040468 �- .. 9 00 11 1 U Y D S ON .I A TREASURY BILLS 16471331/32* 16470721,16470703,10M ,E k 879415 SOM `. INV DEPT, A/t HUTCHINSON UTILITIES , -►�,.. M tbT OAYt tt Nt. AMOUNT MCGULA INT. AMOUNt INttK[7t.OATtt - OATtO MCtIVib WlTNtll "CWT '• CRAM, 1015/67 09 DAYS DttCNIP710N 4►' [HTRV Dt111T GR[DIt *OOR VALUS F3~ 177 REV. 10.,6 NON- NEGOTIABLE SAFEKEEPING RECEIPT" AND SECURITY LEDGER 111-1 — inAu¢ VAIa SALESMAN 01 464 1/16164 FEN R ME 801.0 TO YOU FOR SETTLEMENT C }� ..FACE AMOUNT OR YIELD DAYS DOLLAR PRICE NO OF SHARES TO MAT 4 so 79- 94092wral U# a. TREASURY BILL atlf4�ee -WE ARE ACTING AS ACCRUED INTEREST DATES ACCOUNT NO, Pit INcIPAL TO a Efl4 !�1 MISCEL NET PRINCIPAL "ACCRUED INTEREST AMOUNT DUE - llMtpl --- - t3 it�N .E1 E�♦ o -- -•• — .. —gam— a .ywrwFlUvoww" .-., w P A ' Q CITIZENS !BANK , IAVtN SuAtcros PRESS HUYCHINSON# MINNESOTA 56*54 ,IF THE AS IS NOT IN ACCORDAN'/N*TTM4 �NDING, PLEASE NOTIFY US sloo"D INK !�' CQN,fRRMATION 97 The following bills were allowed: Mrs . Fred Briggs 799.4 20.00 Al Patrias 799.6 28.75 Standard Oil 729.1 2,083.41 Sterling Electric Company 124 259 272.48 Graybar Electric Company 124 161.71 Western Oil and Fuel Company 759.1 43.09 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 98.61 Cory Coffee Service Plan 799.6 25.80 Nalco Chemical Company 734.4 60.00 American Linen Supply Company 730.5 37.07 Crane and Ordway Company 734.4 452.37 National Chemsearch Corp 730.3 381.04 The Hutchinson Leader 799.6 121.95 Home Bakery 799.6 18.89 Natural Gas Division 102 3.40 Industrial Supply Company 733 9.95 G F Nemitz' Sons 732 32.70 Maynard Kaufman 734.4 21.20 Hutchinson Oil Company 730.1 4.50 Anderson,Helgeson,Lieser & Thorsen 795 1,536.45 Sears, Roebuck and Company 734.4 1.69 Home Gas Company 730.3 1.36 National Bushing and Parts Co 734.1 #1, #'2 46.61 Popp's Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 116.45 Farm and Home Distributing Co 797 4.19 E. W. Lippmann, MD 799.6 12.00 The Hutchinson Telephone Co 793.3 74.82 Rotanium Products Company 734.4 76.79 Zila Hardware 734.4 771 7.30 Bernard J., Mulcahy Company 734.4 4.41 Williams 734.4 36.04 Natural Gas Division 729.2 777 15,535.97 Simonson Lumber 732 52.48 Moehring Motors 759.2 54.65 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Co 730.3 1.40 GTC Auto Parts 734.4 9.33 Duncan Company 734.4 81.92 Culligan Water Conditioning 730.4 797 16.00 Crow River Gift & Office Supply Co 793.4 - 11.37 Hoel Distributing Company 759.2 17.83 Texaco Inc. 730.3 43.56 Hydra -Power Inc . 734.1 #1, #2 15.53 E. A. Pedersen Company 258 650.00 Worthington Corporation 257 259,035.43 Betker Construction Co. 253 310.00 National Tea Company 799.6 16.00 H & S Engineering; Company 257 3,281.00 Crane and Ordway Company 734.4 62.71 Duluth Filter Company 734.4 400.40 United Building Center 797 2.95 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 126.86 Standard Oil 730.1 1,323.13 Sterling Electric Company 124 734.3 419.94 1 I Graybar Electric Company Westinghouse Electric Supply Co Williams Burmeister Electric Company 3M Business Products Sales C. H. Stocking Red Owl Food Stores Snap -on Tools Corporation E. W. Lippman MD National Bushing & Parts Co Leef Eros., Inc. W. S. Nott Company Carr Flowers Mueller Sales Corp Northern States Supply Co Paco -Guy Speaker Co. Hutch Cafe Fischer f s Bakery Thompson- Hayward Chemical co Floor Care Supply Company The De Laval Separator Co Cory Coffee Service Plan Texaco Inc. Standard Oil H & S Engineering Inc. Pfeifer & Shultz Inc. Boustead Electric & Manuf. Co. 3M Business Products Sales 124 124 734.4 124 793.4 734.4 799.6 734.4 799.6 734.4 730.5 734.1 #5 #6 #7 405 734.4 730.3 734.4 799.6 799.6 730.3 730.3 734.4 799.6 730.1 730.3 729.1 257 262 733 799.2 42-74 227.47 23.63 1,020.84 42.19 1.10 22.52 13.935 12.00 31.00 149.30 62.72 5.00 49.37 68.25 27.36 3.80 62.24 79.00 9.67 25.70 27.88 104.44 4,193.97 7..694-20 2,546.48 23.50 3.45 Motion was made by Commissioner F ilk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to increase payroll of the following employees, effective January 1, 1968: DeWayne Rubedor - -- $35.00 Joe Walters - -- 25.00 Mathias Schnichels -- 15.00 Milton Studeman - -- 15.00 Gordon Fratzke - -- 10.00 Ross Heilman - -- 10.00 Wm. Marquardt - -- 15.00 Harvey Daharsh - -- 10.00 Kenneth Krantz - -- 10.00 George Luthens - -- 10.00 Arnold Nass - -- 10.00 Lester Ziegler - -- 15.00 Francis Murphy - -- 15.00 Don Broten - -- 15.00 James C1otse - -- 25.00 Roger Wallace - -- 375.00 Henry Boller - -- 10.00 Fred Mayer - -- 10.00 Ruben Sanken - -- 10.00 Richard Berry - -- 25.00 Monthly basis(Sept.) 99. 6 Louis Francis - -- $25.00 Henry Kna c ke Darrel Hedlund Ruth Hakel Ruth Schoettmer Bea Pollard Cordia Rippe Johanna Ewald Motion was unanimously carried. 375.00 25.00 7.50 7.50 20.00 10.00 Monthly basis.(Jan. ) The following monthly salaries were also allowed: Barrel Hedlund Salary 170.49 Beverly Popp Salary 88.25 Darrel Hedlund Salary 136.60 Beverly Popp Salary 75.78 There being no further business, motion was made by Commissioner F ilk and _ sec onded by C ommis s i oner Tracy t o ad j ourn the mee t ing . Motion was unanimously carried. G E. ung S , ecretary. AT TE S wade, fires de L 1