01-13-1969 HUCM13 . Regular Meeting January 13, 1969. The monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on January 13, 1968 at two orclock in the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office. All Commissioners were present. The meeting was called to order by the President and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Two proposals were received and opened; one from Pfeifer & Shultz, Inc, the other from Associated Consultants. After discussion, the proposals were resealed and placed in the vault for future reference. Motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to defer action on the proposals until Thursday, January 16, 1967, at which time a special meeting would be held. Motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Filk to increase payroll as follows effective January 1, 1969. DeWayne Rubedor $25.00 per mth. Joe Walters 20.00 " n Mathias Schnichels 20.00 Larry Gilomen 25.00 n " Milton Studeman 15.00 Gordon Fratzke 25.00 " Ross Heilman 15.00 Bill Marquardt 20.00 Harvey Daharsh 15.00 Kenneth Krantz 15.00 " George Luthe ns 15.00 " Arnold Kass 15.00 Lester Ziegler 15.00 " Francis Murphy 20.00 Don Broten 20.00 James Clouse 25.00 Roger Wallace 25.00 Henry Boller 15.00 Fred Mayer 15.00 Ruben Sanke n 15.00 rr rr Richard Berry 25.00 " Darrel Hedlund 25.00 Louis Francis 15.00 Henry Knac ke 15.00 Ivan Larson- Wayne Schwarze 20.00 20.00 s George Nelson 20.00 ' " 14 . Ruth Hake 1 25-00 pe r month Ruth Schoettmerl5.00 ' Bea Pollard 15.00 C ord is Rippe 15.00 " F' Beverly Popp 20.00 " Motion was unanimously carried. The following bills were allowed: Municipal Electric Plant Mrs. Fred Briggs 799.4 20.00 National Food Stores 799.6 50.00 Darrell Rommel (MEP1ant) 112 22.00 McLeod Cooperative Power Assn 211 232.50 A. L. Hepner 734.4 797 43.55 Sterling Electric 124 730.3 926.01 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 204.48 Westinghouse Electric Supply -124 254.60 Nordberg Manufacturing Company734.1 #7 20.65 Burmesiter Electric 124 43.16 William W. Nu §ent 730.3 84.23 Home Bakery 799.6 29.77 Hutchinson Iron & Metal - Co. 734.4 3.85 Citizens Insurance Agency 130 131.00 Natural Gas Division 729.2 777 26,102.85 Aslesnes 799.6 85.57 Hutchinson Wholesale & Supply 734.4 759.2 4.17 Standard Printing 781.3 43.35 Moehring Motors 759.1 759.2 7.40 Myron Wigen Chevrolet 759.2 3.00 Hoel's Inc 759.2 2.00 Home Gas Company 730.3 2.04 Crow River Gift & Office 793.4 10.15 Duluth Filter Company 730.3 343.73 Zila Hardware 771 63.15 American Linen Supply Company 730.5 32.60 Steve Reid 211 12.00 Hutchinson Leader 799.6 7.00 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 100.98 Popp's Hutcl-ii,nson Claners 730.5 127.95 GTC Auto Parts 730.3 12.06 Hutchinson Leader 799.6 18.00 Simonson Lumber Company- 732 74.74 Diane McCorquodale 415 6.83 Kato Tool & Equip Company 734.4 771 62.61 Fidelity & Casualty Company 130 2,751.00 Anderson Chemical Company 730.3 30.29 Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 653.00 Postmaster 781.2 1,000.00 E. A. Pedersen Company 261 59100.00 Guy Speaker Company 734.4 8.18 Sterling Electric Company 124 730.3 79.05 Wall Street Journal 799.6 Power Supply Company 730.3 McArthur Company 734.1 Duluth Filter Company 730.3 C. H. Stocking 734.3 Burmeister Electric 124 Abbott Electronics Inc 799.6 Erickson Oil Products 759.1 Alr is k ' s 730.5 Northern States Supply Company 734.4 F ischer's Bakery 799.6 Floor Care Supply Company 730.3 Burroughs Corporation 781.3 Charles Olson& Sons Inc. 759.2 Culligan Water Conditioning 730.4 Leaf Brothers Inc 730.5 National Tea Food Stores 799.6 Motoftola 213 Hydra-Power 734.1 William W. Nugent 734.4 Standard Oil 730.1 Clyde Melton 415 Texaco Inc 730.3 Westinghouse Electric Supply 124 Duncan Company 734.4 Stearnswood Inc 797 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines 730.3 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Municipal Electric Plant Petty Clara Taws Salar-y 734.4 #1 #2 734.4 #'1 #2 734.4 Bash Cash The following bills were allowed; Natural Gas Division Sid Harvey's Kablets Furniture & Carpet American Linen Supply Company Anderson, Helgeson,'Lieser G. F. Nemit z Sons Alr is k ' s Farm & Home Dist. Company Schenk Service Minn.-Wisc. Truck Line Hutchinson Telephone Company Hutchinson Iron & Metal Company Lindy's Sinclair Standard Printing Company Franzens Hardware Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Myron Wigan Chevrolet S. A. Nies 154.3 880 886 880 923 894 933 859.2 859.1 871 921 375 859.2 903 886 880 859.2 886 15 . 28.00 253.o3 23.38 261.36 11.90 91.20 2.25 75.85 11.96 1.75 73.79 18.81 123.00 4.55 8.75 234.51 12.00 646.00 26.61 17.75 2,028.81 5.40 30.78 143.65 43.54 388.20 30.34 104.72 158.03 76.05 126.88 30.90 3.10 786.62 3.96 23.92 16.12 58.29 8.22 64.88 14.80 1.50 76.80 12.95 33.25 9.60 60.90 16. H. A. Dobratz Sons 375 53.70 Sears Roebuck & Company 394 37.51 Hutchinson Plumbing & Heating 375 35.32 Natural Gas Division 886 144.28 Municipal Electric Plant 245.1 886 903 429.75 Hutchinson Oil Company 859.1 5.25 Great Northern Railway Company 880 10.00 Postmaster 903 338.75 Big Bear, Inc. 880 5.80 Natural Gas Division 235 426 63.50 Bob's Tire Serivice 859.2 57.98 Am. Public Gay Association 930 139.40 Minn.-Wisc. Truck Line 154.3 7.28 Sid Harvey's 488 6.38 Lloyd Goerke 235 8.41 Mrs. Frank Luthens 235 1.80 Am. Meter Company 889 31.00 The Bristol Company 385 575.00 Graphic Controls Corporation 871 14.75 Cory Coffee Service Plan 926 51.70 Railway Express Agency 385 9.50 Grams Insurance Agency 165 886.00 Natural Gas Division Petty Cash 52.29 There being no further business, Commissioner H. W. Filk moved that the meeting b4 adjourned. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Tracy and unanimously carried. - - ung., cretary. ATTES . ` _ H. P. wade, rasiden Special Meeting January 16, 1969. A special Meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held at the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office on the 16th day of January, 1969. All Commissioners were present; also William Eslik, Webster Exum, William Marquardt, De Wayne Rubedor and Orville Ruiken. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Filk to postpone the regular February meeting until February 20, 1969 due to the fact that two Commissioners would be unable to attend on the regular date of February 10, 1969. Motion was unanimously carried.