10-12-1970 HUCM113. October 12, 1970. Regular Meeting. The monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was hAld on October 12, 1970 at three o'clock P. M. in the Hutchinson Utilities Billing office. All Commissioners were present; also H. Steve Wacker, Assistant Manager. Motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried that all officers who have served for the past year be re- elected. Motion was unanimous- ly carried, whereupon President Quade declared the following officers of the Hutchinson Utilities Co- viission for the coming year: H. P. 'wade C 1 .nt on Tracy H. W. Wilk R. E. Young President Vice President Commissioner Secretary Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to allow the following increases in payroll effective 10 -1 -70: I. Place Bruce Krueger on by the month. ($425.00) 2. Increase Mike Tucker $2.5.00 per month. Authorization was given to anyone able to attend the Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association meeting to be held October 29th and 30th at the Pick- Nieollet in Minnea~)olis, Minnesota. The following bills were allowed: Natural Gas Division Natural Gas Division 245.1 75.75 Municipal Electric Plant 859.1 930 41.15 Natural Gas Division 886 40.79 Municipal Electric Plant 245 246 902 903 671.53 Minneapolis Gas Company 930 40.37 American Gas Association 920.2 90.00 Natural Gas Division 235 426 880 68.80 Standard Oil 859.1 88.38 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 895 5.12 Minn.-Wisc. Truck Lines 154.1 154.2 23.38 G. F. Nemitz Sons 880 12.70 Hutchinson Telephone Company 921 74.08 Zila Hardware 887 8.34 American Linen Supply 930 9.95 Northern States Supply 874 16.28 Farm & Home Dist. Company 880 4.73 Moehring Motors 859.P 5.20 114- The Typewriter Shop American Meter Company Sid Harvey's Clerk of Acoma Township Clerk of Hutchinson Township Ella Raether Natural Gas Division Associated Consultants F. Steve Wacker Juul Contracting Company American Meter Company H. P. Qiiade Russell Hurt Municipal Electric Plant Home Bakery Wylie Texaco Service Minn. -Wisc. Truck Line Big Bear, Inc. Sid Harvey's Natural Gas Division Central Supply Company Wind King Mfg. Company American Meter Company United Building, Centers, Inc. H. A. Dobratz Sons Cory Coffee Service Plan Graphic Controls Corp. Northern States Supply Minnesota Mining & Manf. Co. General Electric Company Mrs. Fred Briggs Nordberg Manufacturing Company Hutchinson Sheet Metal Fischer's Bakery Northland Electric Supply Williams Premeier Fastener Company G. F. Nemitz Sons 0. A. Bretzke Son & Inc. Zila Hardwar- 'qo,mc Gas Company American Linen Supply Northwest Electric Hutchinson Telephone Company National Cbemsearch Corporation 921 12.50 154.1 540.00 886 19.50 880 1.00 880 1.00 102 200.00 903 48.40 102 4,456.70 920.2 76-32 376 21.00 154.1 19919.38 920.2 106.78 Salary 165-52 923 375.00 930 22.95 859.1 145-95 376 6.00 895 2.00 154.3 173-53 Petty Cash 64-56 154.3 118-50 895 195.00 893 2,80 880 11.45 874 29.50 926 25.95 880 7.08 880 15.40 Municipal Electric Plant 771 792.2 799.4 123 258 799.6 124 734.4 734.4 732 760 258 730.3 730.5 734.4 793.3 730.3 #1 #2 732 734.4 734.1 #1 #2 250.00 500.00 20.00 29485-56 520-24 50.18 60-07 39.47 197.96 57.11 7.80 36-36 5.00 24.61 6*90 149-41 176.68 I Fj 1 115 Electric Plant Municipal Petty Cash 171.89 Eagle Iron Works 734.1 #2 109050 Zep Manufacturing Company 730.3 22.50 The G or�7e n Company 732 493.00 National Auto Parts Company 734.1 #'7 32.45 Simonson Lumber Company 732 734.4 66.62 E. A. Pedersen Company 258 1,700.00 David Brooks 415 1.70 Burroughs C'orporat ion 781.3 46.80 Wally's Tire Shop 759.2 50000 Natural Gas Division 729.2 777 27,588.40 Texaco Inc 730.3 30.78 Farm & Home Dist. Company 732 2.29 Stearnsood Inc . 250.2 43.09 Don's Skelly Station 759.2 3.00 Pop's Hutc ^inson Cleaners 730.5 109.35 Electronic Center Inc 734.1 #1 e2 55.86 GTC Auto Parts 730.3 734.4 26.43 Rockite Silo 211 104.86 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Company 759.1 759.2 26.05 Moehring Motors 759.2 8050 H & C Electric Supply 124 93loO3 Sterling Electric 124 250.2 139.49 Graybar Electric Company 124 11.45 Emery Air Freight 734.1 #2 132.00 Kemske Paper Company 79.3.4 8.67 Lee.f Bros. Inc 730.5 318.27 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 123 #19, #2, #7 536.05 Westinghouse Electric Supply 124 209.70 Culligan Water Conditioning 730.4 797 17.40 Williams 734.4 36.47 Eagle Iron Works 734.4 #2 170.25 Home Bakery 799.6 49.22 nernie Pederson 415 4.30 Glencoe Greenhouse 405 50 7.5 Phoell Manufacturing Company 730.3 18.82 Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 198.13 Nortrern States Supply Company' 734.4 3.00 Ben Jerabek 734.4 771 70.90 Junker Sanitation Service 730.4 36.00 F otz nt a i n Brand Products 799.6 158.60 Andersen_ Chemical Company 730.3 327.27 Phoell Manufacturing Company 734.7 #1 ##2 49.35 Hutc?�,irs on Leader Inc 799.6 226.80 Texaco Inc 730.3 30.78 Westinghouse Electric Supply 211 48.53 Sterling Electric Company 124 250.2 775.51 Nalco Chemical Company Northland Electric Supply 730.3 258 734.1 #1 #2 838.33 301.08 116 Minn.-Wise. Truck Lines 124 730.3 147-3.7 Burmeister Electric Cc 124 734.3 128.98 Graybar Electric 124 771 88-65 Rotanium Products Company 734.4 242.72 Metalock Repair Service 734-1. #2 49396.23 Premeier Fastener Company 734.4 268.02 Olin Conductors 124 8.23 E. A.. Pedersen Company 258 772 59047.62 R. V. Anderson 730.21; 641.32 Texaco Inc 730.3. 2.,425.20 Emery Air Freight 734.3 #2 22.34 Plowman's Inc 759.1 759.2 26.80 Ditch Witch of Minnesota 760 47.50 Nordberg Manufacturing 123 #1 #2 734.1 1,2,7-899.40 H & C Electric Supply 124 771 49900.73 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 191.60 City of Hutchinson 200 1,181.39 Citizens Insurance Agency 799.6 22-40 W. C. Hefferman 415 2.69 Richard J. Anderson 41.5 6*26 Fred Seller 5.62 4 lb 10.80 R. E. Young 792.2 211-04 Worth i ng t ors C orporat ion 123 #3 #4 19,204.78 Larson C o-municat ions 799.3 175.80 United Air Lines 123 #3 #4 20:62 United Pan Am Distributing 771 107.25 MMM Business Sales Inc 793.4 33.36 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 734.1 #2 209.29 E. A. Pedersen Company 258 1,660.00 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cast), 44.82 Western Wes-tern Freigptways 734.1 #2 325.20 Gary Stritesk7 Salary 146-16 Bruce Krueger Salary 157.98 Gerald Rosenow Salary 152.10 Bruce Krueger Salary 170.37 Gerald Rosenow Salary 140.22 There being no further business, motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting. -Se;c -1v. ATTEST:- P. -Ua a e President I I 1