03-08-1971 HUCM1430 Regular Meeting March 8, 1971. Chairman. Howard P. Quade called the meeting to order at two o'clock F. M. Members Clinton Tracy and H. W. Filk were present in person; also Manager R. E. Young ar_d Assistant Manager Stephen Wacker, W. E. Reyerson, Attorney, and Robert E. Palmquist of Associated Consultants, Engineers for the Commission. Minutes of the regular and special meetings were read and approved as read. The Chairman announced that t lie Commission has received six bids in response to the notice for bids for Cooling Water Rumps, and the Chairman requested Mr. Robert E. Palmquist to open the bids. Attached hereto and made a part hereof is a schedule showing the bids received as opened at this meeting. 1 144. After the opening of the bids, the Chairman announced to the bidders that the Commission would consider the bids and have the engineers for the Commission review them. The matter of the failure of Worthington. Corporation to submit an alternate bid price, for the allowance or a deduction in the event the Commission did not require one 25 HP pump was fully discussed and it was determined that this bid would not qualify as to the matter of the alternate bid as requested. It further appeared that the delivery time as submitted by this bidder was beyond the reasonable amount which the Commission could fit into its building program; and the engineer further stated, after examining this bid, that there was a failure to submit proper perf ormanee data. After due consideration of all matters involved, Member Clinton Tracy gloved that the alternate bid of Goodin Company, 525 North Third Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55401, in the amount of $7,074.00 be accepted; subject to the Engineer's check of performance data; which motion was seconded by Member H. W. Filk, and upon vote being taken all members voted in favor of such motion and no Member voted in opposition thereto, and motion was declared unanimously carried. Motion was made by Member H. W. Filk, seconded by Member Clinton Tracy, and unanimously carried to advertise for bids on two 13,800 volt breakers for the new generating unit. Advertisement f or bids t o be published in the Hutchinson Leader on March 19Vh and 26th. Bids to be opened at two otelock PM on April 12, 1971 (copy of advertisment for bid to be attached to the face of these minutes.) �s �Irl4lr�x, �• Utilities Commission Sealed bids will be received at the Hutchinson Utilities Commission's office, 22 Main Street North, until 2 o'clock P.M. April 12, 1971. Two (2) circuit breakers to match and fit cubicles now using type 13.8 - 500 -6H General Electric. Bids must be accompanied by a bid bond or certified funds equal to five (5) per cent of the bid. Delivery date must be specified. The Hutchinson Utilities Com- mission reserves the right to reject 1 g� I i .�A I u , I � oD • or-4 i4-� O Ilal ct i O H H uw o � 4 W U � �Haz QQxwca �G4�H r� F-1 E33 M U E+ x + Y W H 0 O o 0 Cr�if 4: 0 0 � �g p/ d .a �a j� °4+� /�_ � ✓.{( n .}y�9 �p ry+° ggib 4 1� ✓"f ti'a 1% • V r� Mk /,�V /W� 4) C d0 /�q��[� V � 6 A ulli H W �{ I0 ') i�1 1?� I� a Yf W � 41 ri o rq 0 H a o In -V '1, to �I 0 , "V m kggO 14 �% cy.o� 0 H 90 O w N t9a + id q ra (d V �� ry H H �y _o '"� 'r'1 /�� •� iia V • pg -4 `� /{F�M�( 'V M1 ale �y °YJ �.q Y� w/ •0A .re: !i 0 � �wt� �e' .:as^{ '�{I a Vi a i�� 0 .......�..�. �i1 V C) 3 0� X00. w A U 41 to •� rt rd a U .-i 0) r4 (D � •rr , to O u 66ii u ® .� o id o o f U a to e U O N U °I 114 O�c ts1 A rti A q° fza M° H O C ro 'Xj °� M -1 Aa Gi Gj O C� (D Y W H 0 O o 0 6 4: 0 0 0 0 O H in O ® 4 O • 1% • V r� V • 4) C d0 -P 111 V � 6 M • r1 Ce H Mi oo W � 41 ri o rq 0 H a o In 1-4 ra to 10 tn fa o 3.1 0 A A H 90 O w N t9a + Q t). a<& i t' F r� � 1 ri H a 03 � � H a ,�•yy11 ee • k° O A s• E041 H Q Ci O ° art O 0 a u�i '. tt ea r'- O A 0 • aj.Ja o • Ln � 6 M • r1 Ce H Mi oo W � 41 ri o rq 0 H a o in 1-4 Q 43 4-4 gr o 3.1 0 A A a$ O w N w Ln t9a + :► o m t' F r� H H $d O 0 L f N 0 to a H r4 t}9 H fib A .......�..�. � p Id V ri 17 . Fj 0 4 M a k-V $; la NMV W r-2 % V ° 0-4 'a 5s Y M � M° ra ro 'Xj °� M -1 Aa Gi Gj O C� (D �®® O O . E1 � b 3a A a r-d 4 -r4 O .O �-1 rte) ri I H A da '0 4 -r4 U dP CP da dp o 'zi 10 0 m U to -ri O H O art P to to to TO Ln V Ora 9 ca W A v 14 aW w .sue O E .x 0 i11 i >i3 Aa R5 Std � 1 ri H a 03 � � H a ,�•yy11 ee • k° O A s• E041 O C� tn to to to to �+ a r4l ° to in at a ar9 O 41 ri m ttl v CA W m 0 i :d in O Q 43 rJ o t: r t �r A 43 to :3 to QI O -rl 34 M Ln O to i to t' F r� $d O 0 L f N 0 to a A QD is 4 4 6 LU 0 Da i O 93 B ilvf, A F ' � p Id V ri 17 . Fj 0 4 M a k-V di 0 :3 NMV W r-2 % V ° 0-4 5s Y M M° H oo 4 S -r1 m Gl 0 A Gi Gj W 1 to 4J . m tJ � H r{ 0 . E1 � r •ri •r1 q r-d O .O �-1 rte) ri r-i e rd O z to u O 0 O + rri rl 0 H O O A 1% en rtf •rd e W a >b O b r•i O p, rt w td cd 0? ed V V P O �" sn r,a O aria U O 'O i �' w r-1 m --A z m > y to � t w .sue O E .x 0 fa un n Ernes - a -z Hw iwz 1 [1 Motion was made by Member Tracy, seconded by Member H. Filk, and unanimously carried, to place Edwin Dolezal on the monthly payroll at $475.00. This monthly salary is equivalent to the hourly rate paid to the employee; however, he is now entitled to all fringe benefits. Motion was made by Member H. Filk, seconded by Membe Tracy and unanimously carried, to advertise for bids pipe . Advert isen-e nt f or bids to be published in the Leader on March 12th and 19th. Bids to be opened at P. M. on March 25, 1971. (Copy of advertisement for to the face of these minutes.) 145 . r Clinton for gas Hutchinson two o'clock bid to be attached A Thank You note was received from Nathan Smutka, meterman, expressing appreciation for the opportunity of attending school in LaFayette, Indiana. Motion was made by Member H. Filk, seconded by Member Tracy, and unanimously carried, to increase the salaries of the following $50.00 per month, effective March 1, 1971. Webb Exum $50.00 R. E. Young 50.00 Orville Kuiken 50.00 The Commission was informed that the Minnesota Municipal Utilities meeting would be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, March 21, 22, 24, at the Radisson Hotel. Attendance at this meeting was athorized. Motion was made by Member H. Filk, seconded by Member Clinton Tracy, and unanimously carried that the President write a letter to.the City Co;ancil informing them that NOTtliern Natural Gas Company, Omaha, Ne'�raska, has asked the Federal Power Commission for an increase in wholesale rates. If, and when, tle increased rate is allowed, the Commission would be forced to raise the rates in Hutchins on. The following bills were allowed: Natural Gas Division Natural Gas Division 245.1 886 234.59 P os t ma s ter 993 921 53.32 American Public Gas 930 :23.87 Municipal Water Department 886 "` `12.35 G. F. Nemit z Sons 886 F *�• 77 96.25 Don's Skelly Service 859.1 ua►fnesc 89.00 0. A. Bre t zke & Son 895 Sealed bids will be received at the 50.76 9 T C kut o Parts 8$6 Hutchinson Utilities Commission's office, 22 Main Street North, until 2 5.15 Natural Gas Division Petty Cash °clock P.M. March 25, 1971 Specifications for gas pipe are on 54.98 American Linen Supply 880 file at the office of the Hutchinson 9.955 Utilities Commission at the above address. Bids must be accompanied by a bid bond or certified funds equal to five (5) per cent of the bid. Delivery date must be specified. The Hutchinson Utilities Com. fTN 0114 V. 146. McLeod County Sanitary Landfill 880 Roy's Tire Service 859.2 Hutchinson Sheet Metal 880 Cory Coffee Service Plan. Inc. 926 Kemske Paper Company 903 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Company 895 Hutchinson Telephone Company 921 Coast to Coast Stores 880 Continental Oil Company 859.2 Municipal Electric Plant 886 Velvet Coachlt 912 Northern States 874 Hutch inson Leader 930 Sid Harvey's 154.3 American Meter Company 893 Del Farm 926.1 Lyon Chemical 880 Minnesota Wise. Truck Lines 880 GTC ,Auto Parts 859. Mueller Company 880. Farm & Home Dist. Company 880 Machine Specialties Company 894 Municipal Electric Plant 902 H. D. Lee C ompary 933 2 903 1.50 54.79 1.24 1.44 10.68 9.61 82 .1.1 5.91 3.34 45.65 4.35 5.80 224.40 17.50 608.48 30.18 13.85 7.87 1.81 48.16 25.60 36.75 617.43 10.31 Municipal Electric Plant Fredrickson's Inc 266 Natural Gas Division 729.2 Farmer's Union Coop. Oil Assocation 759.1. Postmaster 781.2 Burmeister Electric 792.3 Stearnswood 739 Kemske Paper Company 793.4 Municipal Water Department 730.2 Telephone Company 793.3 Standard Printing 793.4 Moehri ng Motors 759.2 G. F. Ne mitz & Sons 739 Hutchinson Medical Center 799.6 .Associated Consultants 256 Rcy's Tire Service 759.2 Municipal. Electric Plant Petty Hutcr,inscn Cleaners 730.5 ,American Linen Supply 730.8 Zila Hardware 730.3 Rutz Plumbing & Heating 739 Fischer's Bakery 799.1 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 759.2 0. A. Bretzke & Son 760 793.1 Cash 732 14,250.00 16,612.00 90.70 53.33 96.00 43.75 10.68 12.35 108.43 7.20 81.85 13.90 15.00 7,500.00 97.54 95.2,8 80.00 18.02 54.02 24.50 53.17 1.71 36.45 1 1 734.1 #'1 147. 161.41 40.50 2,585.38 3,870.71 2,156.00 25.00 20.15 67.40 7,006.50 3.75 39.01 11.56 2.00 50.00 48.20 573.81 24.85 6.50 59.87 380.18 35.85 179.79 974.99 48.85 10.50 240.00 7.56 4.75 17.20 338.68 10.00 6.36 40.00 132-34 36.25 211.50 1,583.68 126.80 31.97 45.2.5 49.95 54.45 1,324.00 30.39 33,000.00 39.00 3.26 7.25 80.00 135.20 193.46 6.25 Leef Bros. Inc 730.5 Lloyd's Red Owl 799.1. Allis - Chalmers 734.1 #3 Standard Oil 729.1 Standard Oil 730.3_ Chicago & NW Railway 778 Culligan Water Conditioning 730.4 Fountain Products 799.1 R. L. Vogt Inc 267 Plowman's 759.2 John Henry Foster 734.3 Burmeister Electric 772 State Treasurer 778 Anderson Chemical Company 734.4 Burroughs Corporation 781.3 Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 734.4 W. N. Bashlin Company 771 Kearney Company 771 H & C Electric Supply 212 771 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 123 #1 #2 Lubrilquip Houdaille 734.1 #7 Hutchinson Sheet Metal 212 732 Graybar Electric Company 3.1 124 Home Bakery 799.1 Hutchinson Leader 799.6 L & P Supply Company 734.4 Coast to Coast Store 730.3 Home Gas Company 730.3 Northern States Supply 730.3 734.4 Natural Gas Division 7,752 777 E. W. Lippman M. D. 799.6 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines 734.4 Mrs. Fred Briggs 799.4 Graybar Electric 124 793.3 Kearney Inc 124 771 Sterling Electric Company 124 771 Standard Oil 729.1 Westinghouse Electric Supply 124 Wor'thirgton Corporation 124 .A,mpower C orporat ion 730.3 Williams 734.4 Richard J. Lebens 799.6 Woodward Gov. Company 734.1 #7 Satterlee Company 734.4 771 E. A. Pedersen Company 250.2 Doyle Lock Company 732 United Building Center 734.4 S. A. Nies 730.3 Riverview Press 793.4 Robertshaw Control Company Rotanium Products 734.1 734.4 #3 #'4 Hutchinson Oil Company 730.1 734.1 #'1 147. 161.41 40.50 2,585.38 3,870.71 2,156.00 25.00 20.15 67.40 7,006.50 3.75 39.01 11.56 2.00 50.00 48.20 573.81 24.85 6.50 59.87 380.18 35.85 179.79 974.99 48.85 10.50 240.00 7.56 4.75 17.20 338.68 10.00 6.36 40.00 132-34 36.25 211.50 1,583.68 126.80 31.97 45.2.5 49.95 54.45 1,324.00 30.39 33,000.00 39.00 3.26 7.25 80.00 135.20 193.46 6.25 Addressograph- Multigraph. Corporation Gloria Posusta Crane Supply Company Premier Fastener Company Burroughs Corporation Kemske Paper Company Minnesota Wisconsbn Truck Natural Gas Division Ann Stoeckman, Register of Hutchinson Leader Hutchinson Medical Center Chas. Olson & Sons Inc Municipal Electric Plant Gerald Rosenow Edwin Dolezal Louis Francis Gerald Rosenow Edwin Dole�.al Robert Gutormson Lines Deeds 148. 781.4 14.66 415 2.97 734.4 132.44 734.4 345.96 781.3 316.00 793.4 55.88 124 734.1 #7 27.31 729.2 777 22,639.51 793.4 44.05 799.6 226.15 799.6 27.00 771 12.40 792.3 127.14 Salary 153.60 Salary 188.92 Salary 75.00 Salary 54.96 Salary 148.50 Salary 150.84 There being no further business, motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting. ATTES �� Y ng , e re terry 1 1