07-26-1971 HUCM6. Special Meeting July 26, 1971. A special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on July 26, 1971 at two o'clock P. M. at the Commissionts meeting room. All Commissioners were present; also Orville Kuiken, Superintendent and Steve Wacker, Assistant Manager. Motion was made by Commissioner Filk seconded by Commissioner Tracy and unanimously carried designating 460,475.00 of the $170,000 Certificate of Deposit belonging to the Natural Gas Division to the Bond Reserve Account (Sinking Fund)t also to open a Bond ,account (Sinking Fund) . Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk to proceed with the cathodic survey and authorize the Gas Division to complete the installation of cathodic protection. Motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk and unanimously carried to increase the monthly salary of the following; employees, effective July 1, 1971: Ivan Larson 49.50 George Nelson 39.50 Dwayne Anderson 150-00 Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk and unanimously carried to set up a Bond Account and Bond Reserve Account for the remaining 1967 Bond issue and 1971 Bond issue (belonging to the Municipal Electric Plant) in the Citizens Bank & Truest Company, Hutchinson., Minnesota. A proposed change in the gas rate structure was presented to the Commission by Orville Kuiken and Steve Wacker. After a review And study, a motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk and unanimously carried to accept the rate. ('Proposed rate attached.) The Secretary was instructed to present the proposed rate to the City Council. There being no further business, motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting. ATTE � Y. Y. , e etary. Copies to: Hinmrd Quads Herb, Filk Clinton Tracy Ralph Young Bys Ruth HAIM1 Orville Kuiben Steve Wacker Gentlemen: This is a condensed study of what the proposed gas rate increase may do to the cash income of the gas uttility. There are so many variables that only an educated guess can be given without an extremely detailed study. The report will be discussed in further detail verballys however the following facts should be kept in mind: 1. All income figures are from the fiscal year 70 -71. 2. The highest monthly consumption of the fiscal year 70-71 has been used to figure all accounts. 3. Gas consumption determined the customer category. 4. Because all comparisons used are from the highest monthly consumption of the year, the percentage increase will be the least possible. 5. Some percentages are estimated - these will be pointed out during the discussion. I]' eR H U1 �I v cc - U O cc bQ O, p*, � •a ffN cm 0% O N N • t-4 :► 0 : H N 41 N N N IWi M N W l� N �O • p•� • N N N F4 V x a, v3 3 x Cl 0p O, O O • • • a • N . Ca M N cr1 ri iA H ri 1/1 rult-i 1N M %k M nibk'1 O� O� 0% 011 O, Go O ti • • M gyp• t� • en • (n • M s4 • 4r � M � 4 cz cA� A 14 • 3 a ial td CZ 42 ,4 v V �S O s A a4 U !V m }�1 V M O* 4fV �-1 O• O O .-i O et • O 4i t.T1 q M M 431 FS 44 ri � �p CiD O �D M O� Oo N • M N p r-j r4 � o� CO w ° o� ti r � r N N d W M �i V � O 00 • O � q M 431 FS 44 ri a m � Tr � d • sia 43 N co A vt • A 01% ft U\ IA C� C'4 CY I^ a a \0 tl- 00 fn r4 § ft U\ Ct (n 0 OAS RATES RESIDENTIAL & SMALL COMMERCIAL (FIRM) First 500 cu, fto per month per MCF Next 1,500 cue ft, per month per MCF Next 3,000 cu. ft. per month per MCF Next 5,000 cu, ft per month per MCF Next 40,000 cu. ft. per month per MCF )text 50,000 cu. ft. per month per MCF Next Balance of 1000 MCF Per clay Min. Demand Charge Present Wised $ 1.35 $ 1.75 1.50 1.50 1.10 1.20 1.00 1.10 .90 .98 .80 .88 .70 .77 MIN MM CHARGE - x1975 per meter per month SMALL INDUSTRIAL Interruptible Service First 7,000 cu. ft, per month per MCF Next 13,000 cu. ft. per month per MCF Next 30,000 cu. ft. per month per MCF Next 50,000 cu* ft, per month per MCF Balance MINDSUM CHARGE - x2.00 per meter per month LARGE DWUSTRIAL Interruptible Service First 50 *000 cu. ft, per month Next 450,000 cu,, ft. per month per MCF Balance Present $ .45 .42 .39 .39 ,39 Present S 20.77 .39 .39 .60 .55 . e2 .48 .43 Proposed 10.00 .45 .42 LARGE COMMERCIAL - A Firm Customer that has facilities (FIRM) which will use in excess of 200 MCF per month MINIMUM CHARGE - $5.00 per meter per month Present Pro First ±,000 cu. ft. per month per MCF 1. iv Next 10,000 cu. ft. per month per MCF 1.00 1110 Next 50,000 cue ft* per month per MCF .90 .85 Next 100,000 cu. ft. per month per MCF .80 .75 Balance .70 .68 LARGE INDUSTRIAL (FIRM) FIRM INDUSTRIAL with contract of 1000 MCF Per clay Min. Demand Charge Present Pro sod Cmmodity charge .40 .42 SMALL INDUSTRIAL Interruptible Service First 7,000 cu. ft, per month per MCF Next 13,000 cu. ft. per month per MCF Next 30,000 cu. ft. per month per MCF Next 50,000 cu* ft, per month per MCF Balance MINDSUM CHARGE - x2.00 per meter per month LARGE DWUSTRIAL Interruptible Service First 50 *000 cu. ft, per month Next 450,000 cu,, ft. per month per MCF Balance Present $ .45 .42 .39 .39 ,39 Present S 20.77 .39 .39 .60 .55 . e2 .48 .43 Proposed 10.00 .45 .42 • _ 9 di III • � � 01 �• � � � 1", 1"' r..' F-i v �p N • • • • • Cpp• • • �Or wa'i rN-1 U1 w r-1 Lei ti N O co H in cn aq •o N e-i 1n Lf\ 10 co XA 1n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iC N N tn to N g r-i i-1 ri N M n � 43 � N ri r-I 4� N m cc b O m �C p• 91i � a lu; o • r- t- co ti N • N ON UN O� aMe � N O a co �O p ti 8 1 1 53 �C a ao ao r- ti � ( m a r�i e-1 o G� N ~ N 1� V V V co A O co N p� 00 w N fib w co �. N O co H 0 IS 0o ti ri N O Copp 1�•. oll V C�Dw O oll w r�1 N N Vk CY do � N N t0 UN 43 Ul\ 41 :7i lei a�a •� may• '' +�� a ..... a�