08-09-1971 HUCM7. August 9, 1971 Regular Meeting The monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on August 9, 1971 at two o'clock P. M. in the Hutchinson Utilities meeting place. One Commissioner was present: also W. E. Reyerson, attorney for the Commission, William Eslick and Dave Schmidt of .Associated Consultants. Commissioner Filk called the meeting to order and ins truefed the Secretary to open bids received for a 750 KVA transformer and a 1500 KVA transformer. The meeting was adjourned to August 16, 1971 at which time all Commissioners would be able to attend. R. E. g, Se etary. August 16, 1971 Ad jorned Meeting The regular meeting haveing been adjourned until two o'clock P. M. on August 16, 1971 was called to order by the President for the purpose of taking care of unfinished business. All Commissioners were present. Minutes of the last meetingswere read and approved as read. The President asked the Commission to review the Bid Tabulation (copy attached) which had been prepared by Mr. Dave Schmidt of Associated Consultants on the furnishing of one 750 KVA transformer and one 1500 KVA transformer. Motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy and unanimously carried to accept the bid submitted by Westinghouse Electric Supply Company, 1145 Glenwood Ave., Minrieapolis, Minnesota in the amount of $99503.00. 7 I� L� J 1 Lrlo P' Lily 4 LO Si M qj Ol hi 0 r- •'S-y iµo� 0 x, in 0 r (r: cl! va r r� W I a 1 E-4 0 by r s P r ° t p oe:; ?••� cr3 �I o A U 0 0 k CD ss 0 O U LP6 IV, -1-1 -r'{ 04 y94�� -V 4i • TJ V �,a i J ° 4 a z flfFfF FA v� tPr 0 S i -4J ti, Z3 r6 C9� Ln ei • -ri ;-C.; f i iU 0 Co IQ dji C^', 04 r; +nL.°.ip � r ;-4 tea �r�.x.¢¢ �"s � TJ H 14 � �•d e�r�.�Q �~� Cr ?s "V rte: � t1J $4 14P ��3 . dii A�w r 1L LO �i Cj to Q -�-1 4-1 dP4 E- -I Q -,1 0 U� U z -luf • i n ri • Lipp CJ ca ° Q r-i 0 Ln r- 0 > an �1 P' > V. (PPI'NNN • CO hh.� U Fr e 4J Z �z y a� W� W ~ W' 4J Ott ;Z, {O /L) �q CD CO z q' t)) C) 0 1. a e t m t; m 0 p Ln oi er 0 65 t*3 co Cam,, y I a 1 m by r s P r ° t p •A �I A U 0 0 k CD ss 0 LP6 IV, -1-1 -r'{ 04 y94�� -V 4i • TJ V �,a i J ° 4 flfFfF FA v� tPr 0 S i -4J ti, Z3 r6 C9� Ln ei • -ri t. fn ray SL ° r f i iU 0 Co IQ dji C^', 04 r; +nL.°.ip � r ;-4 tea �r�.x.¢¢ �"s � TJ H 14 � �•d e�r�.�Q �~� Cr ?s "V rte: � t1J $4 14P ��3 . dii A�w r 1L i �e •�^i �i Cj to Q -�-1 4-1 dP4 E- -I Q -,1 0 U� U z -luf • i n ri • Lipp y yp§ ° • p -3 0 > YY • �1 P' > V. (PPI'NNN • CO �j6� Y W 3.� W � U Fr V V 0 4J Z @ y � W� W ~ W' •� n` 'a W r� W �� /W :F4' W r Q) V, CO z q' hY KI 0 1. a e t m t; m 0 p Ln oi er 0 65 t*3 co Q + 4--0r,� � >trwo 'Y ^V 0 9 w y ,...,.,.....e.- ,.- ...,.,.... 0� :3 3 •ri N -$A •r1 A C) r� 0 0 0 s-i Pi 4 r-4 4s0 v m 0 10(d 4Q) 0W(n0 f!: S` 0 �4 . ° 4 C; -a 0 to m co N W 00 ri •� aC N On H ';4 dSl �i � gyp L f LM ! zti ,r 1µi rk4 �' `_� w • • WJ w V! ° i 4) � bj1 cc 9 tt! �a � IV U9 C11 Cli Q? : � > a) 9 tz, � a) C-1 lC Q 0 0) sus fy' 0' (Ij W X 0 rte.{ o• s C\l 6 :ppi-e� 9°+ s-i Q � w e fill + i- ua ✓,� � G G t� ® ii e • a • s s C� C4 c4 rn C14 C� C) 4o 4 r qT co Ln x C� ids Lr) CS1 CV r-d �p U •a q .. a, s ce H IV er rr cam, IV NP V31 :st i ria ter v} ro P �: 9 r� Co Q z 0 0 0 0 AQ CQ oko pampp>a Ll!-n i `J� L, i i+ A I Ln �n in r.s r CQ p •A �I U QJ f•1 >'i � Co IQ dji C^', 04 t1J $4 14P 0 Ln U ". En 47 Cj to LO U Ln -luf • i n ri • Lipp y yp§ ° • p -3 0 > YY • �1 P' > V. (PPI'NNN • CO �j6� Y W 3.� W � U Fr V V 0 4J Z 0 N I* Q► � � p4��� -ri -r4 @ ��I y� :F4' W r Q) V, CO z q' hY KI 0 1. { Fy �' •�1; 10 0 p �..{ 'V 14 4-) 4J 0 -0 Q 1-d W 0 `r $4 -J -�i w 0 w 0 9 w F°i r s-9 •r$ F id rE m 4 :3 3 •ri N -$A •r1 A+ r-3 0J .� i 0 0 0 s-i Pi 4 r-4 4s0 v m 0 10(d 4Q) 0W(n0 !-d '.J" 04 U) Q ill �4 . ° tP 4-4 04 CO a a4 tt A zti ,r Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk and unanimously carried to allow payment of General Electric's Estimate #2 in the amount of 343,131.30. (Payment approved by Associated Consultants.) A request for project payment #8 in the amount of $20,015.99 to R. L. Vogt, Inc. was received, payment was approved by Associated Consultants. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk and unanimously carried that payment be allowed. Motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy and unanimously carried to increase the monthly salary of Gerald Freese and Douglas Anderson in the amount of $25.00. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk and unanimously carried to issue a check in the amount of $5,000.00 to Frederickson's, Inc. Final payment to be allowed when the pump is installed and in operation. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commission Filk and unanimously carried to allow expenses to attend a gas meeting in Omaha, Nebraska on September 22nd and 23rd. The Secretary informed the Commission that a copy of the minutes for a special meeting of City Council, City of Hutchinson, dated August 4, 1971 had been received-(Copy follows) MINUTES FOR SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF HUTCHINSON, AUGUST 4, 1971, 11:30 A. M. Pursuant to proper call and notice from Mayor Kost the City Council met in special session at 11:30A• M-, Wednesday, August 4th, 1971. Present were Mayor Kost, Alderman Peterson and Alderman Black. Also, present were Administrative Assistant Mealey, Superintendent Ralph Young from Hutchinson Utilities Commission and Orville Kuiken, Gas Service Division. Mr. Young presented the Commission's proposal for modification of rate schedule for natural gas. Upon questioning by members of the Council it was determined that the Utilities Commission had not increased rates to consumers since the inception of the Natural Gas Service and that increases from Northern Natural Gas, over the same span of years, have made a rate increase adjustment necessary. Detailed explanation of the various rates and classifications satisfied the questions of the Council and Alderman Black moved that the rate adjustments be approved. Alderman Peterson seconded the motion and upon being put to vote all present voted "aye ". Mayor Lost thereupon declared the motion passed. There being no further business to come before the Council the meeting was declared adjourned at 11:52 A. M. 9. The following bills were allowed: Municipal Electric Plant R. E. Young 792.1 178.52 Carleton D. Beh 263 6,250.00 Mrs. Fred Briggs 799.4 20.00 Natural Gas Division 729.2 732 319,516.37 Electric Machinery Mfg. Co. 734.2 770.30 , James Carrigan 415 2.40 State Farm Casualty Company 130 6.00 Municipal Water Department 730.2 67.22 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 173.01 Simonson Lumber 730.3 734.4 39.10 Hu'tc bins on Leader 256 31.50 Do'brat z Inc 799.6 19.95 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 139.18 Culligan Water Conditioning 730.4 9.15 GTC Auto Parts 759.2 17.36 O.' A. Bretzke & Son 760 3.60 Zila Hardware 730.6 761 39.00 Gardner Hardware Company 759.2 17.40 Perfex Corporation 734.4 71.27 Standard Oil 729.1 3,238.61 Transport Clearings 124 14.46 H & C Electric Supply 761 14.00 Westinghouse Electric Supply 124 771 176.95 Sterling Electric 124 40.48 Myron Wigen Chevrolet 759.2 18.50 Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 114.65 Hutchinson Wholesale & Supply 759.2 4.02 Northland Electric Supply 734.1 #7 15.97 Rockite Silo 211 15.25 Albrecht Oil Company 759.1 135.15 Downtown Standard 730.1 5020 American Linen Supply 730.5 21.26 Brinkman Studios 799.6 14.42 Anderson Chemical Company 730.3 460.00 Leef Bros. Inc 730.5 248.50 Junker Sanitabion Service 730.4 36.00 Moehring Motors 759.1 759.2 39.20 H. W. F i lk 792.1 68.78 Chet Maki 269 19250.00 Lemke Welding 256 2,415.00 The Marley Company 256 314.59 Standard Printing 781.2 781.3 353.50 Floor Care Supply 730.3 9.40 Grams Insurance ,Agency 130 960.00 Duncan Electric Compffiny 124 428.64 Burmeister Electric Company 124 3,450.00 Sterling Electric 124 370.33 Neenah Foundry Company 774 49.75 Coast to Coast Store 761 3.07 Standard Oil 729.1 800.41 Kearny Division 124 71.29 10. Home Bakery 799.1 67.55 State Farm Fire & Casualty Co. 130 779.00 Worthington Corporation 123 #3 #4 339.77 Kra m Metal Products 124 69.15 Northern States Supply 730.3 734.4 28.78 E. A. Pedersen Company 773 95.85 Joselyn Mfg. & Supply Company 124 17.90 H & C Electric Supply 124 246.28 R. L. Vogt Inc 267 475.86 R. L. Vogt Inc 267 6,255.01 F ischer ' s Bakery 799.1 53.04 Sterling Electric 124 56.75 Kearney Division 771 40.30 Ben Jerabek 270 760 128.64 E. A. Pedersen Company 773 639.93 Standard Oil 729.1 2,418.40 Graybar Electric 211 212 209.31 Transport Clearing 123 #1 #2 28.24 Westinghouse Electric Supply 124 162.18 Sterling Electric Company 124 250.9- 682.80 General Electric Company 734.1 #1 #2 11.08 Culligan Mater Conditioning 730.4 19.25 Fountain Brand Products 799.1 104.50 Nordberg Manf. . Company 123 #1 #'2 331.90 Burmeister Electric Company 124 665.90 Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 26.70 Schleeter Ref. 760 9.95 Red Owl Food Stores 799.6 23.22 Richard J. Levens 799.6 45.60 Texac o Inc . 730.1 7.30.3 230.07 Western Airlines 734.1 #7 15.97 J os a lyn Maf. . & Supply 124 43.95 Simonson Lumber 761 3.25 Westinghouse Electric Supply 124 72.46 Clara Kuhlman 415 9.47 Richard Schultz 415 9.84 H. P. Bly 415 5.73 Standard Printing 781.2 600.00 Gerald Freese 792.6 28.00 Edwin Dolezal 799.6 12.00 H. & C Electric ^upply 124 83.18 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cush 190.14 Walter Caskey 102 17.30 Consumer Credit Counseling 102 9.24 Kearney Division 124 27.18 Mankato Business Products 793.4 31.70 Ro°,y's Tire Service 759.2 4.46 Nordberg Manf. . Company 734.1 #1 19249.96 Louis Francis Salary 127.42 I I l � 1 1 I 1 Municipal Electric Plant Natural Gas Division Hutchinson Telephone Company Standard Printing Brinkman Studio Home Bakery Fisher Controls Company Z ila Hardware Hutchinson Wholesale Supply M. Wigen Chevrolet Company Coast to Coast Stores Larsen Communications Grinnell Company Frank Motor Company Grinnell Company Frank Motor Company Arnel T. Erickson Northern Natural Gas Company P & B Constructors Inc. David Smith Larry Goede Mark Schwarze Transport Clearings Grinnell Company Minn Natural Gas Company Hoffman Plumbing & Heating Public Utilities Commission P & B Constructors Inc . North Central Coach & Equip David Smith Larry Goede Mark Schwarze Natural Gas bi*ision Cory Coffee Service Plan Simonson Lumber Fisher Controls Company Municipal Electric Plant Roy's Tire Service American Linen Supply Natural Gas Division 886 903 912 886 245.1 921 903 930 926 154.2 881 859.1 859.2 881 935 154.3 859.2 154.3 859.2 374 807 102 Salary Salary Salary 890 385 385 488 488 102 392 Salary Salary Salary Petty 926 880 1.54.2 .. Cash 902 903 859.2 880 11. 161.32 101.85 84.41 36.40 48.50 30.24 226.19 8.70 17.32 21.10 11.74 134.05 599.40 97.45 6,149.00 97.45 350.00 53, 738.22 30,849.06 102.36 88.45 89.68 11.68 26.84 66.00 3.10 214.48 210.92 73.50 175.67 175.67 170.87 35.50 25.95 11.10 54.22 671.29 2.25 9.95 Effective August 3, 1971 Donald A. Paesler became an employee of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission at a monthly salary of $475.00. 12 . There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by motion made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy and unanimously carried. A r,' vft� IR Y n g re tar . � y ATTE S nA rAWuaae. rresiaent :spec i 1 Meeting Sept tuber 1, 1971 A special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on September 1, 1971 at two o'clock P. M. at the Commission's meeting room. All Commissioners were present; also Steve Wacker, Assistant Manager . The price and wage freeze imposed ry President Nixon was dis- cussed. Even though the increase in gas rates was approved by the City Council, it appeared that the new billing rate could not be applied for 90 days. The raises allowed at the last meeting for Gerald Freese and Douglas Anderson would also be included in the wage freeze. Construction progress of the new generating plant was also re- viewed and it was decided to employ additional men to help with the electrical work . Due to Commissioners being out of town on the regular meeting date of September 13th, the meeting was set for September 21st. There being no further business, motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to adjourn the meeting. ATTES P. uade, President. 1 1 1