05-10-1971 HUCM158. Regular Meeting. May l0, 1971. The monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on May 109 1971 at ten o'clock A. M. in the Hutchinson Utilities meeting place. All Commissioners were present; also H. Steve Wacker, Assistant Manager and W. E. Reyerson, attorney for the Commission. The President called the meeting to order. The minutes of the April regular and special meetings were read and approved as read. The President stated it was necessary that consideration be given to the sale of $2,000.,000 of Revenue Bonds to provide funds for completion of contracts covering addition to the building, new well, pump, and the combined cycle gas turbine generating unit being purchased from General Electric Company and that including engineering fees the existing contracts total $2,942,657.75. The President further reported that Mr. Casey, Vice President, Carleton D. Beh Company, had submitted a f orm for the Notice of Sale of bonds, as prepared by Arthur B. Whitney, attorney, 2400 First, National Bank Building, Minneapolis, Minnesota, and the President submitted the form of, Notice of Sale of bonds for consideration of the Commission. After discussion, Commissioner Clinton Tracy moved the adoption of the resolution that the Notice of Sale of bonds be on the f orm submitted by the f iscal agent and that a copy of Notice -of Sale be made a part of the minutes. Commissioner H. W. Filk seconded the adoption of the resolution and upon vote being taken all members voted in favor thereof and no member in opposition thereto. There was presented to the Commission change order #1 from R. L. Vogt Inc . project 69301, showing decrease in the amount of contract of fl2l.20. Commissioner H. W. Filk moved that said change order #1 be allowed, Commissioner Clinton Tracy seconded; and all members voted in favor. Also presented was change order #2, project 69301, showing Increase in the amount of contract of $815.35. Commissioner H. W. Filk moved that said change order #2 be allowed, Commissioner Clinton Tracy seconded; and all members voted in favor. A request for project payment #5 in the amount of $17,554.62 to R. L. Vogt, Inc. was received, which payment was approved by Associated Consultants, the Commission's engineers, and Commissioner H. W. Filk moved that said payment be made, Commissioner Clinton Tracy, seconded the motion, and all members voted in favor of said motion. 159. The members of the Commission discussed with Assistant Manager Steve Wacker the matter of the damaged transformer; but no official action relative to the matter was taken at this meeting. Motion was made by Commission Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy and unanimously carried to accept Chet Maki's proposal to paint the exterior of the 300,000 gal-Ion fuel tank and coffer- dam for $1,250.00. The following bills were allowed: Mrs. Fred Briggs 799.4 Mrs. Burton Lundgren 415 Grams Insurange Agency 130 State Farm Fire Casualty Co. 130 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 H & C Electric Supply 124 Nalco Chemical Compan* 730.3 Red Owl Food Mores 799.6 Standard Oil 729.1 A & P Tire & Supply Company 771 Northern States Supply 730.3 State Farm Mutual Auto Ins. 130 Bareo Bearing Company 123 #1 McLeod County Sanitary Landfill 730.4 Stearnswood Inc 797 Leef Bros. Inc 730.5 Coast to Coast Stores 734.4 Natural Gas Division 729.2 American Linen Supply 730.5 Municipal Water Department 730.2 GTC Auto Parts 730.3 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 759.1 Northwest Electric 734.4 Moshring Motors 759.1 Zila Hardware 734.4 Hutchinson Sheet Metal 797 Culligan Water Conditioning 730.4 Farm & Home Dist. Company 734.4 Rockite Silo 771 Standard Printing 793.4 Hanson Pump Service Company 734.4 Hutchinson C1ea.nrrs 730.5 Margaret Kozubik void #2 777 759.2 759.2 771 R. L. Vogt Inc 267 Westing�-ouse Electric Supply 124 Sterling Electric Company 730.3 Burmeister Electric Company 771 Graytar Electric Company 124 212 Minnesota Wisc. Truck Lines 123 #'1 #2 Home Bakery 799.1 Associated Consultants 262 20.00 4.96 3,102.00 9,303.00 132.93 335.41 167.20 19.83 793.55 28.40 9.95 2..053-30 682.07 2.00 19.58 207.87 12.79 26,012.10 23.50 79.76 1.00 6.28 9.45 115.65 15.35 68.10 11.90 10.10 2.98 65.10 49.20 80.55 5,004.11 260000 60.30 54172 249.54 6.36 61.39 1,161.51 D 1 Fj 799.6 799.3 795 730.4 771 759.7. 759.2 730.3 123 #3 #4 Petty Cash 729.1. 734.1 #1 #2 734.4 771 124 793.4 123 #7 124 123 #3 #'4 792.1 792.1 792.1. 792.1 400 266 562 415 152 730.3 730.6 729.1. 217 730.3 212 730.3 734.1 256 415 772 124 730-3 793.4 799.1 778 730.4 761 212, 256 730.1. Petty Cash 124 270 734.1. #3 #4 734.4 771 # #4 (160) 32.07 44.70 346.83 36.00 273.84 47.97 2.50 19.30 7,346.47 154.07 788.98 43.50 19.60 29.68 89.02 91106 908.20 56.80 131.91 345.00 375.00 375.00 375.00 47,131.87 14,250.00 53.1.3 55 ,000.00 419.89 62-51 794.70 1,157.00 63.14 471-76 258.36 158.02 1.81 34.68 39.05 704.55 12.33 55.06 25.00 17.00 2.99 19.95 82-48 88.09 344.76 136.68 9.59 23.38 Yetzer's Variety House Larson's Communications Anderson, Helgeson, Leister Junker Sanitation Service C onndy Products Standard Oil Hutchinson Farmer's Union Oil Nalco Chemical Company Worthington Corporation Municipal Electric Plant Standard Oil Minn.-Wisc. Truck Lines John Henry Foster Copany Burmeister Electric Company Aluma -Form Products Ke ms ke Paper Company Nordberg Manf. . Company Westinghouse Electric Supply Worthington Copporation American Public Power Association R. E. Young H. P. Quade H. W. Filk Worthington Corporation Frederickson's Inc. Edwin Erickson Citizens Bank Premerier Fastener Company Williams Standard Oil Schleeters Ref. Phoell Manf. . Company .Air Power. Equip. Corp. Power Supply C ompa r9 Crane Supply Company Gary Wilson Duncan Electric Comrany H & C Electric Company Nalco Chemical Company Ke ms ke Paper Company Fischer's Bakery Chicago & NW Railway S. A. Nies Sears Roebuck Company H. A. Holden Inc Bare o Bearing Company Municipal Electric Plant Sterling Electric Company Minn. -Wise . Truck Lines Northland Electric Supply Burmeister Electric Company 799.6 799.3 795 730.4 771 759.7. 759.2 730.3 123 #3 #4 Petty Cash 729.1. 734.1 #1 #2 734.4 771 124 793.4 123 #7 124 123 #3 #'4 792.1 792.1 792.1. 792.1 400 266 562 415 152 730.3 730.6 729.1. 217 730.3 212 730.3 734.1 256 415 772 124 730-3 793.4 799.1 778 730.4 761 212, 256 730.1. Petty Cash 124 270 734.1. #3 #4 734.4 771 # #4 (160) 32.07 44.70 346.83 36.00 273.84 47.97 2.50 19.30 7,346.47 154.07 788.98 43.50 19.60 29.68 89.02 91106 908.20 56.80 131.91 345.00 375.00 375.00 375.00 47,131.87 14,250.00 53.1.3 55 ,000.00 419.89 62-51 794.70 1,157.00 63.14 471-76 258.36 158.02 1.81 34.68 39.05 704.55 12.33 55.06 25.00 17.00 2.99 19.95 82-48 88.09 344.76 136.68 9.59 23.38 161 Lynn Mc Guf f y Company Nordberg Manf. . Company Louis Francis Robert Gutormson Robert Gutormson McLeod County Sanitary Landfill Hutchinson Telephone Company Beneke Auto Electric Alrick's Burkhardt-Larsen Company American Linen. Supply Coast to Coast Stores Bob's Shell Service Myron Wigen Chevrolet Company Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Riversview Press Municipal Electric Plant Natural Gas Division Sid Harvey Standard Oil Home Bakery Associated Consultants P & B Constructors, Inc Anderson, Helgeson, Lieser Natural Gas Division Sid Harvey's Municipal Utilities DefenseGroup Myron Wigen Chevrolet Company Municipal Electric Plant Natural Gas Division Hutchinson. Post #96 A & M. Industrial Tractor Inc Orville Kuiken M,Iehine Specialties The Foxboro Company Luedtke Equipment Home ryas Company Cory Coffee Service Plan United Building Centers Wigen.Chevrolet Company 123 #3 #4 123#1, #2 #7 Sala ry Sa lary Sala ry 880 921 895 933 895 930 880 859.1 859.2 859.2 921 903 245.1. 154.3 859.1 930 102 102 923 235 154.3 923 392 245 235 930 895 886 488 871 895 880 926 880 859.2 Natural Gas Division 921 ::. 415 902 903 245.1. 154.3 3,920.00 3,160.80 63.30 156.57 163-37 1.75 78.20 18.60 11.96 128.733 9.95 1.81 94.98 5.00 16.63 10.00 48.68 191.55 18.86 42.80 28.98 333-00 1,809.00 246.25 61.10 31.04 1,300.00 1,639.80 602.31 55.13 20.1.0 29.96 5.20 31.40 60.50 2 *40 17.00 2.5.95 6.50 5.40 There . being no further business,, motion was made , seconded and unanimously carried to ad iourn the meeting. ATTFS R. E . " dung, s cretary. - �T.� H'.�. uade, -Presiden 1