07-08-1972 (2) HUCMSPECIAL MEETING July 8, 1972 A, special meeting; of the Futchi.nson Utilities Commission was held on July 89 1972 at the office of Richard A. Peterson. Commissioner Filk and Commissioner Tracy were present; also Manager Steve Wacker. The meeting was called to order by Vice President Filk. A discussion was held concerning the Grand Jury Indictment regarding pollution. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk, and unanimously carried that Richard Peterson and Steve Wacker attend the hearing on July 14, 1972 and enter a plea of guilty or nolo c ontendere . Richard Peterson and Steve Wacker to call the APPA counsel for advice in this case. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 2:1.9 P. M. Cli ton Tracy, Secretary H. dad -e res cent 69.