11-12-1973 HUCM1 1 1 REGULAR MEETING November 12, 1973 All Commissioners were present; also Manager Steve Wacker and Counsel Peterson. Meeting was called to order by President Quade at 10:00 AM. The minutes of the regular meeting on October 8 were read and approved as read. The minutes of the special meeting on October 29 were read and approved as read. Manager Wacker reported on the inspection of the General Electric turbine. No major problems. After discussion on the energy conservation program, it was decided that the news media would work best as a means to convey the message to the public. Counsel Peterson presented a letter from Allis Chalmers asking for a meeting with Hutchinson Utilities Commission sometime in late November. Motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy and unanimously carried to pay Ben Dobratz $65.00 for crop damage which occurred during the laying of pipe for a gas main. The following bills were allowed: MUNICIPAL LIGHT PLANT Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 148.59 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 137.36 Hutch Wholesale Supply 780 28.99 Hutchinson Cleaners 522 28.25 Rockite Silo 554 13.75 Lee's Supermarket 946 5.22 Simonson Lumber 556.1 562 113.84 Plaza OK Hardware 570 22.60 Farm & Home Distributing 570 4.01 Home Bakery 930 111.86 9 7 4J .. 128 Hutchinson Insurance Agency 130 1,357.63 Brinkman's Studio 946 4.70 Moehring Motors 718 3.50 Hutchinson Telephone Company 872 312.36 Municipal Water Department 530, 730 76.05 Juul Contracting Company 236 -U 52.00 McLeod County Sanitary Landfill 530 2.00 Kreasen Plumbing & Heating 556.8 5.80 Culligan Water Conditioning 518A730 83.70 Floor Care Supply 520 34.40 G.T.C. Auto Parts 718 4.78 Carr Flowers 312 7.50 Allen Office Supply 246, 910 1,235.07 Transport Clearings 556.1 55.82 Leef Brothers, Inc. 522 106.40 H. A. Holden & Company 570 24.70 American Linen Supply 522 21.71 World Travel 326, 328 55.04 Warren Iwerks 326 18.88 Joe Schacherer 326 5.27 Violet Laabs 326 5.57 Thomas Cariveau 326 10.05 Northern States Supply 520 35.68 Electronics Center, Inc. 556.8 6.42 Oakite Products, Inc. 520 46.50 The Drawing Board, Inc. John Henry Foster Company 858 556 #1, #2 32.90 28.26 Burroughs Corporation 520 13.20 General Engineering & Equip. 556 #1, #2 11.18 Zep Manufacturing Company 520 223.75 Motorola Incorporated 228 565.00 Graphics Service Operation 858 59.21 Riverview Press 858 44.00 Tippecanoe Press, Inc. 858 6.20 Seelye Plastics 556.8 218.98 Fountain Products of Minnesota 930 147.35 Transport Clearings 556.8 7.85 Coast to Coast Stores 570 1.33 Nalco Chemical Company 518A, 518B 334.87 Conney Safety Products, Inc. 570 11.76 Del Chemical Corporation 554 139.33 Anderson Chemical Company 518A, 518B 1,320.41 Harvey Bach 326, 328 12.73 Leslie Ball " " 13.00 Clarence Benjamin " " 12.58 Mrs. Louella Bottemley " " 12.40 Ray L. Brethorst " " 14.28 Willis Buss " " 14.45 Lee M. Clark " 13.38 Donald R. Coles " " 13.68 Mrs. Merritt Crippen " " 14.03 Dean Cripps " " 13.68 Donald Dahle " „ 12.90 29 Laura Dahlquist 326, 328 14.93 Kenneth Danielson J. C. Dansereau it it it if 15.38 12.58 Norma De Koster if of 13.13 Gerald De Leeuw if it 13.25 Eugene Demenge If " 13.38 Dean Dietel " ;; 13.10 Mrs. Louise Dobratz " 15.05 Charles Doerr " " 12.90 Ed Domke " " 13.25 Ernest Domschot " " 14.48 Clyde Drahos " " 14.85 Marvin Drake " " 15.00 Rueben Draeger " " 13.73 Gary Abram " „ 27.51 Wayne Ahlbrecht " " 26.63 Dale Anderson " " 11.00 Dennis K. Arnold " " 27.33 Dennis Bah " " 27.10 Gary Born " " 11.20 Earl Buck " " 10.88 Pay Corcoron " " 26.63 Gary Daniels " " 11.10 John Dawald " " 27.19 Robert Du Hamel " " 27.38 Lyle Emme " „ 26.70 Leon Field " " 26.82 Dennis A. Fischer " " 26.75 Walter Fox " " 10.80 Dave Gassman " " 11.30 Robert E. Geearey " " 26.63 Al Patrias " " 11.20 John Gregor " " 27.42 William Harsha " " 11.48 Terry Hawes " " 16.02 Jane Lewandowski " " 10.78 Dennis D. Hedin " " 27.13 Jim Hudson " " 11.55 Dennis Hukriede " " 10.75 Nona Katzenmeyer " " 10.63 Gerald Koelln " " 13.03 Robert W. Kohn " " 10.73 George Kuntz " " 27.45 Richard F. Kuttner " " 27.68 Kenneth Lovald " " 27.37 Darrell McDonald " " 27.56 Charles L. Mc Lagen " " 11.25 Howard Manthei " " 26.82 Mrs. Martina Mathews " " 10.63 William Mattsfield " " 10.78 Greg Moran " " 26.88 Mike Mortenson " " 26.88 Vern Mortenson " " 29.09 Bruce Naustdal " " 10.68 Roger K. Olsted " " 11.15 Don Pankake " " 26.63 '3u Wayne Peterson 326, 328 27.13 Charles Reiner " " 26.76 Dennis H. Reidel if of 27.37 Frank Rueckert it " 27.13 Herbert D. Ruegge If " 10.90 Jacob Rutske " " 26.76 Dennis Ruzicka " " 10.65 Margaret Schlader " " 27.32 William Settergren " " 26.97 Duane T. Squier " " 2'x.19 John A. Turchin " " 27.56 John U!Ren " ". 26.92 A. Josephine Winters it If 26.94 Wes Wosmek if if 26.56 Vincent Ziek it it 12.05 Moehring Motors 718 46.44 Transport Clearings 730, 610 15.70 Burmeister Electric Company 124.1, 236 444.09 Westinghouse Electric Supply 124.1 969.00 Rexnord, Inc. 123 #1, #2 1,941.15 Standard Oil 510 109710.25 Worthington, Inc. 123 #3, #4 85.97 Home Gas Company 530 7.25 Fountain Products of Minnesota 930 69.60 Graybar Electric Company 124.1 68.49 Mueller Sales Corporation 556.7 223.19 Williams Steel & Hardware 566 93.26 Sterling Electric Company 124.1, 570 681.89 Mrs. Fred Briggs 804 20.00 Burmeister Electric Company 780 1.30 Transport Clearings 758 7.85 Texaco, Inc. 716 152.15 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 155.46 Beatrice Pollard 854 53.20 H. P. Quade 908 83.76 NATURAL GAS DIVSION Natural Gas Division Petty Cash 40.86 American Linen Supply 536 12.10 Coast To Coast Stores 536 5.29 G.T.C. Auto Parts 524 13.65 Farm & Home Distributing 536 4.23 Jerry's Tire Company 524 5.00 Northern States Supply 536 16.75 Fischer Controls Company 570 23.15 Adams Supply Company 120 766.90 J. H. Dockendorf Company 120 14.96 Sid Harvey of Minnesota 120 85.54 Transport Clearings 122 13.78 Home Bakery 724 19.00 Franzen's Hardware 730 28.52 Mueller Company 120 58.92 Anderson's Interiors 554 12.48 McCormik Implement Company 524 3.10 The Tapecoat Company, Inc. 556, 568 16.38 Singer American Meeter Division 122 1,407.64 World Travel 706 831.63 Transport Clearings 122 27.79 Home Gas Company 103 4,632.29 Gary Abram 414, 416 26.56 Wayne Ahlbrecht if it 26.69 Dale Anderson It it 21.35 Dennis Arnold if if 26.69 Dennis Bah " if 26.56 Gary Born " if 22.05 Earl Buck " " 21.70 Pat Corcoran " " 26.63 Gary Daniels " " 21.45 John Dawald " " 26.63 Robert DuHamel " " 27.32 Lyle Emme " " 26.63 Leon Field " " 26.82 Dennis Fischer " " 26.76 Walter Fox " " 5.42 David Gassman " " 21.70 Robert E. Gearey " " 22.05 Al Patrias " " 22.40 John Gregor " " 27.32 William Harsha Terry Hawes " " " " 5.77 26.79 Dennis Hedin " " 27.20 James Hudson " " 21.60 Dennis Hukriede " " 21.50 Nona Katzemeyer " " 21.25 Gerald Koelln " " 24.20 Robert Kohn " " 21.40 George Kuntz " " 27.32 Richard Kuttner " " 27.20 Kenneth Lovald " " 21.85 Darrel McDonald " " 27.26 Charles McLagen " " 21.75 Howard Manthei " " 26.82 Mrs. Martina Mathews " " 21.25 William Mattsfield " " 21.55 Greg Moran " " 26.88 Mike Mortenson " " 26.68 Vern Mortenson " " 30.25 Bruce Naustdal " " 21.35 Roger K. Olstad " " 21.55 Don Pankake " " 26.62 Wayne Peterson " " 27.14 Charles Reiner " " 26.76 Dennis Riedel " " 27.32 Frank Rueckert " " 26.68 Herbert Ruegge " " 21.80 Jacob Rutske " " 26.76 Dennis Ruzicka " " 21.30 Margaret Schlader " " 21.85 32 William Settergren 414, 416 26.62 Dwayne Squier if it 26.69 John Turchin it it 27.14 John U'Ren if " 26.94 A. Josephine Winters it " 26.94 Wes Wosmek it " 26.56 Vincent Ziek it " 22.20 Energy Systems, Inc. 101 10,800.00 McLeod County Co -Op Power Ass'n 512, 520 12.77 Texaco, Inc. 522 117,32 H. W. Filk 706 16.00 H. Steve Wacker 706 440.49 Natural Gas Division Petty Cash 120.96 H. Steve Wacker 536 106.14 The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 AM. GIB —WWOZI � H. P. Quade, President j Clint Tracy, Secretary L I u