04-08-1974 HUCMRegular Meeting April 8, 1974 All Commissioners were present; also Manager Steve Wacker and Counsel Gilmer. Minutes of the regular meeting, March 11, 1974, were read and approved as read. Minutes of the special meeing, March 26, 1974, were read and approved as read. Motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy and unanimously carried to set the electrical temporary service charge at $10.00. Willis Miller and LeRoy Christensen appeared with their Counsel, Wm Haas, concerning the farm rate charge. Discussion took place with no conclusive agreement. Motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy and unanimously carried to construct a new #2 well pump house at an estimated cost of $2,175.00. Counsel Gilmer reported on the Worthington -Allis Chalmers law suit. Action should be forth coming in the near future. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk and unanimously carried to engage Juul Contracting Company to remove the old City Garage for a total cost of $547.50. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk and unanimously carrier} to send Manager Wacker and Orville Kuiken to Omaha Nebraska on 4 -10 -74 to attend a meeting with Northern Natural Gas Company. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk and unanimously carried to send representives to the April meeting of the Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association at Minneapolis, Minnesota and the Thirty -first Annual Conference of the American Public Power Association to be held at Phoenix, Arizona during the last part of April. The following bills were allowed: MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC PLANT Paul Ackland 326,328 10.67 Harley Albers it it 26.30 Fred Alberts Jr. if it 10.50 Gerald Amundson it if 10.67 Paul D. Anderson it It 10.62 Mrs. Donna Schwankel " " 10.55 Linda Asplin " " 10.55 James Benton if " 10.62 69 David Berger Mrs. Charles Colmer 326,328 " " 26.55 11.80 Gerald Block " if 10.72 Brian Bogenreif " if 10.52 James R. Breitkrantz " " 10.57 Joseph Bubash " " 26.67 Randall C. Buboltz " " 26.60 David Buechele " " 10.47 Rita -Mae Burke " " 10.60 Dolores M. Burns " " 10.50 Robert Busche " " 10.65 George J. Carter " " 10.67 Challenge Homes " " 11.27 Mrs. Bruce Drahos " " 11.12 Floyd H. Clark " " 26.55 James Conner " " 10.60 Larry Cornwell " " 10.60 Bruce R. Crosby 4 �_ " " 10.55 I a _b o Rev. Norval Curry " " 10.57 s s Maria E. Dallmann I IT 10.65 Idella Haag it " 10.72 Dennis Deanovic it " 11.47 Steven P. DeKoster it " 10.50 Benson Den Hartag if " 10.55 Roger Denton, it " 10.52 Darrold Glanville it " 21.04 Ben Dobratz it " 10.67 Thomas Dolder if " 10.57 Michael Drew IT " 10.52 Dennis A. Dummer " " 26.67 Al Eggert if it 10.55 Linda Elwood it it 10.67 James Faber it It 26.17 Fay M. Fandrich it " 10.65 Ken Farley it " 10.50 Donald Fimon " " 26.42 Ronald Fischer if " 10.60 John Forbes IT IT 10.72 Ronald Forsberg it it 10.57 Abby Frank it it 10.57 Elmer Forcier it " 10.70 Carol Fransen " " 10.62 Mrs. Otto,Fratzke " " 10.60 Merle O. Gamm " " 10.55 James Gierke " " 10.65 Mark Gilhousen " " 10.52 W. D. Greve " " 10.50 A. C. Gruendemann " IT 26.36 James Hagen " " 10.65 Jerry Hayden " " 10.50 Douglas G. Hedin " " 10.62 Douglas Heilman " " 26.23 Gordon D. Henson " " 10.50 I Darwin Hoeft 326,328 10.70 Edwin E. Homan " if 26.61 Robert Homan " it 10.72 Otto H. Inselmann " " 10.50 Kent Jacobson " " 10.57 Richard A. Jacobson " " 10.67 Kermit Jacobson " " 10.62 Wm Janousek " " 10.47 Ron Jansen " " 10.60 Ivan Johnson " " 10.67 Arthur Kerhow " " 10.50 Frank Kingzette " " 10.65 S. Bernard Knutson " " 10.60 Gary Kmudsen " " 10.52 Dr. J. W. Kuehl " " 10.57 Mrs. Carolyn A. Laabs IT It 10.50 Clarence Lamp if it 10.57 Dennis Larson it it 10.52 Virginia Lickfelt it it 10.67 William R. Lidberg it it 10.67 Leon Linder it it 13.77 Fred Lutzke it it 10.65 Lowell Mackidanz it if 10.52 Anna Malchow IT " 10.52 R. W. Marcellus it if 10.65 Wesley Mattsfield it if 10.55 Terry McKimm if if 10.62 Ernest Nelson it " 10.52 LeRoy Norton it " 10.47 Charles Oesterlein it " 10.52 Laurence H. Olson it " 10.57 Douglas Otto if " 10.65 Beverly Paul " " 10.55 Becky,Fast " " 10.52 Gregory G. Plath if it 10.60 Ronald Podratz " " 10.55 Victoria Pofahl " it 10.50 Judith Powell " it 10.62 Patrick Price " if 10.67 Albert R. Prieve " It 10.52 Martin Prieve " it 26.23 Eugene Putzier It it 10.70 Gary Rannow it " 26.42 Loren Rannow " " 10.55 Charles Reading " " 10.45 Dale Redetzke " " 10.52 Joel Reiner " " 26.59 Michael Richards it IT 10.50 Martha Riebe IT IT 10.70 Melvin C. Rudolph " " 10.57 James B. Riley " " 10.60 David Sauter it 11 27-74 71 Sharon Sauter 326,328 10.72 Robert Schmid it If 10.47 James Schoeberl it if 10.75 Mrs. Jeff Schwarte it it 10.62 Thomas Servaty it it 26.17 Joe Sheehan If it 10.50 Hubert E. Sitz it it 10.60 Raymond Slanga " " 10.65 Larry Starks " " 10.52 Mrs. Agnes Stritesky " " 10.55 Mrs. Gary Anderson " " 10.72 Joe M. Telecky " " 10.50 Phyllis Thissen " " 10.55 Douglas Swarthout If If 10.55 Gwen Turman " " 10.65 Lennie Turner if " 26.55 Mike Tydlacka " " 10.60 Ronald P. Uecker " If 10.70 Orville.Wallner " if 10.75 Larry Wieker " it 26.30 Joseph Wesley " it 10.47 Mark Whittle If " 10.57 Thomas Willard if it 10.57 Arthur J. Winkler it it . 10.47 W. C. Wolff it it 10.57 Larry Wright If If 10.55 Richard Yoch " it 10.80 LeRoy W. Yost " if 10.67 Mrs. Lillian Zajicek It if 10.70 Martin Ziemon It if 10.75 Ray H. Zimmermann " it 10.87 Thomas Benson " if 11.25 Rick Crowell " if 10.52 Mrs. Lloyd Block " It 11.10 Elmer Haas " it 8.94 Thomas Harsdorf " If 10.80 David Hultgren " " 15.61 Mrs. David Hultgren " " 10.62 Van Karg " " 11.05 Henry Kohn " " 10.82 Rodney Krasen It if 11.47 Mrs. C. E. Picha " if 8.47 Alex Saloum " If 10.87 Elmer Shey it if 10.82 Scott Schwartz " if 27.05 Alvin Wurzberger it " 27.04 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 293.29 Peterson & Gilmer 914 1282.13 Karen Trout 326 15.29 Ted A. Lindberg 326 9.98 F. Cole Fowler 326 1.26 'r Howard Koehn 326 8.19 H. P. Quade 904 100.00 H. W. Filk 904 100.00 Clinton Tracy 904 200.00 Mrs. Fred Briggs 804 20.00 Leef Bros. Inc. 522 42.76 American Linen Supply Co. 522 24.86 Citizins Insurance Agency 130 91.00 Case and Power Equipment 238 7750.00 LaSalle Cleaners 522 28.69 Culligan Water Conditioning 518a, 730 75.10 S. A. Nies 932 19.60 Floor Care Supply Co. 530 17.50 Anderson, Helgeson, Lieser 912 510.00 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 718, 730 6.21 Junker Sanitation Service 530 36.00 Home Bakery 930 127.89 G. T. C. Auto Parts 556.8, 718 42.96 Allen Office Supply 858, 910 125.57 Ok Plaza Hardware 570 39.18 Family Rexall Drug 910 5.65 Machine Shop 554, 558, 556.8 583.16 Farm & Hone Distributing 238, 718 23.80 The Hutchinson Leader 864, 946 368.44 Hutchinson Telephone Co. 872 404.91 Simonson Lumber 554 338.41 Municipal Electric Plant 940 111.89 Great Plains Supply Co. 554 18.27 Kempske Paper Co. 910 30.48 Ag Systems Inc. 238 27.00 United Building Centers 730 7.26 Krasen Plumbing & Heating 570 2.95 Hutchinson Manufacturing & Sales 556.7 8.14 Standard oil 510 64469.18 H. D. Lee Co. 928 14.44 Paul Lempke & Son 570 3.85 Tuthill Pump Co. 556.1 &2 43.20 Pheoll Manufacturing Co. 556.1 9.72 Hydra Power 123 #8 312.28 Continental Safety Equip. Co. 946 17.75 Ace Lube Oil Co. 570 36.26 Precision Gasket Co. 570 16.85 Graphic Service Operation 858 31.38 Albrecht Oil Co. 716 147.40 Minn. -Wis. Truck Lines 562 13.97 Fountain Products of Minn. 930 142.55 Burmeister Electric Co. 124.2, 762 1165.52 Anderson Chemical Co. 518a, 518b 385.51 3M Company 230 131.40 Cooper - Bessmer 123 #1, #2 86.40 Graybar Electric Co. 408, 730 26.97 33S'�E 73 Grinnel Corporation 123 #8 65.42 Northern State Supply Inc. 520 36.49 H & C Electric Supply 124.1 468.53 Rexnord Inc. 123 #1, #2 3234.62 Crane Packing Co. 556.8 153.89 Crane Supply Co. 556.8 238.89 Nalco Chemical Co. 518a 335.63 Sterling Electric Co. 124.1, 654 105.31 Nelsons Tree Service 708 370.00 Oppenheiner, Wolff, Foster 914 879.91 Continental Oil Co. 716 151.98 General Electric Co. 123. #8 188.62 American Public Power Ass. 946 75.00 Graybar Electric Co. 236 -2a 383.28 Industrial Supply Co. 520 30.29 H. A. Holden Inc. 556.8 6.65 Hersey,Products Inc. 556.4 99.94 Fresco 210 104.28 Pump & Condenser Group 123 #8 2062.90 Burlington Northern Inc. 946 25.00 Burmeister Electric Co. 124.2 478.44 Municipal Electric Plant 940 99.40 Peterson & Gilmer 914 750.00 James Sterns 102 120.00 Federal Communications Comm. World Travel Service 608 908 20.00 159.27 Minn. -Wis. Truck Lines 570 11.72 Natural Gas Division Harley Albers 414, 416 26.30 Robert W. Anderson " if 10.47 Linda Asplin " " 21.09 David Berger " " 26.55 Joseph Bubash " " 26.67 Randall Buboltz " " 26.61 Dolores M. Burns " " 20.99 Floyd Clark " " 26.36 Idella Haag " " 21.44 Steven P. DeKoster " " 20.99 Dennis Dummer " " 26.61 James Faber; " " 26.16 Kate Farenbaugh " " 21.34 A. C. Grundeman " " 26.36 James Hagen " " 21.29 Douglas Heilman " " 26.23 Edwin E. Homan " " 26.61 Richard Jacobson " " 21.29 Ivan Johnson " " 21.34 Fred M. Lutzke Leonard Malacek " " " " 21.24 20.89 Harold R. Meyer " " 21.19 33S'�E 73 74 LeRoy Norton 414,416 20.94 Martin Prieve if it 26.17 Gary Rannow it if 26.43 Joel Reiner rr it 26.36 Rita Schwarz if it 21.09 Thomas Servaty it it 26.17 Joe Sheehan it if 20.99 Mrs. Gary Anderson if it 21.14 Gwen Turman it if 21.24 Lennie Turner It if 26.50 Larry Wieker it it 26.30 Municipal Electric Plant 408 30618.23 Farm & Home Distributing 524 17.56 Sid Harvey of Minn. 456, 120 56.20 G. T. C. Auto Parts 524 46.39 Benjamin Truck 536 5.00 Guy Speaker Co. 120 33.99 Strand Radiator Service 536 1.25 Home Gas Co. 504 2330.61 American Linen Supply 536 11.28 Machine Shop 536 8.97 American Public Gas Assn. 730 279.13 Anderson, Helgson, Lieser 710 325.00 Northern State Supply 536 37.44 Home Bakery 724 21.66 Thermal Company Inc. 456 40.84 Great Plains Supply Co. 554 11.16 Albrecht Oil Co. 522 99.37 Crane Supply Co. 120 145.63 Energy Systems Inc. 101 12630.00 Home Gas Co. 504 2638.08 Continef.tal Oil Co. 522 36.38 Municipal Electric Plant 402 18000.00 McLeod Co- operative Power Assn. 512, 520 38.90 Municipal Electric Plant 112 10000.00 Municipal Electric Plant 112 6000.00 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 P. m. ) Clint Tracy, Secret I