12-11-1975 HUCMSpecial Meeting December 11, 1975 All Commissioners were present; also Mgr. Wacker, Bill Marquardt, and Orville Kuiken of the Utilities, and Don Swanson of Associated Consultants; Andren C. Gibas, Circle Pines Utilities Commission, Joseph A. Davis, Circle Pines Utilities Commission, Dewey Kasma, TKDA & Associates - Consulting Engineers, Edwin Bloomstrand, Finance Officer, and Wayne Dannheim, City Manager of Circle Pines. President Quade called the meeting to order at 2 p.m. Don Swanson of Associated Consultants presented Operating Rules and Procedures between Hutchinson Utilities Commission and Circle Pines Utilities Commission as follows: OPERATING RULES AND PROCEDURES OF THE CIRCLE HUTCH UTILITY BOARD This Supplement No. 1 made this day of , 1975, between the Hutchinson Utilities Commission and Circle Pines Utilities Commission. Since the parties have entered into a joint and cooperative Agreement dated April 2, 1974, to make more efficient use of their purchase of natural gas through the Circle -Hutch Utilities Board and since the Federal Power Commission in a directive dated November 26, 1975, authorized Northern Natural Gas Co. to treat the Village of Circle Pines, MN, and Hutchinson Utilities Commission as a single entity known as the Circle - Hutch Utility Board until March 31, 1976, or until a final order is issued, it is necessary that proper operating rules and procedures be set out and agreed upon between the two Commissions. Directors: The President of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission and the Chairman of the Circle Pines Utility Commission shall be the Directors of the Circle -Hutch Utility Board and may, at their option, appoint a representative of each party hereto to be responsible for the day to day operations and procedures outlined herein. Address: The official address of the Circle -Hutch Utilities Board shall be in care of the Hutchinson Utilities, Hutchinson, MN 55350. Northern Natural Gas Co. bills and all official correspondence will be.sent to,this address and all dispatching will be per- formed from this address. Dispatching:Each day on or before 7:00 AM "Pipeline Standard Time" the Circle Pines Dispatcher will notify the Hutchinson Dispatcher of the following items: 1. Actual MCF used on the previous billing day. 2. Actual MCF used up to the present time of the current billing day. 3. Estimated MCF to complete the load demand of the current billing day. The Hutchinson Dispatcher, representing the Circle Hutch Utility, will in turn combine the Circle Pines and Hutchinson data and notify the Northern Natural Dispatcher of gas used and estimated load demand after subtracting equivalent MCF for any anticipated use of the Hutchinson Peak Shaving Plant. Circle Pines shall provide the Hutchinson Dispatcher with a 24 hour seven day telephone number to call to obtain informa- tion concerning gas load, curtailment calls and weather conditions. Billing: The first of each month the Circle Hutch Utility Board will bill Circle Pines and Hutchinson Commissions for gas charges and peak shaving services for the previous month ending the 27th. All bills are to be paid on or before the 15th of the following month. Natural Gas Tariffs: Costs for all gas contracted for and /or consumed shall be billed to the Contracting Commission (Circle Pines or Hutchinson ) including any over -run or late payment penalty in- curred by either Utility. It is understood of course, that the Hutchinson Dispatcher will take all measures to prevent any over -run of gas through use of the Hutchinson Peak Shaving Plant. If the estimate received from Circle Pines is incorrect and causes penalty Circle Pines Commission will be responsible for that penalty. Any day that one member has an outlet for gas available under the other member's authorized but unrequired contract demand, an exchange may take place. The charge for such gas from one member to the other will be as per the applicable tariff of combined commodity and contract demand charges with each MCF pro -rated at 100% load factor. Peak Shaving Plant Investment and Maintenance Cost: Since both Circle Pines and Hutchinson Commissions are to share the benefits of the Gas Peak Shaving Plant, it is agreed the cost of owning will be shared according to the percentage of each member's portion of last year's combined peak day usage. The cost of owning shall include 4% annual depreciation, (based on twenty -five year life) plus 6% simple interest plus maintenance. This shall be pro -rated into 12 equal monthly payments which shall be billed monthly to the Circle Pines Commission. A sample calculation is shown in Exhibit No. 1. Operating Costs: Operating Costs are comprised of propane, labor and meter losses which will be billed only when the peak shaving plant is used. Each member will be billed accordingly. A sample calculation is shown in Exhibit No. 1. " Indemnity: Each party agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the other party from and against any and all claims, liability, loss, damage or expense of any nature whatsoever caused by or resulting from negligent acts or omissions of the indemnifying party, its employees or agents. Liability: The gas furnished by the Circle Hutch Utility or by one member to the other under this Agreement is supplied upon the express condition that after it passes the designated Point of Delivery, it becomes the property of the purchaser, and seller shall not be liable.for loss or damage to any person or property whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly from the use, misuse or presence of said gas on purshaser's premises or facilit *es, or elsewhere after it passes the Point of Deliveryto the purchaser. EXHIBIT 1 SAMPLE CALCULATIONS FOR PEAK SHAVING PLANT INVESTMENT, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONAL CHARGES(1) Previous Year's Peak Day Usage Circle Pines 1104 MCF Hutchinson 6372 MCF Circle Hutch Utility 7476 MCF Investment in Peak Shaving Plant Contract Cost Land Cost Land Scaping Driveway Fence, Etc. Total Cost Annual Depreciation 25 (4 %) Year Life + Interest (6 %) Annual Maintenance Cost including Heat for Vaporizer, electricity, and repairs (pro -rated last 5 years) Total Annual Cost to own w/o operating Circle Pines annual cost @14.8% of combined peak day Annual Cost for Investment & Maintenance Circle Pines Pro -rated Monthly Billing 14.8 85.2 100.0 $155,300 9,435 250 1,355 500 $166,840 x .10 $16,684.00 258.41 $16,942.41 x .148 $ 2,507.48 $ 208.96 1 1 C] I J 1 Operational Cost (2) Propane Cost /equivalent MCF = Cost /Gal x 1,000,000 BTU /MCF 91,500 BTU /Gal at 26.915C/Gal. Operating Labor Cost /MCF Meter Loss Total Cost =$2.94 .24 .20 $3.38 /Equiv. MCF (1) All costs are for sample purposes only and adjustable to current conditions. (2) Operational Charges will only be billed when peak shaving is actually utilized. Circle Pines Commission has taken the plan home for more study. The latter part of the meeting was taken up in consideration of purchasing a Turbine Generating Unit. On a motion by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy, and carried, it was agreed to purchase a Turbine Unit Mod Pad 25 from the Curtiss - Wright Corporation in conformance with their bid of $2,847,578.00; and, further, to authorize the execution of the contract by the appropriate officers, following the insertion of certain additions agreed to by Curtiss - Wright, and execution of the contract by Curtiss - Wright. A motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy, and carried, to deed that certain parcel of land to the City of Hutchinson for right of way purposes on Jefferson Street. (Copy attached) A motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy, and carried, to allow all charge -offs to be turned over to a collection agency for further action. Charge -Offs December, 1975 October, Inc. 1- 9003 -0 -00 RO 12/5/73 $101.03 Jackie Gutormson 1- 9004 -0 -00 RO 8/5/74 5.38 Kevin Hancock 2- 9003 -0 -00 RO 8/1/74 29.05 Colleen Nichols 3- 9003 -0 -00 RO 6/4/74 23.90 Kenneth Farr 3- 9004 -0 -00 RO 7/24/73 6.31 Pete Rodriguez 3- 9005 -0 -00 RO 4/3/73 20.98 Wallace Crandall Estate 4- 9001 -0 -00 RO 5/8/73 3.02 Dave Larson 4- 9002 -0 -00 RO 11/1/73 $ 5.67 Sheryl Albrecht 4- 9003 -0 -00 RO 1/15/74 31.53 Bonita Eaton 4- 9005 -0 -00 RO 9/4/73 25.68 Gerald Thiesen 4- 9006 -0 -00 RO 7/2/73 5.86 Roger Hamilton 4- 9007 -0 -00 RO 6/6/73 6.46 Don Kramer 4- 9009 -0 -00 RO 1/29/74 56.98 James Meuleners 4- 9010 -0 -00 RO 11/7/74 10.19 Janet Hill 4- 9011 -0 -00 RO 4/30/74 13.31 Eloise Nussbaum 4- 9012 -0 -00 RO 11/25/74 7.79 Anita Miles 5- 9000 -0 -00 RO 5/6/74 17.10 Evon Terning 5- 9004 -0 -00 RO 6/12/74 12.29 Don Kramer 5- 9005 -0 -00 RO 9/7/74 17.13 Dwight Clark 5- 9006 -0 -00 RO 5/5/73 9.20 Robert Springman 6- 9001 -0 -00 RO 4/15/74 1,56 Connie Castle 6- 9000 -0 -00 RO 1/11/74 20.12 Joy Matzdorf 6- 9002 -0 -00 RO 5/23/73 6.11 John Stark 7- 9000 -0 -00 RO 5/8/73 4.08 Gary Dehn 7- 9001 -0 -00 RO 10/23/74 21.68 Gary Dehn 7- 9002 -0 -00 RO 10/23/74 34.84 Richard Wilsnn 7- 9003 -0 -00 RO 1/26/72 21.70 Max Dummer 7- 9005 -0 -00 RO 3/9/72 6.04 Robert Erickson 8- 9000 -0 -00 RO 1117/74 28.01 Berton Eurle 8-9002-0-00 RO 8/10/72 3.93 Dr. Philip Rose 9- 9000 -0 -00 RO 5/31/74 5.14 Dennis Olson 10- 9000 -0 -00 RO 6/14/73 1.37 Randy Miller 10- 9002 -0 -00 R0 5/1174. 29,41 Anthony Patla 11- 9003 -0 -00 RO 9/6/74 22.11 Roger Beilke 12- 9000 -0 -00 RO 1/25/74 28.28 Gregg Terning 12- 9002 -0 -00 RO 1/4/74 82.44 Wayne Dahme 12- 9004 -0 -00 RO 5/31/73 17.39 Wayne Dahme 12- 9005 -0 -00 RO 5/31/73 15.59 Dale Sturges 12- 9007 -0 -00 RO 10/31/73 5.25 Lonnie Nordby 16- 9001 -0 -00 RO 6/4/74 7.11 Jon E. Berganini 16- 9002 -0 -00 RO 3/1/74 155.92 Ralph Mortenson 16- 9003 -0 -00 RO 8/31/73 210.80 Kay Olsen 19- 9000 -0 -00 RO 6/29/73 1.39 David Frank 27- 9000 -0 -00 RO 2/28/74 42.93 George Belden 28- 9002 -0 -00 RO 6/29/73 8.81 Robert Posusta 30- 9000 -0 -00 RO 5/2/74 59.87 Alvin Schroeder 30- 9002 -0 -00 RO 1/31/74 53.37 John F. Johnson 31- 9001 -0 -00 RO 12/18/74 51.70 Stephen Eich 31- 9002 -0 -00 RO 8/17/73 30.57 Bernice Oberlin 31- 9006 -0 -00 RO 11/15/74 25.66 Gordon Pickett 32- 9000 -0 -00 RO 8/5/74 6.23 Marvin Ricketts 32- 9002 -0 -00* RO 3/4/74 83.55 i 7 G. Zerwas 40- 9003 -0 -00 RO 8/28/73 $ 41.41 $1,512.66 There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. i Clinton Tracy, Secretary ATTE H. P. Quade, President Special Meeting December 12, 1975 All Commissioners were present; also Mgr. Wacker, Don Swanson of Associated Consultants and Charles Lowderback of Curtiss - Wright. President Quade called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m. The meeting was called to discuss the Mod Pad 25 Turbine Unit offered by Curtiss - Wright Corporation. Pertinent details will be incorporated in the final contract. Mr. Lowderb ack was informed that his company was awarded the contract to furnish a Mod Pad 25 Curtiss - Wright Turbine Unit. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m. Clinton Tracy, Secretary i ATTE H.--P-.—Quade, President 1