12-29-1997 HUCMRegular Meeting December 29,1997 Commissioners Ward, Gilmer Carls and Wetterling were present. Absent was Commissioner Ackland. Also present were Manager Kadrmas and Counsel G. Barry Anderson. President Ward called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. The minutes of November 24, 1997, regular meeting were discussed. Commissioner Carls inquired about the pro rata check from Insurance Planners. Mgr. Kadrmas explained that the excess liability has been canceled and we'll receive the check after the first of the year. A motion was made by Commissioner Carls, seconded by Commissioner Gilmer to approve the minutes as written. Motion was unanimously carried. The November payables were reviewed. A motion was made by Commissioner Wetterling, seconded by Commissioner Gilmer to accept the payables in the amount of $1,059,799.37(detailed listing in payables book). Motion was unanimously carried. The 1997 year- to-date (thru November) financial and budget reports were discussd. Manager Kadrmas reported that because of the effects of El Nino, gas prices have plummeted. Its about half the price as last year. Manager Kadrmas also mentioned that our auditors will be here the week of January 26, 1998, to audit our books. A motion was made by Commissioner Wetterling, seconded by Commissioner Carls to accept the financial and budget reports. Motion was unanimously carried. Don Nelson, Electric Distribution Superintendent and John Webster, Natural Gas Distribution Superintendent presented their year -in- review reports. Manager Kadrmas reported for the Power Production Department. (Reports attached.) Manager Kadrmas presented requisition #10422 for flanged equimeter regulators for the natural gas distribution department. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Carls, seconded by Commissioner Gilmer to approve the requisition to Marshall W. Nelson & Associates, Inc. in the amount of $10,117.25. Motion was unanimously carried. Manager Kadrmas presented requisition #10426 for shielded power cable for the electric distribution department. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Gilmer, seconded by Commissioner Wetterling to approve the requisition to Burmeister Electric Company in the amount of $10,618.26. Motion was unanimously carried. Manager Kadrmas presented recommendation for 69 kV conduit system. (Bid tabulation attached). After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Carls, seconded by Commissioner Wetterling to award the bid to Juul Contracting Company in the amount of $64,716.90. Motion was unanimously carried. Before the following request for bids took place, Commission Board asked Counsel Anderson if after explanation of each request for bids, one motion can be made to advertise for all bids. Counsel Anderson said it can be done that way. Manager Kadrmas presented the following requests for bids: • Phase 2 Construction 190 PSIG Feeder Line • 1998 Trencher Unit With Attachments And Trailer • Synchronous Circuit Switcher • 69 kV Capacitors • Plant 1 Transformer Repair After discussion of all requests, a motion was made by Commissioner Wetterling, seconded by Commissioner Gilmer to advertise all requests for bids. Motion was unanimously carried. General Manager's Report • Power Purchase And Sale Agreement with Enron Power Marketing has been finalized, executed and returned. • Present contract on Unit 9 is for four years with United Power Association. • Reported on the progress of the new bridge on Fifth Avenue Southeast. • Received a $30,000 check from Lovegreen Turbine Services toward the $106,000, which is to be returned. • Received a $52,000 rebate check from the City through the League of Minnesota Cities regarding our property and casualty insurance. Old Business: None New Business: Tree issue with United Power Association and property owner, Mr. Lindhorst. There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Wetterling, seconded by Commissioner Gilmer to adjourn the meeting at 4 :35 pm. Motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST: C Ward, President Mike Carls, Secretary 7 y y � � � n � bbb � b O y y � 1 O n O r r M y N v 0 f�J x araody �ad�oyn9nna n 00 � o � "0 c t-a�e 10 C a d r ° O � �zr a zr tz a-a o a �a�z � � � � �pzCC 8z a� r nC) �mG�� nn cn c dz � Mrp zm K rd Z �C d dOcn C� m� c zz cnnydcn n �iOQ��O �� zy � � o� o ("mUl r� O O a z zz oN n O N r- 01 N Z V CJt. �A n� CJl O� V �` a O� U7 oho" O� V7 CJl W N W N 0 ,p O (Ji � N �1 � "� on V7 �7 Vt � NN iJ� V V7 O C!7 x3xznn� N O Z7 tTt L)dp� �Cxl da n'� ��t°rld�t°7pNz��07o��a 9n yno �naH�H nc y0 rf 9�a �C�daa z� d �0 d d cnzr�Ji �°.4z an �( y��Zz"�a ���dzda °d �,a �c"i �I�zOn� o� a o�zmZ� go -.t�- o�g �c 8 t C) pn00 ZZ�a Z ��00� -� �'zf and a ��Q� �m�ada z maa Mm�,aa d� ��md�zzZ z dm�� z I ' r z I I 0000000 �+ F- ) 0 1 C 0 0 0 -+ ;Q p p p p O p'p O pI N��- O V +NN'- cn cn �P +000NNNNNN1J �PNN�+(O Cn cn (n W IJ W '-+NNN NNNN�'�000000000000�0�0 \ W \V NO�cn \ 0 \ c \ �- +.ter \ W \ ON -� \V V \V Ili V NN V \V V \ V V pp V V V V V V V t �pp\ V V F-oo-- N g� m O I O O V W I I pN N �P I O O CD In (WnS�OS(_gO .n CD W (fin O O Vii S OO O I I O. 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WEBSTER NATURAL GAS SUPERINTENDENT DECEMBER 29, 1997 1 -2 A A H � � n � A O N t nry ;0 0 � 3 S b n Z Z S a Z uzi A C Z n ran O � p z 5 � m z o z O z x x x x x x m J N i E ao A z 3 - n z'o cn r 3 yZ 3 i N 2 $ O g c mU r� 25 o gg2 X m �'� L" v� m � P a W W A N N N N N N A N N A N N N N A N A A W m a— v vN uT— v m Y,vnm a v s — -- N= —OV 1. m 8 O O)O O N Og 00 �O N WOO rr C. 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O xy , O y wm 2 7 (/1T 000 (D m = w� n y W X x2m Z1 av D D o I m, D m n owfD 1 0 Z7 a oy 00(wio a s > >rn m 7, ^ o T w N N I O N b 7, n 7, 3 3 (D 0 w C— C -1 3 �y:},1' lD N N i/) K .fie n a ry 0 �. 3 N w w n a 3 —(cn = 2 as m 0 m CL N (A SD D d 0 ;o ;o (mp w w ID O a C O N SD (D 2 ^ �j O N W W § \ \ eD RQ §gWFQ (D 5NR { §. _m �y » \zzz 2g K2� §/ sm i°F7$£ m \ ®Afs \& ch \ \ \\ -4 -4, \ \ {\ \ 72m222Emm ;@g;� (OD a -- 0) .xz2 §� \ /� \ /k\ 43 0 0 =e5 2f» ` §§ cn w v X rn m y N w N Co V G 0CA1% cnw -A - .CAM-0,w -►w OOO Nw Cn W m ONNCnO Cn O O N W O Cn 0 C." mom°_ °Iwvgg=nOia =- CD Cn V O y o � ( m CD 3 m CD < a(ncl) CQ m n) Z"Z �O X D O � O z 00� W W N Z -D� N O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O CD ccilLn �c~n0C-nnCnnc4n Ul �mn —<Xmcn W N W (n fn (n (nCn(n� (n(n� (n((� -Di N N N N N N N• �, COD N y — m mD mr r -' m m w Z [V p O �I p co CID C7o CA O N N W p O c 0 0 Cn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z7 G7 M= oc°oc°o a°oo°o.°i�rnrnrnrnc°nc°nm N N O O O w N N �+ N �► � N .P co m Cn Cn A ao �I O N N CD 66 CO CO CD CD CDCOOCOCDOm 4vv —1-4-4-1 -I-I-I-4-4-4p y z m m _•,_-v � m m� r• m m m m m m o p, o o o o v o o o O w < 0 CO < < c < < n < < < m m 9:m m 3 m m m m m m CL m M aay a aaan.aa � ° CD' O c c flI '" '"' O "" a CS o o O Oz' 0 = n m m m 0 � C. a -' 0 CD O O O (0 C=D (=D O— CD cn ~ O > X N (D cQ O CD CD 0 rn `° O n 0 3< m 0= 0 0 x 0 0 �. Sc j O cn p cn 0 N= -0 �� -°•oto cu=r�3vn O N 0 N= 0= m 0 0 LD. f) (n 7C CD co o n ? cn co o 0 o c coo m: 3 M ,v = * _ a m N(n O !R N O O CD M' Z CD N? N N'(C — N cn mn a CD m 3 m _ ti a 0 3' m n m = cn CD ? m y a _- v CD m PL m CD C_ � x iG x y z C� z° O r d - � � 0 Oz' S O � -' C!1 cn ~ O c Z 4 i L DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE 1. DRS Replacement - Floor Care Installed new District Regulator Station. Previous station did not meet DOT code. New station provides additional capacity to Texas Ave. and the northwest quadrant of Hutchinson. 2. DRS Installation - N. High Dr. Installation of District Regulator Station on N. High Dr. to allow Hutchinson Utilities to serve additional customers with natural gas at distribution pressure. 3 0 5 TBS No. 2 Design and installation of Town Border Station No. 2 allows Hutchinson Utilities to adequately serve 3M and the future growth of Hutchinson with a continuous supply of natural gas. Metering Facilities Hutchinson Technology. Inc Approximately 10 meter sets were built or rebuilt in 1997. All meter sets that require a meter larger than a 425 cfh diaphragm meter receive a fully welded set. Due to HTI's building expansion, Hutchinson Utilities was required to retire 990 ft. of 3" steel distribution main. 1000 ft. of 4" plastic main and 580 ft. of 2" plastic service line was installed [1 6. _Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing 7. Hutchinson Schools to relocate the upgraded metering facilities. 1165 ft. of 6" high density polyethylene distribution main was installed to serve 3M's building expansion. A 2" service line was installed to serve a small Thermal Oxidizer, a 4" service line was installed to serve a large Thermal Oxidizer, and a 4" service line was installed to serve the Focus Annex. The metering facilities to the Focus Annex were relocated in December due to a mistake made by 3M. Metering facilities were upgraded at the Park Elementary School, the High School, the Middle School, and West Elementary School due to building upgrades. Department Of Transportation Mandated Maintenance,Programs The following DOT mandated operations and maintenance programs were completed in 1997 by the natural gas department; 192.465 External Corrosion Control - Monitoring 192.609 Class Location Study 192.625 Odorization of Natural Gas 192.705 Transmission Lines - Patrolling 192.706 Transmission Lines - Leakage Surveys 1 :1 192.721 192. 723 192.739 192.741 192.743 192.745 192.747 192.459 192.501 Distributio Systems - Patrolling Distributio i Systems - Leakage Surveys - Business District - Distribution System Inspection and Testing of Pressure Limiting and Regulating Stations Inspection and Testing of Telemetering and Recording tations Testing of elief Valves Valve Main enance - Transmission System Valve Maintenance - Distribution System External Corrosion Control System Pressure Test Requirements of Dia hraw and R The Natural Gas Dept. at Hutchi son Utilities Commission currently performs all residential through i dustrial meter testing in- house. Prior to 1993 all meters larger than residential size were intested and calibrated by an outside firm. The Natural Gas Department tes ed th meters in 1997: Residential (Diaphr gm) Commercial (Diaph agm) Commercial /Industr al (Rota ) e following quantity, by class, of 320 meters 53 meters 45 meters Midwest Regional Gas Task Force Association The MRGTFA is an alliance of small Minnesota and Wisconsin natural gas utilities. Quarterly meetings are conducted to protect the interests of Hutchinson Utilities, it's generation facilities, and its customers. Northern Natural Gas declined on filing their rate case in 1997. Northern is mandated by the FERC to file before March 1, 1998. The Natural Gas Superintendent from Hutchinson Utilities Commission was nominated to serve as the vice - chairman of this association in 1998. NISB (New, Innovative Solutions for Business) Northern Natural Gas began initiating a revenue process redesign in 1996. Northern began this process by involving their customers, both large and small natural gas utilities, natural gas marketers, producers, and end users. Several "brainstorming" meetings were held in Kansas City with the end result the nomination of a small board of advisors, the NISB board. The Natural Gas Superintendent from Hutchinson Utilities was elected to represent all of the small natural gas utilities on Northern Natural's system. Monthly teleconferences are held amongst all of the members on the NISB board to ensure that the best interests of all involved are served. Training Attendance - Natural Gas Department Steve Sturges MGA Leak Detection Seminar MGA Distribution Roundtable Wayne Barreth MGA Leak Detection Seminar MGA Annual Gas Operations Conference Jon Hombach MGA Annual Gas Operations Conference Dexter Klitzke MGA Annual Gas Operations Conference John Webster MNOPS 1997 Spring Conference MGA Distribution Roundtable The Natural Gas Division began in house training utilizing the Midwest Gas Association's "Operator Qualification Training Course" in 1997 in preparation for the yet to be mandated, Operator Qualification Training ruling from the DOT. 1 POWER PRODUCTION DIVISION 1997 YEAR IN REVIEW 1997 was a busy year for both of this divisions Operations and Maintenance Departments. With a 47% increase in total generation over 1996, the teardown inspection of Unit # 1 s gas turbine and various other projects. UNIT #1- Completed its third year of commerical operation. It was operated 5013 hours and produced 188,783 Mega -watts of electricity. Total operating time on the gas turbine is 15,572 hours and on the steam turbine is 12,285 hours. This past spring, the LM6000 was disassembled. The high pressure turbine blades were replaced, along with the stage 3 LPC shrods, bushings and stage 4 bumbers. The combuster, was also inspected and found to be in excellant condition. In November, the new Whitaker fuel system was installed. Also, maint., continuing work on the 40GPM Demineralizer System. UNIT #8- Was operated for 1071 hours this year. The unit was overhaul in 1996, Since that time, we have had a problem with the #2 bearing temperture. In March, we hired a GE Field Engineer, to supervise our personnel changing out the units inlet guide vanes. During that time, it was discovered that the orfice in the #2 bearings cooling air line was in the wrong location ( the orginal contractor, had missed this). The above orfice correction has improved our temperture problem. But, we are planning on revisiting the #2 bearing area, this coming March, 1998. PROJECTS IN PROGRESS: 1. PLANT #1 MAIN TRANSFORMER REPLACEMENT. The new 37MVA transformer was ordered. Completion date is March, 98, 2. HTI SUBSTATION, planning and ordering material stage. Construction is scheduled to start in April, 98 with a completion date of July, 1998. 3. 69KV SWITCHING STATION. The new Breaker has been ordered. Completion date is early summer, 1998. OTHER: PLANT #1 WELLHOUSE- was demolished 3M TRANSFORMER- bushing leaks were repaired HOSTED THE MMUA DIESEL WORKSHOP COMPLETED THE ABORT GROUND FUEL OIL TANKS INSPECTIONS. As per, MPCA requirements neat page> ONGOING: MAINTENANCE and PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE INHOUSE TRAINING PROGRAMS SCHOOLS/ SEMINAR ATTENDANCE FYI: The Operations Departments, System Controllers, issued approximately 2600 Powerstat Cards in 1997, during the weekday evenings and on weekends. Attached, you'll find a 1996/97 comparison graph and figures, as per the total generation produced. Walter Hombach Power Production Superintendent December 26, 1997 CC: Clarence Kadrmas HUC- Commissioners Total Generation Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5 Unit #6 Unit #7 Unit #8 Unit #9 Total MW Sold Capacity Sales Capacity Purchases " 1997 Figures through November Total Generation Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #5 Unit #6 Unit #7 Unit #8 Unit #9 Total Generation 1996 MW Fuel Cost Cost/MW 136607 $2,105,925.24 $15.42 134709 $2,050,980.05 $15.23 2 $133.89 $66.95 613 $13,135.01 $21.43 696 $21,188.97 $30.44 2 $460.59 $230.30 1 $84.31 $84.31 282 $9,215.49 $32.68 274 $7,549.66 $27.55 28 $3,177.27 $113.47 MW Revenue Cost/MW 17981 $302,073.00 $16.80 $44,000.00 $500,000.00 Total Generation 0 Generation Fuel Cost y 0 U m O 50 100 150 200 MW Thousands 0 1 2 3 4 I Dollars Millions I11111 1996 01997 N d /0 m 0 F Total Sales ■ 1996 ■ 1997 0 10 20 30 40 50 Dollars Thousands 01996 N 1997 1997' MW Fuel Cost Cost/MW 200339 $3,495,990.73 $17.45 188783 $3,136,496.49 $16.61 14 $186.91 $13.35 571 $18,544.47 $32.48 109 $4,776.43 $43.82 1 $132.52 $132.52 2 $36.99 $18.50 225 $7,921.67 $35.21 9258 $234,064.63 $25.28 1376 $93,830.62 $68.19 MW Revenue Cost/MW 39966 $688,663.55 $17.23 $254,000.00 $0.00 0 Generation Fuel Cost y 0 U m O 50 100 150 200 MW Thousands 0 1 2 3 4 I Dollars Millions I11111 1996 01997 N d /0 m 0 F Total Sales ■ 1996 ■ 1997 0 10 20 30 40 50 Dollars Thousands 01996 N 1997 it [1 G rf n -e !r O • O 0 O O 0 N =3 n � C -D p �U=i 0 D C O _ (1) .-.W Cl) Qo Z v �'• -p M (0 3 cc `. m m C U) CD V W — O co a a _a A � A r w O oul D �Q a � N N N m 0 J C J w A P� N x CD V x o v y O O �' o �_ w Z y J O @ J V A d m gym; (o � N n & - o» f°-. - - - -c In - - - - -- ---- - - - - - -- --- - - - - -- -- I rn z cm -- o� ----------------------- 'D CD A D 33 zU) 2. z pzpr� n;u C[ CD w 0 N co 01 z W W f D _ z " W .7 ai r w co w 0 D !4 CC*O A r V G rf n -e !r O • I I T ..L 0 11 3 CD �l 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 =3 0 Cf) 0) m CD 900 G) go :3 x IP 0 @ a) ��� roll — 0 = CL :3 77, @ 3 CD 3 c-Q C.0 cc CD 0 3 CD cn 0 CD —M C– co -4 a (a tt -4 CDCD 4 0 0 omc 0 C, 9 Z -W 0 Q) 0 0 Q. 0 = < ON V -4 Z C 14 ^ 0 y -4 0 0 90 co oa 9 3 V � g (D 0 (D (D 0 -4 0 --------------- ----- - - -..-- .................. ------------ - - - - -- .... -------- ---------------- -4 n -------- ----------- D;u 0 - --- - -- ----- CA C- X 0 (0 0 m 0 F — A) 0 0:5 60 7 P (D (D CD -n CL CD m 0 g 3 0 m CD CD :3 - 0 Z cr CD 0 z < Q R w I :E 0 M w 00 iz�i CD 2-L o m - U) N C* T ..L 0 11 3 CD �l 0 1 me c 0 c� 0 CL m O O O N : = Iwo �(D < 90 CD 5 C �W n� a Ca a (D to D a W ,A N 14N m 0 n V W Z C O A a A p � r o (D CC .... -- ------------ ---- - - - - -- -- ------ - - - - -- -4 a a N J 10 /A W W N f0 ,}✓r r V W •A W o 00 NN m ca CD W � 7 W M W O o c SdS W N V CO A r 3 N tC co N M W N me c 0 c� 0 CL v CD N o n C4 � o m W No tG co j F3 00 F3 2 3 -4 -4 ° m z � o O A a 0 O r O- W - ------ y CL a C- > J � N (O 0 0 d D X * OZi . y CD _� NJ o 7C N --n O m � �o D m cr f 0 N X4� i1fA W 0 N ? N 1 �. W .y �• m to N & 0 N � m 1 cn Q° cn v c CL CD 90 CD ro-. >- co cQ w cn o O CD O C4 � o m W No tG co j F3 00 F3 2 3 -4 -4 ° m z � o O A a 0 O r O- W - ------ y CL a C- > J � N (O 0 0 d D X * OZi . y CD _� NJ o 7C N --n O m � �o D m cr f 0 N X4� i1fA W 0 N ? N 1 �. W .y �• m to N & 0 N � m 1 n cr n c >- co m 0 CD s 'C O CD O C4 � o m W No tG co j F3 00 F3 2 3 -4 -4 ° m z � o O A a 0 O r O- W - ------ y CL a C- > J � N (O 0 0 d D X * OZi . y CD _� NJ o 7C N --n O m � �o D m cr f 0 N X4� i1fA W 0 N ? N 1 �. W .y �• m to N & 0 N � m Co A ^ W o Q O tG n 0 m A 0 Gi 3 cfD� 0 m z' w 'C A o c o as g �g ° tC V CL a O m — N V o U C A ic y 0 A� !- M N OD Z 0 Oe O h� C N W /W/y�e J T 7 D) — C N � T 7 d o N N �' 7 N m N L o. 7 N � 3(A C n �0 CL o a Z:E � m L. o. ooN Q O N O CD m 3 CD 9 N CD m rn 3 Q m O O CD u a o. CD n' s m �ia, m 0. (D CL X N O 3 m a O 0 a 3 (D C. O C- 0 O s m 0 c O ft 4 3 0) O m m Q. 0 V Z m O m m v cr o' 3 cn c m 0 co pr n O 0 c N m c cu v D CD Z -n X n pp o — 0 03 X = 0 ca K .,Ci cl- N @ mm i N „n, � Z �� Zrnm n N D rn O W N 09 m ut .a � O A <0 CD w v 4 co N D CD p O o c Z --1 � � v o N z v O rn a 0 0 o' co -a m cr a v. O to f1 ? m � D 0 co pr n O 0 c N m c cu v D CD Z -n X ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR PHASE 2 CONSTRUCTION 190 PSIG FEEDER LINE HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA Notice is hereby given that the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Owner, will receive sealed Bids at the Hutchinson Utilities office until on the day of , 1998, and will publicly open and read aloud such Bids on the following work and equipment: "PHASE 2 CONSTRUCTION -190 PSIG FEEDER LINE" Proposals shall be properly endorsed and delivered in an envelope marked, "PHASE 2 CONSTRUCTION - 190 PSIG FEEDER LINE" and shall be addressed to: Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, 225 Michigan Street, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350. All proposals shall be submitted in duplicate on the Bidder's own letterhead in facsimile of the Proposal Form enclosed in the Specifications, or by utilizing the Proposal Form enclosed with the Specifications by typing the official name of the Bidder at the top of the form. Each proposal shall be accompanied by a Bid Bond, made payable to the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota, in the amount of five per cent (5 %) of the Bid, as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into the proposed Contract and provide a Performance Bond after his Bid shall have been accepted. The successful Bidder shall fumish a Performance Bond in an amount equal to one hundred per cent (100 %) of the Contract price to the Owner prior to the approval of the Contract. No Bidder may withdraw his Bid or Proposal for a Period of thirty (30) days after date of opening of Bids. At the aforementioned time and place, or at such later time and Place as the Owner then may fix, the Owner will act upon Proposals received and with its sole discretion may award Contract(s) for the furnishing of said equipment. The work shall be started within ten (10) days after award of Contract(s). Specifications and Plans are available at the Office of the Hutchinson Utilities, 225 Michigan Street, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By oug Ward, President ATTESTED By, 7) to Mike Carls, Secretary Date / � '�nl 5�- 7 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR 1998 TRENCHER UNIT WITH ATTACHMENTS AND TRAILER HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA Notice is hereby given that the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Owner, will receive sealed Bids at the Hutchinson Utilities office until on the day of , 1998, and will publicly open and read aloud such Bids on the following work and equipment: "1998 TRENCHER UNIT WITH ATTACHMENTS AND TRAILER" Proposals shall be properly endorsed and delivered in an envelope marked, 111998 TRENCHER UNIT WITH ATTACHMENTS AND TRAILER" and shall be addressed to: Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, 225 Michigan Street, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350. All proposals shall be submitted in duplicate on the Bidder's own letterhead in facsimile of the Proposal Form enclosed in the Specifications, or by utilizing the Proposal Form enclosed with the Specifications by typing the official name of the Bidder at the top of the form. Each proposal shall be accompanied by a Bid Bond, made payable to the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota, in the amount of five per cent (5 %) of the Bid, as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into the proposed Contract after his bid has been accepted. No Bidder may withdraw his Bid or Proposal for a Period of thirty (30) days after date of opening of Bids. At the aforementioned time and place, or at such later time and Place as the Owner then may fix, the Owner will act upon Proposals received and with its sole discretion may award Contract(s) for the furnishing of said equipment. The work shall be started within ten (10) days after award of Contract(s). Specifications and Plans are available at the Office of the Hutchinson Utilities, 225 Michigan Street, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By &LW,15�1 Doug W d, President Date /09- i? �? 7 ATTESTED Mike Carls, Secretary Date 1 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR SYNCHRONOUS CIRCUIT SWITCHER HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA Notice is hereby given that the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Owner, will receive sealed Bids at the Hutchinson Utilities office until 10:00 a.m. on the 20th day of January, 1998, and will publicly open and read aloud such Bids on the following work and equipment: "SYNCHRONOUS CIRCUIT SWITCHER" Proposals shall be properly endorsed and delivered in an envelope marked, "SYNCHRONOUS CIRCUIT SWITCHER" and shall be addressed to: Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, 225 Michigan Street, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350. All proposals shall be submitted in duplicate on the Bidder's own letterhead in facsimile of the Proposal Form enclosed in the Specifications, or by utilizing the Proposal Form enclosed with the Specifications by typing the official name of the Bidder at the top of the form. Each proposal shall be accompanied by a Bid Bond, made payable to the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota, in the amount of five per cent (5 %) of the Bid, as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into the proposed Contract after his Bid shall have been accepted. No Bidder may withdraw his Bid or Proposal for a Period of thirty (30) days after date of opening of Bids. At the aforementioned time and place, or at such later time and Place as the Owner then may fix, the Owner will act upon Proposals received and with its sole discretion may award Contract(s) for the furnishing of said equipment. The work shall be started within ten (10) days after award of Contract(s). Specifications and Plans are available at the Office of the Hutchinson Utilities, 225 Michigan Street, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By 12,2 Doug d, President Date ,r',? 29 - 9 7 ATTESTED By 1 2? At, Mike Carls, Secretary Date /'� -'R 9- 1 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR 69 kV CAPACITORS HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA Notice is hereby given that the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Owner, will receive sealed Bids at the Hutchinson Utilities office until 10:30 a.m. on the 20t day of January, 1998, and will publicly open and read aloud such Bids on the following work and equipment: "69 W CAPACITORS" Proposals shall be properly endorsed and delivered in an envelope marked, "69 W CAPACITORS" and shall be addressed to: Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, 225 Michigan Street, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350. All proposals shall be submitted in duplicate on the Bidder's own letterhead in facsimile of the Proposal Form enclosed in the Specifications, or by utilizing the Proposal Form enclosed with the Specifications by typing the official name of the Bidder at the top of the form. Each proposal shall be accompanied by a Bid Bond, made payable to the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota, in the amount of five per cent (5 %) of the Bid, as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into the proposed Contract after his Bid shall have been accepted. No Bidder may withdraw his Bid or Proposal for a Period of thirty (30) days after date of opening of Bids. At the aforementioned time and place, or at such later time and Place as the Owner then may fix, the Owner will act upon Proposals received and with its sole discretion may award Contract(s) for the furnishing of said equipment. The work shall be started within ten (10) days after award of Contract(s). Specifications and Plans are available at the Office of the Hutchinson Utilities, 225 Michigan Street, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota reserves the right to reject any and all bids. n Doug Wji rd, President Date ATTESTED ray 1aA J==::� Mike Carls, Secretary Date %,27 q 7 0 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR PLANT 1 TRANSFORMER REPAIR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA Notice is hereby given that the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Owner, will receive sealed Bids at the Hutchinson Utilities office until 11:00 a.m. on the 20' day of January, 1998, and will publicly open and read aloud such Bids on the following work and equipment: "PLANT 1 TRANSFORMER REPAIR" Proposals shall be property endorsed and delivered in an envelope marked, "PLANT 1 TRANSFORMER REPAIR" and shall be addressed to: Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, 225 Michigan Street, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350. All proposals shall be submitted in duplicate on the Bidder's own letterhead in facsimile of the Proposal Form enclosed in the Specifications, or by utilizing the Proposal Form enclosed with the Specifications by typing the official name of the Bidder at the top of the form. Each proposal shall be accompanied by a Bid Bond, made payable to the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota, in the amount of five per cent (5 %) of the Bid, as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into the proposed Contract after his Bid shall have been accepted. No Bidder may withdraw his Bid or Proposal for a Period of thirty (30) days after date of opening of Bids. At the aforementioned time and place, or at such later time and Place as the Owner then may fix, the Owner will act upon Proposals received and with its sole discretion may award Contract(s) for the furnishing of said equipment. The work shall be started within ten (10) days after award of Contract(s). Specifications and Plans are available at the Office of the Hutchinson Utilities, 225 Michigan Street, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By LW4 k�J�J Doug 7", President Date /'�- e? 9 9 7 ATTESTED By /'? J4�' Mike Carls, Secretary Date / (i- q 1