05-31-1997 HUCM177 Regular Meeting May 31, 1997 Commissioners Ward, Carls, Ackland and Wetterling were present; Commissioner Gilmer was absent; also present were Manager Kadrmas and Counsel G. Barry Anderson. President Ward called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. The minutes of April 28, 1997 regular meeting were reviewed. President Ward asked about the status of Sharon Hamilton's account (high gas usage). Manager Kadrmas stated that after further checking our records, there is a ten day lapse from when high gas usage was noticed to when gas meter was checked; therefore Hutchinson Utilities credited $230 to Sharon Hamilton's account. A motion was made by Commissioner Ackland, seconded by Commissioner Carls to approve the minutes as written. Motion was unanimously carried. The April payables were discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Ackland, seconded by Commissioner Wetterling to accept the April payables in the amount of $1,348,949.64 (detailed listing in payables book). Motion was unanimously carried. The 1997 year -to -date (thru April) financial and budget reports were reviewed. A motion was made by Commissioner Carls, seconded by Commissioner Wetterling to accept the financial and budget reports. Motion was unanimously carried. The finalized Natural Gas System 5 -year comprehensive plan and the finalized Electrical Distribution System 5 -year comprehensive plan (copies attached) were discussed. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Wetterling, seconded by Commissioner Ackland to approve the Natural Gas System 5 -year comprehensive plan and the Electrical Distribution System 5 -year comprehensive plan. Motion was unanimously carried. Manager Kadrmas presented quotes for 24) 25 KVA single phase transformers, 4)112 KVA three phase transformers, and 2) 225 KVA three phase transformers (quotation analysis attached). After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Carls, seconded by Commissioner Ackland to award the quote for 24) 25 KVA single phase transformers to Border States in the amount of $20,472; to award the quote for 4)112 KVA three phase transformers to RESCO - Pauwels in the amount of $15,720; and to award the quote for 2) 225 KVA three phase transformers to RESCO - Pauwels in the amount of $10,612. Motion was unanimously carried. INVI Manager Kadrmas presented quotes for a 1000 KVA three phase transformer (quotation analysis attached) for Plastic Specialities. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Ackland, seconded by Commissioner Wetterling to award the quote for a 1000 KVA three phase transformer to RESCO - Pauwels in the amount of $11,878. Motion was unanimously carried. Manager Kadrmas presented quotes for meter calibrator (quotation analysis attached). Manager Kadrmas requested that $5,000 be transferred from work order 39701 to work order 39703. A motion was made by Commissioner Carls, seconded by Commissioner Ackland authorizing Manager Kadrmas to amend the 1997 budget by transferring $5,000 from work order 39701 to work order 39703. Motion was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Wetterling, seconded by Commissioner Carls to award the quote for meter calibrator to Utility Test Equipment Company in the amount of $14,308. Motion was unanimously carried. Manager Kadrmas presented a request for bids for Construction of Hutchinson Town Border Station #2 and Phase I Construction on 190 PSIG Feeder Line. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Ackland, seconded by Commissioner Carls to advertise for bids for Construction of Hutchinson Town Border Station #2 and Phase I Construction on 190 PSIG Feeder Line. Motion was unanimously carried. Manager Kadrmas received correspondence from Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association (MMUA) regarding establishing a Mid - Continent Area Power Pool (MAPP) joint membership through MMUA. Hutchinson Utilities MAPP dues are about $40,00 - $45,000 a year; Hutchinson Utilities MAPP dues under MMUA joint membership would be about $15,000 a year. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Carls, seconded by Commissioner Wetterling to pursue MMUA joint MAPP membership subject to approval of final document. Motion was unanimously carried. General Manager's Report: A. Discussed bids received for Reroofing Power Plant #1. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Carls, seconded by Commissioner Ackland to reject all bids. Motion was unanimously carried. B. Hutchinson Ptilities paid Lovegreen Turbine Services $106,000 for work done on unit #8. Thev4o* was done incorrectly so Lovegreen Turbine Services has agreed to return our payment of $106,000. Lovegreen has proposed to repay the amount to us by doing some work for us and paying the balance in cash. Manager Kadrmas will talk with Lovegreen Turbine Services to work out an arrangement for Lovegreen to repay us. C. Discussed expansion of Hutchinson Technology Inc which is in McLeod Coop Power service territory. Different options were discussed. After discussion, it was the consensus of opinion that more information was needed before a decision could be made. Counsel Anderson will talk with Hutchinson Technology and report back to the Commission. Old Business: None New Business: None A motion was made by Commissioner Carls, seconded by Commissioner Ackland to recess the meeting at 9:30 a.m. Motion was unanimously carried. June 12, 1997 Commissioners Gilmer, Carls and Wetterling were present. Absent were Commissioners Ward and Ackland. Also present were Mgr. Kadrmas and Counsel G. Barry Anderson. Vice President Gilmer called the recessed meeting of May 31, 1997 to order on June 12, 1997 at 6:35 a.m. Discussion continued regarding the McLeod Coop Power Association (MCPA) property issues. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Carls, seconded by Commissioner Wetterling to have Counsel Anderson offer MCPA a $100,000 complete settlement on all property issues within the City limits. Motion was unanimously carried. There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Carls, seconded by Commissioner Wetterling to adjourn the meeting at 7:02 a.m. Motion was unanimously carried. i ATTEST- DcZlas Ward, President Mike Carls, Secretary �9 NATURAL GAS SYSTEM PLAN Date: "The Hutchinson Utilities Commission's Natural Gas Department shall strive to provide safe, affordable, quality service to our customers, protect and preserve the environment, while maintaining or exceeding all Federal and State regulations." Expansion of the City's natural gas distribution system will be in direct correlation to the growth and development of Hutchinson. A factor that may limit the growth of the natural gas distribution system is the inability to secure additional transmission capacity from Hutchinson Utilities Commission's transportation provider. The Utilities will be required to design an expanded distribution system, additional Town Border Station (regulating, odorizing, and metering facilities), high pressure loop lines, medium pressure loop lines, district regulating facilities, and distribution mains. System Plan The attached map graphically notes the approximate location of major proposed improvements to the system. The Utilities will require a minimum of three (3) new major loop line installations in order to provide reliable service to our present customers and to all future expansions. These three main systems are detailed as follows: 3M Loop Line Construct second Town Border Station facilities on Industrial Ave. and install high pressure (190 psig) feed line to tie -in to 50 psig loop line at Monroe St. and Fair Ave. This station will provide for: • Additional source of gas supply into Hutchinson's distribution system. Provide the ability to "back- feed" the system in the event of a major catastrophe occurring at Town Border Station No. 1 or on the 10" feed into Hutchinson. Additional capacity for the expansion of the 3M facilities. Currently, Hutchinson relies on the 50 psig loop line to supply 3M with natural gas. This line originates at Town Border Station No. 1 on North High Drive. This line also is in place to supply 50 psig natural gas to Hutchinson's District Regulator Stations where it is reduced to distribution pressure. With the growth of Hutchinson, this loop line has become dramatically undersized. Hutchinson Utilities Commission currently is unable to supply to the Hutchinson 3M facilities the quantity of natural gas required for their operations. Planning is currently underway for this installation in 1997. South Central Loop Perform nodal analysis on entire distribution system to determine location of additional District Regulator Station. Possible location, Century Ave. SW., near Ridgewater College. • The residential and commercial growth of Hutchinson within the last 5 years has been to the south and the west. Hutchinson Utilities Commission's natural gas distribution system was originally designed for growth to occur to the north. Throughout the winter season, the Natural Gas Division of Hutchinson Utilities experiences extreme pressure drops on the southern and western ends of the system. The extension of the high pressure(190 psig) line into south central Hutchinson and the addition of a District Regulating Station would provide system support for the future. • Replace undersized distribution main to increase system integrity. Commercial - Industrial Development In order to efficiently serve Hutchinson's planned expansion along the eastern Hwy. 7 corridor Hutchinson Utilities Commission must evaluate the growth verses system integrity versus system capacity. • Replace current District Regulator Station on 2 "d Ave. SE with a larger volume station located on Industrial Ave. • Evaluate current distribution system located on Hwy. 7 East for proper sizing prior to installation of expanded system. DOT Mandates Evaluate all river crossings as to the condition of the natural gas distribution system, on bridge /under river, steel /plastic pipe, etc.. Study possibility of placing all river crossings under river bed with polyethylene pipe. Possible system upgrades. Evaluate steel and polyethylene transmission and distribution systems for leakage, corrosion, undersized pipe, etc.. Rebuild current regulating and metering facilities to comply with DOT codes. System Standards All natural gas distribution and transmission systems shall be designed and constructed to city, state, and federal standards. These standards shall include, but are not limited to the, U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, Pipeline Safety Regulations, Parts 190, 191 -192, 199, and 49 CFR Part 40, the Hutchinson Utilities Commission's Natural Gas Division's Operation and Maintenance Manual, and the Natural Gas Division's Emergency Plan. Policies Unless otherwise approved by the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, natural gas distribution system construction and expansion will follow the guidelines in the Comprehensive Natural Gas System Plan. The Utilities maintains the right to stage development to provide cost efficient expansion of the system. The Natural Gas Division of Hutchinson Utilities Commission provides new installations to residential, commercial, and industrial customers located with the city limits of Hutchinson. The Utilities' general policy is to assess only the cost of the new service installations to serve newly developing areas. This will be performed as outlined in the Utilities' "Policies and Requirement" manual. Resources: "Pipeline and Safety Regulations," most recent addition, published by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration "Guidance Manual for Operators of Small Gas Systems," most recent addition, published by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration "Policies and Requirements," September 1995, Hutchinson Utilities Commission r� I_ I,II_i j 11 11111 /1111 111 11 1o. 11111 1111 11111 1111 rill, 11111 1111 LO ID F= pJNK li3iL5 W SNIptl S ID �j� .fEFipSa+ ID j F NJSN3Ji3f ID ID�FH I HI. F-11 FM I 1T3tLL5 NM1n �� Tn m 11 -6 [T= FUI T-n p FFFm FTm o rFFffffMT M NNS� 0 ", tiry 0 ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM PLAN " The Hutchinson Utilities Commission's Electrical Distribution Department shall strive to provide safe, affordable, quality service to our customers, protect and preserve the environment, while maintaining or exceeding all Federal and State regulations. " Expansion of the City's electrical distribution system will be in direct correlation to the growth and development of the city of Hutchinson. To better serve our present and future electrical customers needs, the Hutchinson Utilities Commission's long term plan is to upgrade present overhead facilities with an aesthetically and more reliable underground facility. 13,800 FEEDERS Two (2) major 13,800 volt feeders are planned for installation in the summer of 1997 to provide adequate power for future expansions, plus provide an additional means to backfeed other feeders in the event of an outage. • Feeder #15 extension from Washington Avenue and Franklin Street to South Grade Road and Highway 15 south will provide better load distribution in the southern section of the city. • First stage of Feeder # 16 will be installed with feeder # 15 from the manhole on the corner Washington Avenue and go west to Grove St and then south to the corner of 2nd Ave SW. Completion of this feeder is planned for the summer of 1998. 69 KV SUBSTATION AT HTI Construction of an underground 69kv line from our 69kv switching substation to a 69kv to 13.8kv substation at the southeast corner of HTI. This substation will provide: • A 15 /20mva facility to more than adequately supply existing and future demands at HTI. r • Additional source of feed in the event of an outage at either plants #1 or #2. • Leave feeder #21, presently feeding HTI from plant two, for future expansion of residential and commercial developments in the northeastern corner of the city. 4.16 to 13.8 CONVERSIONS Plans for converting existing 4.16 overhead and underground to 13.8 underground are: 1997 • Conversion of approximately 3,305 kva in the Civic Arena area reducing the load at the Civic Arena step -down transformer and feeder #17. 1998 • Extension of Feeder #16 to tie with Feeder #17 at So. Grade Rd. and Dale St. • Conversion of commercial and residential loads to feeder #18 from feeder #3 north of the Crow river and west of Hwy 15. • Installation of underground conductor for future conversions of feeders #5 and #12 • Removal of overhead conductor and structures along corridores east and west of plant #l. SYSTEMS STANDARDS All electrical distribution and transmission systems shall be designed and constructed to city, state, and federal standards. The standards shall include, but are not limited to the, National Electrical Safety Code, and the Hutchinson Utilities Commission's Electrical Department's Operation and Maintenance Manual. POLICIES Unless otherwise approved by the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, electrical distribution and transmission system construction and expansion will follow the guidelines in the Comprehensive Electrical System Plan. The Utilities maintains the right to stage development to provide cost efficient expansion of the system. The Electrical Departmentof Hutchinson Utilities Commission provides new installations to residential, commercial, and industrial customers located with in the city limits of Hutchinson. The Utilities' general policy is to assess only the cost of the new service installations to serve newly developed areas. This will be preformed as outlined in the Utilities' "Policies and Requirement" manual. -�� �� �� �� �� �� � �� �� __ �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� s� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� 1111 �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� R �� 1111 �� �� �� 1� �� �� �� ', �� �� �� �� �� �■ �� ■ �� �� �� ■���� �� �� �� �� - - ����� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ��. �� � 7 z Q c? 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V gW1�IliN NIA 70 en M to-uf<t ^W (� U Vo, wl O! 60* 6$ N Q � U H O aD 3 0 0 0 M c naD �i W U) S' O W W0 N�� o a Na N N N O O O R FS 'OD 00 • 0000 P1-nKn I-r- 800008 88�8 — � � — �- - "$?o M M M M J O R' w O a. W 'o U) d ui aa8�� r Utility Test Equipment Company PO Box 2260 West Lafayette IN 47906 -0226 Burmeister Electric Company 3776 W Broadway Minneapolis MN 55422 RFL Electronics Inc 353 Powerville RD Boonton Twp JN 07005 -9151 Quotes For Meter Calibrator $14,308. 00 $197950.00 $22,900.00 My recommendation is for Utility Test Equipment Co. in.the amount of $14,308.00. Nate Smutka Electric Metering Supv.