04-01-1946 HUCM290 J. P. Jensen Rep. 8.- Main.- Eng.,Dist. Supp. 10669 - Minn*-Wisc. Truck Line Ext. Equipment 1..08• Eugene D. Dagget Installation 15.00' Lowell A. Gilhausen Installation 30.00• E. J.•Heilman Installation 30.00• John A. Clark Electric Co. Dist. Supplies 251.08• Line Material Co. Dist. Supplies 63.49' Western Oil & Fuel Co. Fuel Oil 1,565.29' Minn. Western Ry. Co. Freight on Fuel Oil 1,271.31• T. H. Mueller Misc. Plant Expense 5.00• There being no further business the meeting adjourned'. Secretary ATTEST: President April 1, 1946 Monthly Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office at 7;30 P. M. All Commissioners and Supt. Young were present. Motion was made,,-seconded, and unanimously carried that Ralph Hakel be employed at $.60 per hour to work on the Distribution system and to work in the plant on days that work cannot be done outside. Motion was made, seconded, and carried that Norwood Reynolds be hired at $.60 per hour to work in the power plant. Motion was made, seconded, and carried that all pledge orders and bonds now held in reserve be cancelled at the next audit. Motion was made, seconded, and carried that the remaining 020,000.00 in 1940 Pledge Orders be paid. The following bills were read and allowed; Ben D. Jerabek Machine Shop Hutch Sheet Metal Works Leonard M. Lerberg Mitchell Chevrolet Company Hank Howard's Skelly Service Kennedy's Coast -to -Coast Stores Hutchinson Telephone Co. Rep. & Main.,Eng. & Other Equip. Dist. Main. & Supplies Extension Building Plant Supplies Truck Rep., Gas & Oil Truck Gas & Oil Uniforms Truck Repairs Tel. & Tel. 33.65 36.10 - 16.20- 2.80- 19.55- 60.75- 6.29- 36.66- 1 1 I 291 Minn. Western Railway Co. Fuel Oil, Dist. Supplies 734.12' Western Oil & Fuel Co. Fuel Oil 744.92• Henry Zumach Ext. Equipment 34.85• Graybar Electric Co, Inc. Dist. Supplies 7.12• Sem Becker Busch Express Bills 15.00• Sterling Electric Co. Dist. Ext. 69.07• W. A. Kepp & Sons Co. Adv. Cost- New Engine 2,550.00 Honan -Crane Corp. Ext. Equipment 1,975.00• Line Material Company Dist. Supplies 17.59' C. Emery Nelson, Inc. Plant Supp., Ext. Equip. 545.00• Nordberg Manufacturing Co. Rep. & Main.- Engine 114.00• L. L. Hill Co. Dist. Supplies 327.35• L. L. Bipes Salary 81.36' Carlos 'Hoeft Salary 6.00• Ruth Retker Petty Cash 25.25- Minn. Western Railway Co. Freight on Fuel Oil 1,264.87• Western Oil &. Fuel Co. Fuel Oil 1,246.23- The Sharples Corporation Rep. & Main. -Other Equip. 8.40• Grace -Lee Products, Inc. Plant Supplies 12.75' Walter Rippe Rep. & Main. - Engine 8.00• A. B. Jorgenson Prepaid Insurance 40.67• Coast -to -Coast Stores Plant Supplies 1.73- Citizens Bank Exchange 7.13 Citizens Ins. Agency Prepaid Insurance 20.47• Busch - Sulzer Bros- Diesel Eng.Co.Rep.. & Main.- Engine 29.10 - Nordberg Manufacturing Co. Rep. & Main. - Engine 225.17' R. E. Young Misc. Office Expense 12.00' John A. Clark Electric Co. Dist. Supplies 69.76• Troy Launderers & Cleaners Other Laundry 10.60• J. P. Jensen Plant Supp.,Ext. Equip, Dist. Ext. & Supplies 44.05' McLeod Co -op. Power Assn. Dist. Ext. 102.01• Maplewood Academy Advertising 20.00• Troy Launderers & Cleaners Other Laundry 1.77• Busch - Sulzer Bros- Diesel Eng.Co.Rep. & Main.- Engine 2,277.45• Columbia Wiping, Cloth Co. Plant Supplies 17.82- Line Material Company Dist. Supplies 14.50' Minn. Wisc. Truck Line Plant Supp,Rep.- Eng,Ext.Equip. 40.08• Minn. Western Railway Co. Freight on Fuel Oil 507.83 Western Oil & Fuel Co. Fuel Oil 941.28• Lyle R. Jensen Clerical 35.00• H. P. Quade Plant Supp,Ext.Equip,Install. 179.13• W. E. Reyerson Professional Services 175.85- Anchor Ins. Agency & M.U.HigginsPrepaid Insurance 485.92' Union Hardware Co. Plant Supplies 1.43' Hutchinson Oil Co. Lub. Oil 163.90• Hutchinson Dry Cleaners Uniforms 64.30• Minn. Western Railway Co. Fuel Oil, Tel. & Tel. 1,268.86• Western Oil & Fuel Co. Fuel Oil 1,561.72• Kemske Paper Co. Printing Office Supplies 6.41• The Sharples Corp. Ext. Equipment 2,075.00' Ideal Motor Company Truck Rep., Gas & Oil 14.25• L. L. Bipes Salary 74.88• Carlos Hoeft Salary 8.00' Richard C. Stoven Salary 16.00• Troy Launderers & Cleaners Other Laundry 7.71• Addressograph- Multigraph Corp. Printing Office Supplies 1.45' Sterling Electric Company Plant Supp ,Dist.Ext. &Supp.,Mdse365.77 - Elmer Jensen Profession Services 175.85' 292 Harry R. Jensen, Treas. Collector Of Internal Revenue Minn. Wisc. Truck Line Clifford L. Betker T. H. Mueller Ruth Betker Coast -to -Coast Stores Leader Printing Co. Hutchinson Water Dept. W. A. Ostrom Co. Hartwig & Schmidt Leonard M. Lerberg Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works Thompson Yards, Inc. Citizens Bank Zila Hardware 1940 Pledge Orders & Int. 201200.00' Withholding Tax 378.00' Plant Supp,Rep- Eng,Ext.Equip• 46.32• Installation 50.00• Misc. Plant Exp. 5.00• Petty Cash 18.59, Plant Supp., Dist. Supplies 1.65• Printing Office Supplies 190.30' Water 23.38 Plant Supp,Ext.Equip,Dist.Supp• 23.94• Plant Supplies 16.97• Plant Supplies 11.23• Plant Supplies 10.60, Ext. Equip., Dist. Supplies 15.48• Misc. Office Expense 2.40• Plant Supp., Dist. Supplies 24.69• There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ATTEST:c Preside t May 6, 1946 Monthly Meeting Secretary The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power was held at Dr. R. I. "heppardfs office at 7;30 P. M. Commission Commissioxt Sheppard and Commissioner Thompson were present. Supt. Young was also present. Motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried that a change be made in the order for the liners on the new Busch- Sulzer engine. Order to read that all liners be chrome plated and at an extra cost of $30674.25. Motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried that Ralph Hakel and Norwood Reynolds be raised from $.60 per hour to $.65 per hour. Motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried that an extra man be hired to work at night, midnight shift, twelve at night to eight in the morning. Motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried that the Minimum Bill for the golf course be $100.00 per year. The following bills were read and allowed; R-i+� Be#4eer Oath y 9� n 11 1