10-23-1945 HUCM27S Ideal Motor Co, Xddressof-raph- Multi -raph Corp. Square Clothing Company Hutchinson Dry Cleaners TCerr Oil Company Aircraft F,- Diesel Equip.Corp.- Jams R. Tcearney Corp. Allis- Chalmers Manf. Co. Troy Launderers R.. Cleaners Ruth Tae tk- r Hutchinson Tel. Company Plant Suonlies & Office Supplies Tfniforms Tiniforms Truck (las R Oil Enr,-Repr. T,Iain. Dist. SuT-.plies Dist. Supplies Other Laundry Petty Cash Tel. p, Tel. There beinff no further business the ATTEST: 6E /� vl�� _ President Truck Main. meetinf^ adjourned. Secretary Special Meeting October 23, 1945 3.40- .360 6.08- 53.10. 21.34- 42.75 62.10- 129.96• 1.21• PR .23 23.40• PTTRSTTANT TO N(1TTr7 reretofore r- i-ver, mbe T i r'ht s- Power Commission of tre C'tv of Tutchinson, Hutchinson, uutchinson, VIn_nesntq, met at the Commissions office ir_ the t. "unicipal_ Li -ht r Power 7iiildin�- at said City, at 2 o'clock P. I!4. on October `'' , 1045. All members of ti-e Com- fission were present, as well as P:r. Winter of Buell 71inter, Fn- ineers. Flmer C. Tenser wps present as Attorney for the Commission. aids were received from "?. A. Yenn Sons Co., �eneral_ Contractors, Rochester, Minnesota, and from Hnrold Pertell. Construction Co., St. Paul, Mi.nresots . The "Ids were opened ry the said Engineers for st—I Commission, after which the bidders withdrew a.nd the Commission considered the two bids, and after due consideration, and after interviewing both bidders, Commissioner Thompson introduced the followin-- resolution and moved its adoption: RFS0,LUTI0!" pE TT RES'ULT'ED By the Ti!-ht Power Comr^i.ssion of City of Hutchinson,, Nutchinson., PTinnesots, that the hid of 1� . A. uepn Qr Sons Co., the same bei_nf- the lowest and rest rid T'F, and the same TT17 73Y TS, accepted. 7'R IT T'7TRTT'ER RES()LUED: ThAt the proper officers of the Commission be, and TT'EY . ".RTi NEREi Y AUTFORT717) and directed, to enter into a contract with.the svecessf�il bidder for the construction, the work and materials involved in said bid, all according- to the plans and specifications. Resolution 37 Asper resolution #1000 adopted 11 -29 -06 Numbering resolutions from 1936 — 2006 For search purposes only 1 -1 1 1 Commissioner Dahl seconded the motion and upon roll -call, all members of the Comrnissi.on voted 11ave't whereupon R. I. Sheppard, chairman of said Commission declared said resolution duly adopted. TJpon motion r -t- 3e, secorded and carried, the Secretary of said Commission, w ^s authorized and directed to Five the 14 day notice to the successful ridder for the commencement of said work, as provided for in the specifications. Ti /lotion was made, seconded and carried, that Fr. Pertell's certified check be returned as he was the unsuccessful bidder. There beinr no further 1,1isi.ness the mePtinr ad i Secretary Pre sid ent - '- - - Monthly Meeting November 5, 1945 The regular monthly meeting of the Light and Power Commission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office at 5100 P. M. Commissioners Sheppard and Thompson were present. Supt. Young was also present. Motion was made and unanimously carried that W. A. Kepple certified check for $1500.00 be returned as soon as his Dond and Power of Attorney were completed and received by the Light and Power Commission. Motion was made and unanimously carried that L. L. Bipes be given a $.10 an hour increase in salaryy effective November 15, 1945. The following bills .were read and allowed: Citizens Bank H. R. Kirkland Co. Kozel Machine Co. Busch Sulzer Bros - Diesel Bros. American Locomotive Co. Sterling Electric Co. "Bill" Duesterhoeft's Service Chemical Sales & Safety Co. Troy Launderers & Cleaners Minn. Western Ry. Co. Western.Oil & Fuel Co. Anchor Casualty Co. Lyle R. Jensen H. R. Kirkland Co. Northwestern Nat'l Casualty Co. F• H. Hall,Grove City,Pa. Exchange 6.34, Plant Supplies 35.20• Engine -Unit #5 6.00• Engine -Unit #5 3.03• Engine -Unit #1,2,3. 22.17 Dist. Supplies 17.35- Truck Gas & Oil 4.06• Plant Supplies 2.50 - Other Laundry 2.12• Freight 771.80• Fuel Oil 843.59• Prepaid Ins. 170.94, Clerical Services 50.00. Plant Supplies 35.20• Prepaid Insurance 24.59 - Dist. Supplies 3.23-