10-04-1945 HUCM276 Monthly Meeting October 1, 1945 The regular monthly meeting; ofthe Light and Power Commission was postponed to October 4, 1945, because of the absence from the City of a majority of the Commissioners. W Secretary Adjourned Meeting October 4, 1945 The regular monthly meetinp, of the Light °c Power Commission post- poned from October 1, 1945 was held at the office of Dr. R. T. Sheppard at 8 P. Y. All members of the Commission were present. Also Supt. Young. C0V1, '-TS3T0NER Dr. A. J. Thompson, ipt --911 c,9 +-ho following resolution and moved its adoption; Resolution 36 As per resolution #1000 adopted 11 -29 -06 RESOLUTION Numbering resolutions from 1936 — 2006 For search purposes only OE TT RESOLVED; That plans and specifications ror altierations to the present Municipal Light & Power building; at Hutchinson, k�innesota, as prepared by Buell F- `'linter Engineering Co., BE, and the same hereby are, in all thinr,s, anproved. "IE TT FT RTT; ER RESOLVED; That said Buell Ff. Winter Engineering Co., BE, APED IT HEREnY TS, authorized and directed to forward Notice to contractors that bids for said Plant alteration work will be received by the Ti,,-ht F.- Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson, up to Oct. 23, 1945, at 2 otclock P. M. of said date, and that Notice of the calling; for bids for such alteration work be given through said Buell °- Winter EnF-ineertn!- Co., by publishing once in the improvement nulletin at Minneapolis, Minnesota, and that said 7well & Winter Rngineerin-, Co., are also (authorized to forward said notices to such contractors as may he deemed likely bidders for said work, and that said notice be also published once in the Hutchinson Leader, at Hutchinson, Minnesota, and that both publications be made at once. Said resolution was seconded by Commissioner R. `N. Dahl, and upon roll call, all members voted "aye ". The following bills were read and allowed; Leif T,srson general Mills, Inc. William D. Wixcey Zila uardware Anderson Oil Company T3acharach Industrial Inst. Co. John A. Clark Electric Co. Insurance 16.05• Plant Supplies 5.20 - Triack Repairs 1.75- Plant Supplies 4.80 - Truck Gas & 0 1 1.99 - Plant Supplies 60.85 - Dist. Supplies 45.00- Hartmann's Drug Store Hutchinson Telephone Co. NordberE 1w,11anf. Co. Hartwig- R° Schmidt Western Oil Fuel Co. Minnesota Railway Co. Thompson Yards FTarry R. Jensen, Treasurer. Postmaster, H .: chlihs'bn, .-Minr. Theophil gruneualdt Minnesota Wisc . Truck T l.nes .'u. A. Ostrom Go. J. Carl Sherer. °- Son 'vdallner Printing-, Company Citizens Hank Coast -to -Coast Stores Sinclair Service Station Aircraft �1• Diesel Equip. Corp. Ruth netker Yirnesota Viestern Railway Co. Western Oil �° Fuel Co. Sterl .n- R7.ectric Company Plant Supplies 3.00. Tel. ° Tel. 25.55. En�� . -Tinit #4. 15.00. Plant Supplies 14.02. nuel Oil 560.24. Freir ~ht on Fuel Oil 253.03 - Plant Supplies 5.76. � Pled -e Orders °: Ti t. -1940- 10,087.78. Office Sun-Dlie s I• Pos tape 33.72. Tabor -Dist. ?gain. 2.60. Dist. Supplies 1.08. Plant Supplies 2.51. Labor - old^,. Repr. - Fain. 8.50. Prtf -- :4• Office Supplies 7.25. Exch.an�e 5.78. m -nls 9 Equip. 9.96 - Truck gas R- Oil 10.72. Plant Supplies 1.20. Petty Cash 26.17. Vreiyht on Fuel 01.1 760.54 - Fuel. 01.1 838.78. P1't." Dist. Suni).,Pist. Ext., Shell Oil Company ;!dse. 153.91• a`dse. Equip. Harry R. Jensen, Treasurer Tn.t. 1940 Pledge Orders T. I +. PN "ueller 1, isc . Plant Fxp. L. L. Bides R. A. Thompson Hutchinson `,'eater Department Harvey Schultz Troy Launderers F- Cleaners C.!.St.P. t'- Pacific Railwav Collector,of Tnternal Revenue Salary So lary Vva t er Salary Other Laundry Refund `,'aithhnldin -� Tax 60.20. 60.15. 72.60• P,7'7.P',n,. 300.00. 1.37• -7`i. 252.83. 10,000.00. 506.11. 556.67 - 50.00. 77.n1• P.P5. 2.25. 5.00. 78.38 231-22. 294.51. 33.85. 4.03• 1.28, 122.40 g9 •00 200-00. 5.00. 59.00. 72.60. 2,5.16. 53.10 17.11. 6.34 • 495.30. 277 L. L. '?i.pes Salary Harvey Schultz Salary R . A - Thomos on Sa 1a ry 'Nestern (7i.l &• Fuel Company Postmaster, T'utc1l1 nson, A--it . Fuel Oil Posh ^.e Custom Cleaners 8- L"aunderePs, Tnc. -Other Laundry Addressor�rapr.- I;Yultir,rapn Corp. Office Supplies '3.nnesota 'Vlestern Railwnv CO. FreiEht on Fi)el nJ l !tarry R. Jensen, Treasurer Contribiiti:on 1�innesota Uiestern Railway Co. Freir°ht on Fuel Oil Western Oil r?• Fuel Co. Fuel Oil Lyle R. Jensen Clerical Seri-! -oes Sterlin ,-, Electric Como_ any Dist. Coast -to -Coast Stores Tools L :quip. Todes Apoli.cance Store Tools Loulp. Shell Oil Company Plant Sun -plies T- ?'l.ztchi ns on 01.1 Comp ny Lllb - Oi 1 Tlor. dl,err T "anf. . Co. En-. - TTn.it -- 4. ,�usch- 31zlzer 1ros . - Diesel Fnr,.0 .F.nf . - snit 5. Citizens T-- )sllrance A-ency Tr.sursnce Leeds :r- ?'orthrup Co. Repr. 9,. fair. -Other Woodward governor Co. Plant Supplies Line Material Co. Dist. Ext. John. A. Clark Electric Co. Dist. Sup 7lies a`dse. Equip. Harry R. Jensen, Treasurer Tn.t. 1940 Pledge Orders T. I +. PN "ueller 1, isc . Plant Fxp. L. L. Bides R. A. Thompson Hutchinson `,'eater Department Harvey Schultz Troy Launderers F- Cleaners C.!.St.P. t'- Pacific Railwav Collector,of Tnternal Revenue Salary So lary Vva t er Salary Other Laundry Refund `,'aithhnldin -� Tax 60.20. 60.15. 72.60• P,7'7.P',n,. 300.00. 1.37• -7`i. 252.83. 10,000.00. 506.11. 556.67 - 50.00. 77.n1• P.P5. 2.25. 5.00. 78.38 231-22. 294.51. 33.85. 4.03• 1.28, 122.40 g9 •00 200-00. 5.00. 59.00. 72.60. 2,5.16. 53.10 17.11. 6.34 • 495.30. 277 27S Ideal Motor Co, Xddressof-raph- Multi -raph Corp. Square Clothing Company Hutchinson Dry Cleaners TCerr Oil Company Aircraft F,- Diesel Equip.Corp.- Jams R. Tcearney Corp. Allis- Chalmers Manf. Co. Troy Launderers R.. Cleaners Ruth Tae tk- r Hutchinson Tel. Company Plant Suonlies & Office Supplies Tfniforms Tiniforms Truck (las R Oil Enr,-Repr. T,Iain. Dist. SuT-.plies Dist. Supplies Other Laundry Petty Cash Tel. p, Tel. There beinff no further business the ATTEST: 6E /� vl�� _ President Truck Main. meetinf^ adjourned. Secretary Special Meeting October 23, 1945 3.40- .360 6.08- 53.10. 21.34- 42.75 62.10- 129.96• 1.21• PR .23 23.40• PTTRSTTANT TO N(1TTr7 reretofore r- i-ver, mbe T i r'ht s- Power Commission of tre C'tv of Tutchinson, Hutchinson, uutchinson, VIn_nesntq, met at the Commissions office ir_ the t. "unicipal_ Li -ht r Power 7iiildin�- at said City, at 2 o'clock P. I!4. on October `'' , 1045. All members of ti-e Com- fission were present, as well as P:r. Winter of Buell 71inter, Fn- ineers. Flmer C. Tenser wps present as Attorney for the Commission. aids were received from "?. A. Yenn Sons Co., �eneral_ Contractors, Rochester, Minnesota, and from Hnrold Pertell. Construction Co., St. Paul, Mi.nresots . The "Ids were opened ry the said Engineers for st—I Commission, after which the bidders withdrew a.nd the Commission considered the two bids, and after due consideration, and after interviewing both bidders, Commissioner Thompson introduced the followin-- resolution and moved its adoption: RFS0,LUTI0!" pE TT RES'ULT'ED By the Ti!-ht Power Comr^i.ssion of City of Hutchinson,, Nutchinson., PTinnesots, that the hid of 1� . A. uepn Qr Sons Co., the same bei_nf- the lowest and rest rid T'F, and the same TT17 73Y TS, accepted. 7'R IT T'7TRTT'ER RES()LUED: ThAt the proper officers of the Commission be, and TT'EY . ".RTi NEREi Y AUTFORT717) and directed, to enter into a contract with.the svecessf�il bidder for the construction, the work and materials involved in said bid, all according- to the plans and specifications. Resolution 37 Asper resolution #1000 adopted 11 -29 -06 Numbering resolutions from 1936 — 2006 For search purposes only 1 -1 1