11-07-1942 HUCM1 1 Monthly Meeting November 20 1942 The regular monthly meeting of the Light and Power Commission was held at the Light Plant office at 7 :00 P.T,, All members of the Commission were present. -Fred W. Putney/-- and Lyle Jensen were also present. The minutes of the meeting of October 5, 1942 were read and approved. Dr. R. I. Sheppard having been re- appointed by -the City Council of -the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota; as a member of the Light and Power Commission for a six year term and having sub- scribed to the required oath, the Commission proceeded with the election of officers for the coming ,year. Notion was made by Commissioner Thompson and seconded by Commissioner Dahl that all present officers be re- elected. The vote on the motion beinf; unanimous, President Sheppard declared the following to be the duly elected officers for the coming year: R. I. Sheppard - - -- President A. J. Thompson -- -Vice President R. W. Dahl - - - Secretary H. R. Jensen - - -- Treasurer Motion was made, seconded and carried that all operators be paid for accumulated over -time; said overtime to consist of time in excess of 48 hours per week. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carred that the L. salary of Fred W. Putney be increased to $180.00 per month. The following bills were read and allowedf Gen. Electric Smpply Co. ITans M. Peterson Northwest Exchange Inc. Ideal Motor Co. Skelly Oil Co. Shell Oil Co. Troy Launderers Heilman Electric Co. Gertrude Stegmeier H. P. Quade P+ inn. Western R. R. Western Oil &. Fuel Co. L. J. Schafer W. H. Barber Company Minn. Western R. R. Western Oil & Fuel Co. Lyle R. Jensen Ralph Hakel Minn. Western R. R. Western Oil & Fuel Co. The Hilliard Corporation The Hilliard Corporation Merchandise 27.46 Car Insurance 28.55• Car Insurance 37-56- Truck Repairs 35.91• Truck Gas & Oil 7.05• Lub Oil 22.14• Plant Supplies 2.31• Installations 30.00• Meter Deposit Refund 5.14• Installations 14.90 Freight on Fuel Oil 286.71 Fuel Oil 285.84• Maintenance 1.30• Fuel Oil 286.73• Freight on Fuel Oil 563.86 • Fuel Oil 559.60• Clerical Work 33.75 Plant Labor 37.45- Freight on Fuel Oil 283.29 - Fuel Oil 280.64, Eng. 1�laintenanc e 24.00' Eng. Maintenance 4.58. 2U *3 204 Ernest Fisher Eng. Maintenance .65 Inver. Legion Auxiliary Advertising 1.50 Hutchinson Oil Co. Plant Supplies 3010 Hartwig & Schmidt Plant Supplies .90- Hutchinson Oil Co. Plant Supplies 1.00. Minn. Western R. R. Freight on Fuel Oil 282.02 Busch - Sulzer Bros. Eng. Maintenance 8.99, Burroughs Adding MachineCo. Office Supplies 1.88. Hutchinson Dry Cleaners Plant Sup;,,lies 13.35 - D. E. McGannon Installations 22.00• Custom Launderers Plant Supplies 4.56• Sterling Electric Company Merchandise 12.57 Minn. 'Western R. R. Freight on Fuel Oil 286.82• Western Oil & Fuel Co. Fuel Oil 283.73• H. W. Albrecht & Son Truck Gas 8- Oil 15.24 Horder's Incorporated Office Supplies 2.50• Hutchinson Telephone Co. Telephone 23.70 - W. H. Barber Co. Fuel Oil 285-00' Boulay, Anderson Waldo Co. Auditing 395.00 Western Oil & Fuel Co. Fuel Oil 286.55, Coast to Coast Store Eng. Maintenance .67• Helwig Company Eng. Maintenance 18.14 Arvid A. Persian Office Supplies 1.00. Minn. Western R. R. Freight on Fuel Oil 286.59 W. J. Sharp Installations 15.00' Ralph Hakel Plant Labor 40.43 Lyle Jensen Clerical Work 37.50 There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. -� ecre ary Attest; 'President 1