04-06-1942 HUCMn d 1 Monthly Meeting April 6, 1942 The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at 5300 P. M. at the Light Plant office. All Commissioners were present. The minutes of the meeting of April 41 1942 were read and approved. The following bills were read and approved; Thompson Yards, Inc. A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. J. P. Jensen Martin wdeseloh Ernest Fisher Thompson Yards Peter Juul Minn.- Western R. R. Grinnell Co. Inc. Cooper Petroleum Co. Williams Hardware Co. Paper Calmenson & Co. Cooper Petroleum Co. Minn - Western Railway Co. Paper Calmenson Co. Allis - Chalmers Mfg. Co. Addressograph Sales Coast to Coast Sire W E Reyerson Elmer C. Jensen Am. Locomotive Co. Hartmann's Drug Store Hutchinson Postmaster H P Quade J F Riesberg Fred W Putney Shell OilCompany Ben D. Jerabek Machine Shop Hutch. Dry Cleaners H P Quade Sterling Electric Co. Hutch. Water Dept. American Locomotive Co. H. Channon Company Western Oil & Fuel Co. Chink's Used Auto Parts Troy Laundry Zila Hardware Hutch. Telephone Co. Cus tom Laundry Harry Melendy W A Ostrom Co. Sterling Electric Co. Wallner Printing Co. i85, Extension Equip. 24.95• Extension Equip. 6.47 - Freight charges 1.39. Material Maintenance 7.85• Engine Repair - Express 2.58 - Paint - new bldg. 111.00 - Bldg. Extension 111.60 - Freight - oil 805.38 - Equipment 3.89 - Fuel Oil 274.02. Plant supplies 4.15. Ext. Equipmnnt 2.74 - Fuel Oil 549.08• Freight - oil 808.87- Ext. Equipment 15.92. Maint. Equipment 173.66 - Office Supplies .49- Supplies 25.91 - Legal Services 50.00 - Legal Services 50.00 - Engine Maintenance 105.80 - Supplies 2.65. Box Rental 1.00 - Installations 42-20- Supplies 6.60 - Use of Car 31.00. Lub Oil 22.36 - Shop Work 57.41. Dry Cleaning 23.75 - Installation 3.70 - Supplies 32.26. Water 14.30 - Eng. lea i nt . 5137 Tools 6.20 - Fuel Oil 818.75 - Equipment 1.35 - Plant Supplies 3.96 - Plant supplies 36.84 Toll & Service Charge 5.50. Plant supplies 2.04- Gas & Oil 35-06- Supplies 1.90 - Supplies & Merchandise 43.12• Printing 5.40 1S6 Harry R. Jensen, Treas. Int. Pledge. Orders 2625.00, Milton Andrews Labor 22.40 - The Hilliard Corp. Equip. Maint. 1.53 - Citizens Agency Insurance 179.20 - Kennedy's Uniforms 10.30- There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest; Pres id en