03-12-1941 HUCM150 Special Meeting March 12, 1941 A special meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at 10 :00 A. M. at the Hutchinson City Hall. All members were present. Superintendent Strohmeier, Mr. L. A. Winter of the Buell & Winter Engineering Company and attorneys W. E. Reyerson and Elmer C. Jensen were also present. President Sheppard called the meeting to order and an- nounced that the purpose of the meeting was to open and read bids for construction of the building addition and accessories and f or electric wiring. Bids from the following firms were opened by the Secretary and read by Mr. L. A. Winter. SECTION I. Building Addition & Accessories. John Kratochvil H. N. Leighton Co Dickenson Constr Co Knutson Constr Co Electric Equip Co H. S. Holtze Co Nelson Bros. Constr Co Geo. E. CarlstDom Constr Co New Prague, ''iinn. Minneapolis, Minn. Bemidji, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. Des Moines, Iowa Sioux Falls, Iowa Willmar, t.inn . Mankato, Minn. SECTION II• Electric Wiring. L. A. Kepp Contracting Co H. P. Quade Electric Shop Central Service Co Mankato Electric Co Schneider Electrical Works Commonwealth Elect Co Maier Electric Co Rochester, Minn. Hutchinson, Minn. Fargo, No. Dakota Mankato, Minn. Omaha, Neb. . Minneapolis, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. 63,758.00 58,266.00 51,990.00 55,992P00 58,877.00 54,400.00 47,100.00 45,848.00 3,283.00 3,350.00 3,550.00 2.986.00 3,600.00 3,357.00 2,598 -.00 All bids were accompanied by certified checks in the required amounts. Motion was made, seconded and unamimously carried that Nelson Bros. Construction Company, ! Nillmar, Minnesota be per- mitted to withdraw their bid, at the request of Mr. Nels lvelson a co- partner in the firm. This request was made because of failure on the part of the Nelson Bros. Construction Co. to figure all items in their bid. A sealed bid was submitted to the Secretary at 10105 A.M. by Mr. Magnus Betker, Hutchinson, Minn. President Sheppard polled all bidders as to whether or not there were any object- ions to opening and reading this bid. An objection was made by Mr. L. A. Kepp of the Kepp Contracting Company. Upon advice of attorneys Reyerson and Jensen, this bid-was returned to Mr. Betker, unopened. �J D 1 1 Fj 1 At 1 :00 P. M. a motion was made, seconded and carried that the meeting recess until 2 :00 P. M. March 12, 1941. The Light & Power Commission re- convened at 2 :00 P.M. at the Hutchinson City Hall. All members were present. Mr. L. A. Winter, Supt. Strohmeier and attorneys Reyerson and Jensen were also present. Each of the bidders was given an opportunity to appear before the Commission to discuss their bids. At 6 :00 "P. M. a motion was made, seconded and carried that the meeting recess until 8 :30 P.M. The Light & Power Commission re- convened at 8;30 P.M. at the Hutchinson City Hall. All members were present, Supt. Strohmeier, Mr. L. A. Winter and attorneys Reyerson and Jensen were also present. The following Resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dahl who moved its adoptions RESOLUTION 15 -nZD;u 0 C W 0 (n0�0 Ch 0 _ 0 0 _r CD 0 3(p 0 :3 -0 -n N I N '�� W 0 O � E 0 0 0 Cn vii o = __".o ' o v 3 ` o �CD C.4 CL 0) N ' N BE IT RESOLVED by the Light & Power Commission of the City C:) o of Hutchinson, Minn., that the President of said Commission rn and the Secretary of said Commission be and they hereby are authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of said Comm- ission a contract by and between the said Commission and the Carlstrom Construction Company of Mankato, Minnesota; on the basis of the bid of the Carlstrom Construction Co. of 1$45,848.Ou for the construction of building addition and accessories. All work to be done in strict accordance with the plans and specifications now on file with the Secretary of the Commission. Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Upon roll call all Commissioners voted Aye, whereupon President Sheppard de- clared the resolution duly carried. The following Resolution was introduced by Commissioner o � (D m Thompson who moved its adoption; 3-0 o CD RESOLUTION =3 N 0 BE IT RESOLVED by the Light & Power Commission of the City c E of Hutchinson, Minn. that the President of said Commission o o 0 and the Secretary of said Commission be and they are hereby (n '. authorized and directed to execute in behalf of said Comm - 00) � o ission a contract by and between the said Commission and 0 C °o the Maier Electric Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota, on the 0 0 basis of the bid of the Maier Electric Company of $2,598.00 3 0 for electric wiring. All work to be done in strict accordance � � with the plans and specifications mow on file with.the Secretary w Q for said Commission. ' N O ' N O 0) O 152 Commissioner Dahl seconded the motion. Upon roll call all Commissioners voted Aye, whereupon President Sheppard declared the resolution duly adopted. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried that the certified checks be returned to all bidders except Carlstrom Construction Company of Mankato, Minn. and the Maier Electric Company of Minneapolis, Minn., the successful bidders. There being no further business the Attest; President meeting adjourned. retary 1 C. 1