12-23-2004 EDAMHutchinson EDA Board of Directors Minutes of Meeting Thursday, December 23, 2004 at 7:00 a.m. Members present in bold print: Members: Tim Ulrich Steve Jansick Duane Hoversten Casey Stotts Guests: Tina Vorlicek, Chamber President Staff: Miles Seppelt, EDA Executive Director Jacki Pillatzki, EDA Intern Crystal Foust, EDA Intern Jim Haugen Don Walser Mike McGraw I. Tim Ulrich called the meeting to order at 7:01 a.m. II. Welcome Steve, Mike, and Crystal! III. Approve Agenda IV. Review and Approve Meeting Minutes a. Review minutes of December 3rd, EDA Board meeting. M/S /P: Hoversten, Haugen to approve the minutes from the December 3rd, 2004 EDA Board meeting as written. b. Review minutes of November 17th, EDA Finance Team meeting. M/S /P: Walser, Jansick to approve the minutes from the November 17th, 2004 EDA Finance Team meeting as written. c. Review minutes of November 23rd, 2004 Industrial Park Team meeting. M/S /P: Haugen, Hoversten to approve the minutes from the November 23rd' 2004 Industrial Park Team meeting as written. V. Review December Final Financial Statements — Miles Seppelt gave the following report: • Pg. 1 is the balance sheet for EDA Operations listing the cash available as $132, 679. • Pg. 2, it was noted that the EDA had received a transfer from the city's general fund for $90,000. EDA is over budget in the professional services category due to appraisals, site plans, etc. for various projects. • Pg. 4 EDA currently has a balance of $137,943 for cash available. • Pg. 5 Currently for the downtown loan fund the cash available is $659,566. This balance does not reflect recently approved funds for multiple loans totally about $200,000. The actual cash available is closer to $450,000. M /S /P: Jansick, Haugen to approve the December Financial Statements as presented. VI. Directors Report Miles Seppelt gave the following updates: 1. Liquor Store- The Liquor Store Project Team will be bringing their proposal to expand at their current location to the city council sometime in January. 2. Rix Corner- Miles met with the developer's banker and together they came up with a list that will make the project more favorable. The developer has potential tenants for the first floor. The developer is asking the EDA for recommendations to build either a 2 or 3- story building. The EDA Board agreed to see sketches and proformas to assist in making the recommendations. 3. State Theater- A group from Owatonna came to see the state theater and downtown and was very impressed. They hope to implement some of the same projects in their community. 4. Hutchinson Hotel- The project is progressing. The Chamber has completed the layout for their offices in the front one- third of the building. 5. Streetscaping Project- Miles attended a Resource Allocation meeting where projects for 2005 were reviewed. Currently the streetscape project is scheduled to start after the sesquicentennial celebration. The information that has been presented to the community about the project has been well received. There will be another open house presenting the same information on January 4th at City Center at 5:30 p.m. 6. Spec Building Project- The recently established project team met early this week to determine a meeting schedule and go over the business plan. 7. Cenex Consolidation Project- The city has the appraisals back for the Cenex properties. The project team will be meeting soon to review these appraisals. 8. Business Recruitment Update- Financial Crimes Technology Systems (FCTS) have decided not to relocate to Hutchinson. Miles and Jacki met with a company called Intradyn who may potentially be interested in relocating their facility to Hutchinson. The company produces computer hardware for back -up files for small to medium size companies. 9. Industrial Park- The cost on the Stritesky property is $300. 10. New Member Orientation- New member orientation took place on Wednesday, December 22"d. It was well received. VII. Grant and Loan Applications Storefront Revitalization Matching Grant $5,000 Mark Schierman- 246 Main Street (just south of Hennen's Bldg.) M/S /P: Hoversten, Jansick to approve $5,000 Storefront Revitalization Matching Grant for 246 Main Street. VIII. State Theater- Change in Funding Package • Citizens Bank, SWMF, and Minnesota Business Finance have provided additional funding for this project. The Board recognized that the EDA's position as a lender has changed due to the additional financing. The EDA is still within its lending guidelines with this modified financial plan. A RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO THE FUNDING PACKAGE OF THE HISTORIC STATE THEATER WHEREAS the historic State Theater is a priority project for the City and the Economic Development Authority, and; WHEREAS an open and operating State Theater will contribute greatly to the economic vitality of the downtown, and; WHEREAS the State Theater has been appraised at $1,532,300 as of December 7, 2004 while the total of all loans for the project is $1,207,000, and; WHEREAS the Economic Development Authority's loan is therefore still within 100% of the projects loan -to -value ratio, as required by it's lending rules, and; IN RECOGNITION OF the fact that total project financing has been revised as follows: Source Original Amount Revised Amount Owner Equity $474,000 $576,000+ Citizens Bank $470,000 $670,000 MBFC $282,000 $282,000 Southwest Minnesota Foundation $75,000 $125,000 City of Hutchinson $130,000 $130,000 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Hutchinson Community Development Commission, an EDA, hereby recognizes it's subordinated collateral position and approves this modified funding package. M /S /P: Jansick, Haugen and unanimously passed by the Economic Development Authority Board of Directors. IX. Chamber Update • Tina stated that the position of Administrative Assistant has been filled by Dennis Heckes. The Crow River Quality Council will be hosting a presenter from 3M in January. On January 27th the Chamber will have their annual meeting with Jim Fahey as the host speaker. The Chamber has partnered with the HDA and the mall to promote shopping local with ads in the Hutchinson Leader. X. Other Business • There has been a request for EDA to continue to subordinate their loan to First Minnesota Bank as the McCarthy's refinance their current loan. The Board recognized that the EDA's loan will be continue to be subordinate to the loan at First Minnesota Bank. There was no action taken. 3 XI. Next meeting January 28th, 2005, 7 am. XII. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 8:00 am. Respectfully submitted, Crystal Foust EDA Intern