04-23-2004 EDAMHutchinson HCDC — An EDA Board of Directors Minutes of Meeting Friday, April 23, 2004 at 7:00 a.m. Members present in bold print: Members: Tim Ulrich Bob Windel Jim Haugen Don Walser Duane Hoversten Keith Fischer Casey Stotts Staff: Lisa McClure, Interim EDA Director Susan Rolander, EDA Intern 1. Tim Ulrich called the meeting to order at 7:04 a.m. 2. Review minutes of March 26" `, 2004 EDA Board meeting. M/S /P: Hoversten, Haugen to approve the EDA Board minutes of March 261h, 2004 as written. 3. Review Minutes April 215t, 2004 Finance Team meetings. M/S /P: Fischer, Haugen to approve the minutes from the April 21't, 2004 meeting as written. 4. Review February and March Financial Statements. The Board reviewed the Financial Statements. Tim stated that the Finance Team approved the statements at their meeting. M/S /P: Hoversten, Walser to approve February and March Financial Statements. 5. Directors Report Lisa McClure gave the following report: Lisa and Susan took part in the Community Leadership Development Tour of the Industrial Park on April 22"d. Lisa presented information about the Industrial Park, history of the EDA and services the EDA provides, to the group, and answered their questions. There is a clean -up day scheduled for the Harrington/Merrill House on Saturday, April 24th Members of Historic Hutch and city staff will attend. Lisa updated the Board on the State Theater. Historic Hutch is organizing a grand opening gala for the theater to take place late this summer. The Liquor Store Team has met twice recently to discuss plans for the liquor store. A workshop with City Council has been scheduled for Tuesday, May 11th at 4:00 pm. 6. Staffing issues Lisa stated that Miles Seppelt has returned. He will be moving back to Hutchinson in the beginning of May, and returning to work on May 17`h. Lisa will remain on the job until May 28`h. Susan's internship was to have ended on May 7`h, but that date has been extended to the end of this summer. An internship opening for fall has been posted at St. Cloud State University, and applications will be accepted through May. 7. Hutch Hotel Loan Application Tim stated that a subcommittee of the Finance Team had recommended approval of a $130,000 loan for the Hutch Hotel project. Lisa has received two bids, as required, for each piece of work to be completed with the funds. The building has been gutted, and asbestos removed. The estimated cost for the first phase of the project is $600,000. The Board discussed uses and possible tenants for the building, once it is completed. M/S /P: Hoversten, Stotts to approve a loan for $130,000 for the Hutch Hotel project. 8. Grant program discussion Both the Sign and Awning Grant and Storefront Matching Grant programs were suspended in September 2003. The Sign and Awning Grant was zeroed out by the EDA, but the Storefront Matching Grant retains a balance of $57,605.41. The Finance Team recommended allocating $25,000 to the Sign and Awning Grant program and reinstating both grant programs. Lisa stated that there have been seven requests for grants. The Board discussed the grant programs, and reviewed the grant spreadsheets that Lisa prepared for the meeting. Revisions to the grant applications were discussed. The Board discussed the suggestion of tying grant eligibility to a membership with the Hutchinson Downtown Association, but made no decision to that effect. The Board discussed the potential of contributing to a future downtown lighting project, and determined that reinstating the grant programs would not deter them from participating in the funding of future projects. M/S /P: Fischer, Walser to approve the allocation of $25,000 to the Sign and Awning Grant program, and to reinstate both the Sign and Awning Grant and the Storefront Matching Grant programs. 9. Loan program update Lisa stated that there are no delinquent loans at this time. There had been a minor error with loans for Dostal Electronics and Hassan Valley Lodge /Oddfellows, but the error has been corrected. 10. Downtown Update The Downtown Planning Taskforce has formed a Lighting Committee. Lisa directed the Board to review excerpts from the Downtown Master Plan, in reference to lighting. She gave a recap of the proposed lighting project, which would include sidewalks, signs, and light poles. Downtown property owners would likely be assessed for 20 -50% of the project cost, which was estimated in the Plan at $1.5 million. Decorative items, such as banners and hanging baskets, cannot be included in the assessment. These items would need to be funded by other sources. The Board discussed potential EDA contributions. The current light poles are beyond their safe and useful life. 11. Industrial Park Team Update The Industrial Park Team will meet on Tuesday, April 27th. Lisa has been working on RFP's for the spec building on the Wetherell property. The preliminary plat for this property will be considered by the Planning Commission in May, and then the final plat in June. Dick McClure has expressed interest in developing the north side of the Wetherell property. Annexation of the Stritesky property is also on the agenda for May. Lisa McClure and Steve Madson, Creek Side Compost Manager, went to the Hassan Valley Township meeting to discuss the annexation. It was requested that the city send out a letter to the neighbors of the property and hold an informational meeting regarding the annexation and use of the Stritesky property. The Board discussed access to the Stritesky property. The railroad tracks on the north side of the property are being removed, so that is one possibility for a temporary road. Access from the south has been discussed with 3M, who seemed interested in a future road. 12. Chamber Update Lisa shared a list of information that was supplied by Tina Vorlicek, Chamber President: EAP meeting: April 28 Marketing Workshop: May 7 Dairy Days: June 4 Arts and Crafts Festival: TBA (30th year) Music in the Park to begin soon Chamber Vision is returning to HCVN — Tina will host the first show 13. Other Business Tim stated that permits have been approved for the Hutch Manufacturing expansion. Past issues of landscaping are being addressed. 14. Set next meeting The next meeting was set for Friday, May 28th at 7:00 am. 15. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 8:00 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Susan Rolander EDA Intern