10-31-2003 EDAMHutchinson HCDC — An EDA Board of Directors Minutes of Meeting Friday, October 31, 2003 Members present in bold print: Members: Tim Ulrich Bob Windel Jim Haugen Jeff Haag Duane Hoversten Keith Fischer Guests: Vi Mayer Matt McMillan Marc Sebora Staff: Lisa McClure, Interim EDA Director Jake Wegner, EDA Intern 1. Tim Ulrich called the meeting to order at 7:02 AM 2. Approve Agenda 3. Review minutes of September 26, 2003 EDA Board meeting. Don Walser M/S/P: Fischer, Haugen to approve the EDA Board minutes of September 26, 2003 as written. 4. Review Minutes of October 15, 2003 Finance Team meeting. M/S /P: Fischer, Haag to approve the minutes from the October 15, 2003 Finance Team meeting as written. 5. Review minutes of October 22, 2003 Industrial Park Team meeting. M/S/P: Haag, Hoversten to approve the October 22, 2003 Industrial Park Team Meeting minutes as written. 6. Review Financial Statements a. August 2003 b. December 2002 ADJUST M/S /P: Haugen, Hoversten to approve the August 2003 and the December 2002 adjusted financial statements. 7. Directors Report Lisa gave the following report: 1 A. State Theater Lisa stated that Red McMonagle hopes to close on the State Theater sometime next week. B. Elk River Visit Lisa stated that Jake has been researching cities that have implemented successful business incubator programs. Many cities are studying Elk River's business incubator. Lisa stated that she and Jake will be going to meet with the Elk River EDA and tour their incubator facility on Thursday, November 13tH C. EDA Website Lisa stated that she and Jake have been working on updating the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development's community profile for the City of Hutchinson. Lisa stated that she and Jake are also working on developing a shortened version of the community profile for the Hutchinson EDA website. 8. Hackbarth request/Kirkpatrick request Mark discussed the issues regarding the Hackbarth and Kirkpatrick requests. M/S /P: Haag, Hoversten to allocate approximately $5,516.00 to resolve the current issues with Hackbarth and Kirkpatrick. 9. Grant Fund The issue of whether the EDA should continue to disburse monies through the Grant Fund was discussed. Lisa also discussed a spreadsheet displaying current grant and loan recipients. The Board discussed changing its focus, and using that money for a project instead of sign and awning grants. M/S /T: to table the grant and loan program discussions until the January EDA Board meeting. 10. Loan Fund Update Lisa stated that all of our EDA loan fund recipients are up -to -date in their payments. 11. Southwest Minnesota Foundation request The Board discussed the issue of making a donation to the Southwest Minnesota Foundation. M/S /P: Hoversten, Fischer to donate $4,000.00 to the Southwest Minnesota Foundation. The EDA will serve as a conduit between the Southwest Minnesota Foundation and the City. Jeff Haag abstained. 12. Special Service District Update Matt McMillan stated that 55 of the 124 eligible properties in the district, signed a petition to veto the Special Service District. 35% of eligible properties were needed to defeat the imposed service charge. The Hutchinson Downtown Association is currently discussing its future role in downtown Hutchinson. 13. State Theater Lisa included a sheet outlining the financing for the State Theater. 14. Industrial Park Team Update Tim and Lisa will meet with Diane Gordon. Tim has spoke with her about becoming the new chair of the Industrial Park Team. 15. Chamber Report Vi gave the following report: • November 19`h — Chamber of Commerce Planning Session for 2004. • The Chamber is currently taking applications for awards to be given out at their annual meeting. • Vi also announced the new Board members for 2004. 16. Other Business a. Intern position b. Communications a. Lisa asked the Board whether they would like to continue with the Internship program. The Board stated they would, but need to see the budget first. b. Lisa included a letter from the Planning and Zoning Department to Tom Daggett in the packet. It was an FYI for the Board. 13. Set next meeting The next board meeting is scheduled for November 21, 2003 at 7:00 a.m. 14. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 8:30 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Jake Wegner EDA Intern