09-26-2003 EDAMHutchinson HCDC — An EDA Board of Directors Minutes of Meeting Friday, September 26, 2003 Members present in bold print: Members: Tim Ulrich Bob Windel Jim Haugen Don Walser Jeff Haag Duane Hoversten Keith Fischer Guests: Vi Mayer Matt McMillan Marc Sebora Ken Merrill Staff: Jake Wegner, EDA Intern Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator 1. Tim Ulrich called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. Approve Agenda 3. Dave Kirkpatrick Lease Agreement — Marc Sebora Marc Sebora commented on his conversations with Atty. Richard Peterson regarding the issues Mr. Kirkpatrick has regarding his agreement with the EDA on farming the Hackbarth property. He stated Atty. Peterson is asking for a reimbursement of $9,000.00 to Mr. Kirkpatrick for damages in not being able to farm the land that has been planted. Keith Fischer was given a list of expenses from Mr. Kirkpatrick, which totaled $3,182.42. Keith stated his understanding is Mr. Kirkpatrick would like to be reimbursed for the expenses on the list. Marc stated the signed agreement is clear that Mr. Kirkpatrick could lose the lease at any time without reimbursement. Don Walser also reiterated the fact the lease agreement does protect the EDA and City of Hutchinson against any claim. Don stated he would not be opposed to paying some damages to cover the expense items listed by Mr. Kirkpatrick in the amount of $3,182.42. Bob Windel stated he would support reimbursing the out of pocket expenses. Discussion followed on an amount and conditions of the reimbursement stating there must be proof Mr. Kirkpatrick will not be running the land after the reimbursement and it will be plowed under. M /S /P: Haugen made a motion to reimburse Mr. Kirkpatrick an amount not to exceed $3,200.00 with the condition Mr. Kirkpatrick will not be running the land in the future and will plow under the crop. Seconded by Fischer. The motion carried unanimously. EDA Minutes September 26, 2003 Page 2 4. Ratify actions taken at August Board Meeting a. Approve Board minutes from July 25, 2003 b. Approve industrial Park Team minutes from July 23, 2003 c. Approve Finance Team minutes from August 20, 2003 d. Approve $25,000 to be reallocated to Sign and Awning Grant fund e. Approve EDA exploring a Hutchinson Historic Preservation Commission L Approve Kamrath Storefront Matching Grant amended application Duane Hoversten asked to pull item (d) for further discussion. M /S /P: Windel, Haugen to ratify items a, b, c, e and f from the August 22, 2003 meeting. 5. Review Minutes of August 22, 2003 EDA Board Meeting Tim Ulrich commented on the minutes and the item regarding the presentation by Jim Fahey on forming a Hutchinson Historic Preservation Commission. He explained the forming of a Commission is to aid in funding avenues. M /S /P: Windel, Fischer to approve of the EDA Board Minutes dated August 22, 2003. 6. Review Minutes of September 17, 2003 Finance Team Meeting Keith and Tim commented on the MCCF denial of funding to the State Theater project. They stated Mr. McMonagle has obtained funding through Southwest MN. Jake reported Mr. McMonagle hopes to close by mid October. Discussion followed on the appraisal and funding delays. M /S /P: Hoversten, Haugen to approve of the Finance Team Minutes dated September 17, 2003. 7. Review Financial Statements Tim reviewed the expense report for the Hackbarth Property and HKGL There is no financial report this month. The Board will review August and September Financial Statements next month. 8. Director's Report A. Special Services District Bob Windel asked if the total paid to HKGI, is the final payment. Matt McMillan commented on the payments to Rusty by HKGL He reported Mark Koegler stated they would come to Hutchinson if needed at no extra charges. Matt EDA Minutes September 26, 2003 Page 3 commented on the next step and the process for downtown property owners to veto the Special Services District. A letter will be sent next week explaining to the property owners what can be done downtown with the money from the Special Service District. Matt commented on other communities in the country with Special Service Districts. Bob thanked Matt and the Downtown group for their persistence. Tim also thanked Duane and Jim for the Council's support. Discussion followed on the Council response and the Downtown property owners' responsibility. B. State Theater This project is moving forward. C. Liquor Store The Council will review in November. Duane explained there were differing appraisal amounts. Discussion followed on the process of land acquisition. D. Wetherell Annexation Tim reported the annexation process has begun. Bonnie explained the Ordinance for annexation would be on the Planning Commission October 21st agenda. The City Council will act on the annexation on October 28th with the second reading on November 11. After City Council action, the Ordinance for annexation will go to the State Boundary Adjustments committee on their December agenda. If it is passed by the State, the annexation will be complete in December. E. Historic Preservation Commission Tim will set up a meeting to explore the possibility of organizing a Historic Preservation Commission. F. Hockey Association Brochure It is the consensus of the Board not to advertise in the Hockey brochure. 8a. Allocation of $25,000 to Sign and Awning Grant fund Tim explained the August motion and reported Duane is interested in waiting to allocate the funds until the Special Services District is decided. Discussion followed on the present deficit of $7,937.06 and the possibility of allocating the deficit amount only. Don Walser explained the reasons for allocating the monies in the beginning. There was also discussion regarding outstanding loans and the amounts. M /S /P: Walser, Haugen moved to approve allocating the amount necessary to bring the fund to a $0 balance allowing the present approved grants in the balance (Kamrath and State Theater). If other requests come in, no more money will be EDA Minutes September 26, 2003 Page 4 available at this time. The motion carried unanimously noting members present were: Windel, Haugen, Walser, Fischer and Chairman Ulrich. 9. Control Products, Inc. Tim reported on the visit he, Gary Plotz, Marlin Torgerson and Lisa made to the Control Products plant in Chanhassen. He commented on the type of product made at the plant and what they are interested in at a new location. Tim stated the next step would be to clarify the square footage they are looking for and the cost. 10. Industrial Park Team Update Tim stated the team did not meet in October. Ken Merrill commented on the State Theater financing package and the shared position with the City and Southwest MN Foundation. Tim moved to share the position with Southwest MN on the Theater, if not, the EDA will subordinate the position to Southwest MN. Seconded by Mr. Haugen the motion carried. The following members were present: Windel, Fischer, Haugen and Ulrich. Ken also commented on frustrations in communicating with MCCF and their process. He stated the Board and Finance Team should visit with them on the communication with property owners and the City. There was consensus of the Board to discuss this at the October Board meeting. 11. Chamber Update Vi gave the following report: • Arts and Crafts was successful. • The Leadership Program and Quality Council have begun. 0 We will be live on Agri Talk, which is nationwide. • 2004 plans are underway. 0 Christmas ornaments are here. This year's ornament depicts Ridgewater College. 12. Other Business None 13. Set next meeting — October 31, 2003 at 7:00 a.m. 14. Adjourn — The meeting adjourned at 8:25 a.m.