04-03-2002 EDAMHutchinson EDA Special Meeting of the Board of Directors Minutes Wednesday, April 3 Members present in bold print Members: Tim Ulrich Bob Windel Don Walser Jeff Haag Keith Fischer Staff: Christie Rock, EDA Executive Director 1. Tim Ulrich called the meeting to order at noon. Jim Haugen Duane Hoversten 2. Consideration of acquiring the Marvin Hackbarth property for the purpose of expanding the industrial park via condemnation. Tim Ulrich explained the purpose of the special meeting. Tim indicated that he and Christie attended the City Council's Leadership Team meeting the previous Tuesday, and the council members in attendance recommended that the EDA pass a formal motion requesting that they move forward with acquisition of the Hackbarth property via condemnation. Tim explained that previous discussions have made it clear that city staff prefer the Hackbarth property to the Stritesky property for industrial park expansion, primarily because of the availability of city services, and the ability to stage growth in this area. Furthermore, several council members felt uncomfortable getting an option on the Stritesky property for the sole purpose of using it as a bargaining chip with Marvin Hackbarth when the EDA has no real intentions of acquiring the property for industrial park expansion. After further discussion regarding the size of the parcel and expected cost Jeff Haag made a motion. The motion reads as follows: The EDA hereby formally requests that the Hutchinson City Council proceed with the acquisition of the Marvin Hackbarth property in full or in part through negotiation or condemnation for the purposes of expanding the industrial park. The following reasons were given to support the motion: 1. There is insufficient land for future industrial growth. 2. The EDA identified industrial park expansion as its number one priority during its 2001 strategic planning process. 3. Previous negotiations by the EDA have not resulted in a reasonable price for the property based on comparable land sales and an appraisal completed by Robinson Appraisals in 2001. 4. The location of the property is best suited for contiguous expansion of the existing industrial park. 5. The City Council recently guided this property for industrial use when approving the city's Comprehensive Plan. 6. The Directors of Engineering and Planning and Zoning have indicated an ability to serve this property with city services more affordably and sooner than other property considered. 7. Servicing this property brings sewer and water closer to the proposed development on Highway 7 East. 8. This property will allow the city to take advantage of its investment in Fifth Avenue. 9. This property will allow the city to bring services to the Wetherell property acquired several years ago. 10. The soil conditions of this property are more conducive to development compared to other property considered. 11. Acquisition of this property will allow the city to stage industrial park development. Bob Windel seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed. 3. The next meeting is scheduled for April 26, 2002 4. Adjournment A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Executive Director, Christie Rock