01-25-2002 EDAMHutchinson EDA Board of Directors Minutes of Meeting Friday, January 25, 2002 Members present in bold Print Members: Tim Ulrich Bob Windel Jim Haugen Don Walser Jeff Haag Duane Hoversten Keith Fischer Chamber Rep. Vi Meyer Staff: Christie Rock, Executive Director and Matt Jaunich, EDA Intern John Rodeberg, City Engineer and Julie Wischnack, City Planner 1. Tim Ulrich called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. Review and Approve Minutes from October 26, 2001 meeting Don Walser made a motion to approve minutes from October 26, 2001. Bob Windel seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed. 3. Consideration of financial statements from November and December 2001. It was mentioned that payments were made to HKGi and Brent Reiner over the past two months. Duane Hoversten made a motion to approve the financial statements for November and December 2001. Jeff Haag seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed. 4. Consideration of one motion agenda Someone mentioned a separate line item, if action needs to be taken. Bob Windel made a motion to approve the one motion agenda. Jim Haugen seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed. 5. Election of officers The board decided to stay with the existing structure. Listed below are last year's officers. President — Tim Ulrich Vice President — Bob Windel Secretary/Treasure — Jim Haugen Bob Windel nominated Tim Ulrich for President. Jeff Haag seconded the nomination. The nomination passed. Duane Hoversten nominated Bob Windel for Vice President. Jim Haugen seconded the nomination. The nomination passed. Jim Haugen nominated Keith Fischer for Secretary /Treasure. Jeff Haag seconded the nomination. The nomination passed. Year 2002 Officers: President — Tim Ulrich Vice President — Bob Windel Secretary/Treasure — Keith Fischer Don Walser suggested that the officers of the EDA serve as the officers of the HCDC. A motion was made and seconded to make the EDA officers serve as the HCDC officers. 6. Executive Director's report Christie Rock gave the Executive Director's report. Christie mentioned the achievements from the past year, along with the goals and objectives for upcoming year were at the end of the board packets. Christie also mentioned the new newsletter would be coming out shortly. She also told the board about here meeting with Culvers. Culvers is looking to bring a restaurant to the Hutchinson area. 7. Consideration of application to the Sign and Awning Grant Program There were two applications to the Sign and Awning Grant Program. Aveyron Homes, the owner of the property located at 133 2nd Avenue SE, is seeking $2,000 for a new sign in the front yard of their building. This application was denied at the Finance Team meeting. Bob Wendel made a motion to deny the Grant to Aveyron Homes based on the Finance Team's decision. Jim Haugen seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed. Steve Barton, the owner of Aquaria Pets, is seeking $200 for work on his sign. Mr. Barton provided one bid. The Finance Team waived the minimum $500 fee, but asked Mr. Barton to do some more extensive work. There was some discussion among the board members about whether or not we want to give Grants out to people that are under the $500 minimum. Bob Wendel made a motion to deny the Grant to Steve Barton on the basis that it does not meet the $500 minimum. Jeff Haag seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed. 8. Consideration of applications to the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program There were two applications to the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program. George Quast, the owner of Cindy's Floral Shop and the old Funeral Home, is seeking $17, 060 for rehab work at both places. Mr. Quast provided two bids. Keith Fischer made a motion to approve the Loan to Mr. Quast. Jim Haugen seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed. Jerry Jones, the owner of Fabricare, is seeking $7,625 for work on his building (the roof). At the Finance Team meeting this was a last second add -on by Tim Ulrich and no financial information was present. The Finance Team approved the Loan to Mr. Jones on the basis that he presented his financials, and that he filled out the application for the loan. Christie received all of this. Jeff Haag made a motion to approve the Loan to Mr. Jones. Keith Fischer seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed. 9. Should the Hutchinson EDA participate in organizing and facilitating the establishment of a countywide economic development organization? Duane Hoversten made a motion to move forward with a countywide EDA. Jim Haugen seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed. 10. Review draft of the city's Comprehensive Land Use Plan update. Julie Wischnak, John Rodeberg, and DSU presented the Comprehensive Land Use Plan update. Jay Blake, from DSU, gave a synopsis of the existing land use and the proposed land use. • On February 19th and the 201h, there will be an open house from 3 -5 to discuss the Comprehensive Plan. 11. Industrial Park Expansion Tim Ulrich began the discussion. He mentioned that the Hackbarth property is selling for $23,000 an acre. Tim also went on to say that we have $570,000 in TIF funds. Tim also mentioned that the Stritesky property is selling for $6,200 an acre for 80 acres. John Rodeberg then talked about infrastructure. John mentioned that it was cost at least $400,000 to get sewer and water to the Stritesky land, and at least $200,000 for roads. John also mentioned that both the Stritesky and the Hackbarth properties were comparable in soil type and buildable area. The board decided to take an option out on the Stritesky property for 120 days. Duane Hoversten made a motion to proceed with the option on the Stritesky property. Duane mentioned that if we were to get an option we would call a special meeting. Jim Haugen seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed. 12. Presentation on the evaluations received on the HCDC annual meeting. Matt Jaunich gave the presentation. Matt mentioned that on a scale of ten, the annual meeting received an 8.5 overall. 13. Chamber Report Vi Meyer gave the Chamber Report. Vi had three things to report on. ➢ The Chamber's annual meeting will be held on February 51i ➢ The Agri Talk Show will be held on March 22nd ➢ 75% of spots for the Arts and Crafts Festival have already been filled. 14. Other Business Julie and Christie met with the SWMN Foundation on possible sites for them to relocate too. 15. Next meeting date is for February 22, 2002 16. Adjournment A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting